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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    When I had my surgery done, I knew I wanted it and it was almost a life or death decision for me. I wanted a life that did not include bad knees, breathlessness and diabetes. I was so embarrassed of my weight that I never went outdoors. For me it was a no brainer. I paid as quick as I could. I had a rough ride in the beginning but I am over it now and away and pacing. I am so happy with my choice. I cant make your fears go away but I can show you some more success stories. Go and look at the before and after threads. They go back 20 years and give wonderful motivation. Millions of people have had this done and very few of them have problems. I don't know the numbers. All I can say is if you have doubts, wait until you are 100% ready. You know when you know !
  2. 1 point
    The Traveler

    May Surgery Buddies

    Hi All, Currently, my surgery is scheduled for May 3rd. I was wondering if there were any other people on a similar timeline who I could buddy up with for support and discussion. It will be covered by the insurance IF the results of my sleeping test were negative. I find that out on Thursday. Then the surgery is a go ahead for the 3rd. I am anxious about both.
  3. 1 point

    First Appointments Today!

    Initial appointments today! Meeting with my Bariatric surgeon at 10:30 am, appointments with the dietician and exercise specialist after!!!! I’m so anxious, excited, nervous. Ready to do this, been waiting a long time. The health issues have piled on as of late and my weight keeps climbing. Starting weight today of 284.2 pounds, height 5’1” and BMI 53.7.
  4. 1 point
    If you've accepted the risk then you wouldn't be prepared to beat yourself up for making a decision that resulted, completely out of your control, in a less than positive outcome. Accepting the risk means making the best of any result. I don't think you realize it but you are loaded with conflict, the result of which is you can't win: "I have been blessed with good health, despite obesity" except: "I want to get healthier, " and "I want to be able to exercise without getting so winded," and " I had to run to catch a plane a few weeks ago and I just couldn't keep up with my family," and " I want to be able to roll over in bed without it causing earthquake motion", and " I would love to get off of my CPAP." Are you "healthy" or not? pick one. Then there is your selfish desire to "My husband and I go to Disney all the time and I would like to take them [the Grandkids]" You've talked yourself into a fine no-win scenario: You talk about surgical horror stories you've read that lead to death, stroke, being sick forever. Not unsurprisingly these are also major complications of morbid obesity. You can kick yourself for getting surgery and not getting surgery! Which path will you regret more? Trying and failing or not trying at all. My philosophy is that the path I choose will work out for the best. It's this philosophy or living in regret. Good luck, Tek
  5. 1 point
    The best thing to do is to stay off of the scale for a while in the beginning. Stalls happen to most people. This video explains the science behind "The Dreaded Stall."
  6. 1 point

    On the losers bench

    Thank you ShoppGirl. Doing that did let the air out of my tires. Didnt get much sleep last night. Yes, you are right.. the start of a new life awaits. I will update you with my progress afterwards.
  7. 1 point

    Lab orders without doctor

    yup. and quest diagnostics as well has their own lab test. they have like 40ish test. So the difference with this website i linked called walk in labs. they have thousands of test. Beyond what quest or labcorp offer from their website. One test i wanted last year was a triponin test (indicates possible heart attack or heart damage) and the test is from lab corp and i asked lab corp if i could buy the test and they said not directly thru them. So i got it from one of those websites like walk in labs and got the test done.
  8. 1 point

    Is this normal?

    I did, and they actually told me my Baclofen can be crushed, my Lexapro can be crushed, my Oxy can be crushed, and my Omeprazole and Gabapentin can be opened and mixed with liquids or applesauce. That only left me with 2 pills, and even though the crushed meds were NASTY, it was SO much better this morning!!! Taking the 2 pills was still uncomfortable but definitely more doable than taking 7. I still have pain, but I think it's more residual now, and it's a lot less. So THANKS!!!!!
  9. 1 point
    In the beginning you are eating very small portion sizes & can only sip so you have to drink every couple of minutes. I certain,y didn’t & wasn’t encouraged to eat every 30minutes but only three times a day . (You are advised not to drink 30mins before or after you eat. Maybe you confused the eat every 30mins???) And yes it sometimes can be a struggle to meet your fluid & protein goals every single day but you’ll work out ways around this. It all improves & gets easier. By around month 3 I ate three meals a day & one or two snacks one of which was a high protein yoghurt (15-22g protein) to ensure I got all my protein in. Some continue to have a protein shake which counts as fluid as well as protein. By the time you are in or close to maintenance your portion sizes will have increased to being about the recommended portion size for all food for an adult e.g. 3-4ozs of meat & you’ll be able to do more than just sip. Some say they can get back to drinking whole glasses in one go. Everyone should be drinking 2L/64ozs of fluids a day & everyone should be consuming about 1g of protein per kg of body weight (multiply your weight in pounds by 0.36). Doesn’t matter if they’ve had weight loss surgery or not so it’s not something special to us. By maintenance, If you eat three meals a day, with about 15-25g protein each, you’ll be getting about all the protein you’ll need +/-. Age, activity level, gender does affect the amount you will need of course. Of course while losing we’re given a specific protein goal to compensate the restricted diet. Check out this protein calculator for when your weight has stabilised: https://www.nal.usda.gov/human-nutrition-and-food-safety/dri-calculator Oh & I’m almost 57 & days out from my 3 year anniversary.
  10. 0 points
    I know right and I am allergic to bananas and mangoes. They are in everything these days

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