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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    7 months post op

    well I started this journey with spinal stenosis, at 341 pounds, my back hurt so much, i thought i was going to have to retire, i could only walk about one hundred yards, then i hurt so bad, i would need to sit down, my feet were swelling, i was taking all kinds of medicine, now, I only take flowmax, older male guy drugs, and that's it, My arthritis is almost gone, I can walk two miles no problem, blood pressure good, feet don't hurt. now I'm down to 255, my weight loss has slowed, but now wearing XL shirts not 3 and 4 Xl, pants size 48 to size 40. if My skin was removed, I would be a 38 waist here is me now, I am full of life again
  2. 1 point

    Tricare Select

    tricare select requires that you have proof that You were unsuccessful with non-surgical medical treatments for obesity. Your medical records must show your failed attempts. Diet programs, such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, are acceptable methods of dietary management, as long as there are monthly clinical visits with your doctor and medical documentation of your participation and your progress throughout the course of the dietary program. Is that maybe what they want to know or did you already provide that?
  3. 1 point

    Weight gain

    how is your eating? Do you exercise at all?
  4. 1 point
    Sleeving It Reel

    Looking for a Pal

    HI there! Sounds like we have similar paths. I was banded in 2010 and lost 80+ pounds. It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I kept the weight off for more than 10 years before I started having issues with the band a couple of years ago. It was either too tight or not tight enough. Sadly, without a functioning tool, I gained quite a bit of weight. I had my Lapband removed in April 2021 with hopes to convert to the gastric sleeve a month later. Long story short, my insurance denied the conversion and it took almost a year and a couple of appeals to get the denial overturned. Fast forward to today, my gastric sleeve is approved and scheduled for 4/27. I am so looking forward to getting my tool back so that I can get back on track and live my healthiest life That is great you have lost 85 pounds! Have you been able to maintain the loss all this time? It sounds like your surgeon is removing your band and converting to bypass all in one surgery, is that right?
  5. 1 point

    Answers for a Newbie?

    1) A couple of weeks after surgery the scales began to move. There's a lot of water retention post-surgery, which throws a lot of people off. Best advice is to just ignore the scale while you're still healing from the procedure. The weight is definitely coming off, but there's some adjusting your body needs to do. It's been through a lot! 2) I had no appetite right after surgery and was on liquids, so I really can't recall anything that I honestly loved. I couldn't tolerate sweet things, so any liquid savoury soup (like a simple miso) was appreciated. Unsweetened matcha lattes made on protein fortified soy milk also kept me happy. 3) It took a good month for me to recover (I had a hernia repair with my bypass). Once the pain had finally gone and things settled in, I began to feel better pretty quickly. The first big improvement honestly came from having quit sugar from the pre-op diet onwards. By about week 3, my skin was clear and I really noticed how much better I was feeling. No more headaches. 4)The trick with exercise is to pick something you enjoy. There's no point joining a gym if you don't enjoy gym fitness. The best exercise is the one you'll actually do. I personally love the gym, it's my happy place so I don't need to motivate myself to go because I look forward to it. Find what gives you pleasure. It might be swimming, riding a bike, or just walking (great time to pop on headphones and listen to a podcast or audio book). There's honestly a fitness activity out there for everyone. Set aside the time for yourself and enjoy it.
  6. 1 point
    joanie pony

    Looking for a Pal

    no date yet. my husband and i are both having bypass, and have requested for the same day or close to it. Our adult twins agreed to help us out for the first week. we have all our clearances finished. Our first appt with the surgeon was in october. We are still doing our monthly nutrition class and weigh-in. we are in fairmont. How is everything going with you?
  7. 1 point

    Trying again...

    Hi all, my name is Carrielee and I am 31 years old. I have battled being overweight / obesity since I was a young child and I’ve finally gotten the courage to taking the steps toward a healthier self. At 31, I’m 5 feet tall and weigh 278 pounds, at a BMI of 54.29, it’s time to do this. I suffer from a myriad of weight related health conditions and fear an early death if I don’t take control of my weight and health. I suffer from acid reflux, hypertension, high cholesterol, Type II diabetes, arthritis, limited mobility, chest pain/angina, sleep apnea, liver disease...I’m slowly killing myself and I’m tired of it. Any tips for a first consult with a WLS surgeon? My appointment is on April 25.
  8. 1 point

    Trying again...

    Ask a lot of questions about your health issues and what could change after have a written list so you don’t forget to ask, I had my surgery 4/8 researched for 5 years and finally started the journey in October 2021 I had a lot of questions
  9. 1 point

    Kept it Quiet?

    Nobody knows except my husband.
  10. 1 point

    For 40 , 50, 60 plus bandsters

    Whilst I was figuring out how to zoom on my camera phone yesterday - out in the bright sunlight - I accidentally snapped a picture of my face, taken upwards from waist level. Sheeeeeeeit. I take back EVERYTHING I have ever said against cosmetic surgery. I'm going to start a fund - who's the first to donate?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
