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  1. 6 points
    I'm 6 months post op this week. Surgery day, I weighed 310 and this week I was 245 - so minus 65lbs in 6th months and it feels surreal! I'm also down 87lbs from my heighest weight last May (trying to push for an even 90 by the time my "Get serious about weight loss" anniversary rolls around). What an accomplishment in and of itself! But as many of y'all know, a lot of this goes beyond the scale, so I'm about to talk about labwork and measurements! Labwork/Blood Health I ran comprehensive pre-op, simple 3 month, and comprehensive 6 month labs. Here are those results! Pre-Op Vitamin D was a dismal 15. I've taken a daily 5,000 supplement since starting vitamins and I'm now close to 70. Normal Range. A1C went from 6.1% pre-op to 5.4% six months out. Normal Range. Pre-diabetes off the table. Fasting Glucose went from 121 pre-op to 103 at 3 months to 80. Normal Range Cholesterol (total) went from 265 to 226 to 221. From high to borderline, but vastly improved. LDL from 195 to 166 to 153. From high to borderline high. All other labs were normal range prior to and post op. Added blood health bonus: Taken off my Blood Pressure Medication completely. Measurements (in inches) Waist from 50 to 39.5 Right Thigh from 36.25 to 28.75 Left Thigh from 36.5 to 26.75 Hips from 69 to 52.5 Right Bicep from 18.5 to 14.5 Left Bicep from 18.25 to 14.25 Chest from 49.5 to 40 Neck from 15.25 to 13.5 Roughly a size 3x/4x, 22-26W to a about a 1x/2x, 14-16W Moving Forward I'm looking forward to what the future holds. I'm so happy with my progress so far! We often get hung up on the scale, but there is SO much more at play here. Be sure to track all your progress!
  2. 2 points

    Day Of Surgery

    Before surgery, I was put on clear liquids for one day, and NPO (nothing by mouth) after midnight the day of surgery. I was also given a bottle of CHG (chlorhexidine gluconate, a strongly antiseptic wash) and told to wash twice with a washcloth and plenty of it. It made my skin feel "slippery". The night before surgery, a nurse called to go over things with me and ask questions about allergies, etc. She also answered questions I had (and I had a lot). The day of surgery, I reported to the hospital. I'd done all my check-in paperwork before so just had a few minutes at reception/intake. Then I was sent to a waiting room, given a brain-swab Covid test, and called when my slot in the OR was ready. I changed into that super sexy gown, was washed again, and my stomach was shaved (I'm a dude). They gave me some pills, including an anti-nausea medication and some Tylenol. They also put a seasickness patch behind my ear. I met the surgeon, who asked a bunch of questions, then the priest (just pro forma), then the anesthesiologist, with more questions. They started an IV in me. My fiancé was allowed to stay with me as my "interpreter" since I am hard of hearing and have trouble communicating with masks. I was rolled out and in the operating theatre there were the anesthesiologist, his resident, the surgeon, his resident, two nurses. I had given permission for my operation to be broadcast to medical students (how will we get new doctors unless we let new doctoral candidates see what they need to know?) so there was a camera. The anesthesia was started and the next thing I knew I was in my recovery room with my fiancé by my side. I was EXTREMELY sleepy and kept nodding off. There was food brought but I only managed a few sips and actually fell asleep with my spoon in the broth. I was discharged twelve hours after I arrived and went home and slept.
  3. 2 points

    Surgery may 2nd

    It gets easier after about 4-5 days. I am on day 10 of 14 of my pre op diet. but if you got unhealthy stuff at home, get rid of it. Its too much temptation lol. and keep busy so you are not thinking about food.
  4. 1 point
    I did a revision from VSG to RNY two years ago. I NEVER had GERD before.. but I have it now!!!! My throat feels swollen all the time. I have appt to get upper GI imaging, but I'm kind of freaking out in the meantime. I'm on pepcid and omeprazole and it's BARELY allowing me to eat/function normally.
  5. 1 point
    So I had a stall. An eight-week-long stall. And I'm pretty close to my goal weight, so I figured maybe this was it... they say N% of your excess body weight, and I'm way past that N%, so this must be it, right? I know it seems early (seven months out), but maybe my body's reached its new set point. Yay, no more meds, yay, normal sized clothing from the middle of the size range, not the top end and oh please God let it fit. So I bought a bunch of new clothes. I've been wearing hand-me-downs and Goodwill thrifting specials for months now, and I wanted some new clothes. I had some belts made, too. Finally I can start to look like an adult! Ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. My body decided, over the last week and a half, to lose NINE POUNDS. The clothes I bought are too big. Fortunately some of them still have the tags so I can exchange them. But I guess I needed to do this in order to get things moving again. LOL.
  6. 1 point

    expected weight loss curve

    What I am about to say is a general rule. You are two weeks out from surgery. Within the next few weeks, you will hit a weight loss stall. It will last 2-3 weeks and will be very frustrating for you. Just keep doing what you know to do and you will break through the stall. After you come out of that stall will be the quickest weight loss of the entire process. You will lose the most weight between months 3 and 6. There will come a time anywhere between 8 and 18 months that the weight loss will begin to slow down. You will experience more stalls and you will not lose as quickly when you come out of the stalls. Then there will come a time when you stop losing weight and even gain some back. For example, a co-worker had the sleeve about 6-7 yrs ago. He told me that he bottomed out at 175 pounds, but now he is at 195-200 (down from 330, I believe). As other people have said, there is no good way to say, "I've lost 7.9%, but I am supposed to be at 9.8% by now." Everyone is different. But that is the general trajectory that you should expect.
  7. 1 point

    Carbonated drinks

    this is a good video to watch on it (until someone actually answers your question)
  8. 1 point
    Yes I really enjoy it the first time I got it I got it with one less scoop of matcha just to see if I like matcha because I never had it before but once I tried it I was hooked I began getting it with how many ever scoops come with the size I order. I like it because it’s not as acidic and it gives me the boost I need. I am not a big Starbucks fan I think they are overpriced I am a Dunkin’ donut girl when it comes to coffee but I fully support Starbucks matcha lemonade. I will probably get one today lol. Give it a try
  9. 1 point
    I do this a lot. I think how lucky and blessed I am to have good insurance that approved me right away, a wonderful support system, and doctors that really listen and want what's best for me and advocate for me. Any time even a sliver of worry creeps in, I remind myself of that, and I think about how healthy I used to be and how I'm a heartbeat away from getting my life back, and everything disappears. I'm left with excitement, joy, and gratitude. I know there are so many that want to be where I am and can't be. I'll never take that for granted.
  10. 1 point
    I'm more than a year out and have regained that 15 pounds too. I know its common but after so many years spent watching the scale go up and up - I cant help but worry that 15 pounds will turn into 20 then 25 then next thing I know I'm back to my surgery weight! psst... my ticker is also a lie! It says I'm at 130 but I'm really at 143. But its been a while since I've messed with it and cant remember how to change it. Not that I'm trying too hard 😳 So what I decided to do was track my food again. And join a gym. I figure if I'm going to spend the time and money to work out I dont want it to go to waste by over eating or eating unhealthy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
