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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point


    I was called the other day and told i have an interview with the surgeon to see if i am a " good canidate " for surgery " seeing i have never been through this process before will i be approved , what are my chances i would hate to have him\her say Mr. Cooper I'm sorry but you don't qualify for surgery.
  2. 1 point


    Some people say that hot beverages such as tea help when they are hungry.
  3. 1 point
    I'm struggling with internalized fatphobia. I am getting much better as I've lost weight, actually. I was bullied growing up, and my grandmother, whom I loved more than anyone, would tell me I had "such a pretty face"... which we all know is code for you're fat. I had a guy break up with me (after I had lost 100 lbs) because I wasn't his ideal body type. Now I'm terrified to even consider dating. (Although there are a lot of issues there...) My family and friends have always been supportive, but my mom always has been a bit of a "concern troll." ("I'm scared for you!")
  4. 1 point

    Kept it Quiet?

    Nobody knows except my husband.
  5. 1 point
    I'm not sure about medical tourism surgeries in other countries, but in the US we're under general anesthesia. I've never heard of any other type of asesthesia used for this type of surery.
  6. 1 point

    Yes, you can eat out after surgery

    I concur with @lizonaplane. You can eat out, if you do it smart. 1. If you know where you are going to be eating (i.e. a friend is having a birthday party at Restaurant X on Friday), then study the menu in advance. Find the right meal for you. 2. If you are just coming off surgery and don't have a ton of stomach space, order something ala carte. About a month after my surgery, my wife and I went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I ordered a single scrambled egg and a small side dish of grits. Also, don't be afraid to order off the kids menu, especially if it is a restaurant that offers healthy kids options (like grilled chicken). 3. Always eat your protein first, followed by veggies. 4. Again, lizonaplane is right: make the substitutions work for you. If they charge extra for it, Tim Ferriss says that you should consider those charges as your Six Pack Tax (the tax you willingly pay to develop a six pack).
  7. 1 point

    Fruity or Sweet-smelling urine!

    It could also be from your vitamin. Mine makes my pee smell weird.
  8. 1 point
    My mother and aunts and older female cousins (and my PCP) are/were the only ones that talked to me about my weight gain…at least to my face. They never actually called me fat, but did say things like “maybe you should lose some weight”, “oh you’ve gained weight”, “you are bigger than the last time i saw you”, “you are eating too much”, etc etc. In the case of my PCP, he said stuff like “losing weight may help alleviate x” It was annoying, but i chalked it up to busy-bodiness on my family’s part at least. But i will say i got like 50x more comments than i ever got to my face about needing to gain weight, looking sick, not eating enough, being too skinny in the one year after WLS than i did about being fat in the 10-ish years i was overweight. And from a wider range of people, including stangers. Which was equally annoying. Mind you these same family members say other stuff too like: “oh i think its time to dye your hair, i see greys”, “you look tired, do u have any makeup on?”, “your forehead wrinkles are showing”, “your legs aren’t the best for miniskirts”. 🙄 I just nod/change subject. People suck. Let it roll of u, if u can. P.S. My legs are awesome for miniskirts, thankyouverymuch.
  9. 1 point
    Pastor Tracy

    Please help !

    Yeah, sugar free pops do work. Also, I dilute my juice.... Dilute apple juice with spring water and freeze them in an ice tray. Talk about refreshing
  10. 1 point
    Poor advice. Everyone reacts differently. Just because procedure X didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for someone else. Conversely, just because procedure Y *DID* work for you, it doesn't guarantee it will work for anyone else. Even if you do your due diligence and your medical team is capable, there will always be a small percentage of people that have unforeseen side effects or complications to any procedure. While it is unfortunate to fall into that percentage, that doesn't invalidate the procedure.

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