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  1. 2 points
    So I am almost at the end of my 4th month and it seems I am getting full lot faster than before 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like the amount, I was able to eat, now I can't as much. Before I was okay eating around 0.75 cup (half of it is usually yogurt) but now I feel stuffed with the same level, so I have reduced the portion size a little to may be 0.5 to 0.6 cup or incorporate less solid and more semi solid like yogurt (which I usually have with every meal for my protein as a vegetarian eater). I don't know if anyone has experienced similar trajectory. Not sure if I should be concerned? Because I am studying, I am not as active. I do make sure to walk about 45 mins to an hour a day but that's mostly my activity other than some chores here and there. So I can't eat more than 3 to 4 meals a day and calories have kinda reduced too (between 600 to 800). I don't know, guess I am rambling but I am unable to eat as much to increase my calories. My dietician said usually patients on our program are around 1000 calories around 6 months mark, so I think I am alright but if I feel stuffed, I can't manage to eat much.
  2. 2 points

    Mad at myself

    Good advice here. It sounds like you're ready to start your journey again. I hope you are healing and continue to heal from those big losses. Your plan sounds excellent - as MGBD says, head first. Keep telling us here how you're getting along - we will all be rooting for you. I believe that in no time at all you'll be shedding your weight and claiming your new life. Good luck x
  3. 1 point

    Lactose Intolerant

    So I am a dairy lover and thought it would be a good idea to try and get some protein in by drinking some milk… boy did I regret that later that night! I had major bloating and gas pain that I had to take Tylenol for just to get comfortable. Is this a common thing after gastric sleeve and will it go away? I can’t live without my cheese and dairy products, my WI family would disown me! Lol, not really but you know how us Cheeseheads are about our dairy.
  4. 1 point

    Plastics May 10th

    are they doing any muscle tightening? That and the lipo can be a bit painful - but they'll send you home with something for that. I had the whole lower body lift, so it was more involved than what you're getting - so your experience may be different. I used a walker the first couple of days because I couldn't stand up straight - and I also used a wedge pillow for quite awhile. After the first couple of days it was really more uncomfortable than painful - but in the end it was totally worth it. I love the results and would do it again. I didn't do the thigh lift, btw - so I can't speak to that. I had a lower body lift, breast lift, arm lift, and face lift (in three separate surgeries). Lower body lift was the toughest of the three - but again, totally worth it.
  5. 1 point

    3 years post op

    just so you know, a 10- to 20 lb rebound from your lowest weight is VERY common in year 3. I think it's just your body settling in to a weight it feels comfortable at - your new "set point". Of course, you can still lose again if you cut enough calories - but it could be a bit of a struggle if you're fighting against where your body wants to be. I've been dealing with the same thing since year 3 (and here I am in year seven...). different things work for different people. I count calories, which my dietitian hates (she's into "intuitive eating"), but I'm obviously not cutting back enough or I'd be losing weight. It's tough... I know other vets who've done Weight Watchers, Keto, and/or intermittent fasting. Whatever works - some approaches are more effective than others, depending on the person. to respond to your questions (sort of, anyway...), I don't do low carb - but the vast majority of my carbs are the healthy kind (fruit, veggies, whole grains). I have to average around 100 grams of protein a day because I malabsorb it (we discovered this pretty soon after my surgery), and I do manage to get that in every day. Other than protein, it's really just calories for me. If I stay in the 1500-1700 range, I can maintain my weight - but I'd really love to lose 10-15 lbs (!!)
  6. 1 point
    I find it's pretty inconsistent, too. Though it will depend on what I'm eating - any dense foods sit heavy in my gut and I definitely can't eat much. Some days I can eat a cup of food no problems, and other days I start burping and feeling awful if I try to eat a "normal" sized meal. Honestly, 4 months out for me and I was still barely able to eat more than half a cup, so I think you're fine. I was eating between 600 and 800 at the 4 month mark, and really struggling to eat two "meals" a day. I was drinking two serves of protein water daily, so I only had to eat 10g of protein to get over the 60g minimum. It felt pathetic, but it was the best I could do and my Dietician was happy with me so I was unnecessarily hard on myself. Weirdly, once I crossed the 5 month mark I could suddenly eat around a cup. Now I'm getting an average of between 900 to 1000 calories a day. Some days I'm hungry, other days I feel like I did at the 4/5 month mark.
  7. 1 point
    Queen ApisM

    Stalled for 3 Weeks

    This has been so accurate for me! I will drop 10-15 lbs really fast, and then it will slow down/stop for a bit, and then drop fast again. Repeat. I have to give myself a pep talk every time it happens!
  8. 1 point

    Worried and regretting…

    Well the wheelbarrow of poop has found you and dropped its entire load onto your head in one go. I wish I could hug you right now. You sound like you need it. Chin up as we Brits say, Enjoy your husband whilst he is home, make some memories to live on whilst he is away. You have got this, take it a hour at a time if needed and we are here if you need extra support. I have read a few posts on here about buyers regret, mine included. Its a tough time, we are learning a new way to fuel our bodies and its not a simple fix. It took me nearly 9 weeks to be able to drink enough. I survived. I didn't do protein drinks but I did and still drink skimmed milk. I am allowed coffee so 2 large latte every day helps no end. Any liquid adds to your tally, ice pops, coconut water, soup, broth, tea, coffee. I found unsweetened tomato juice did wonders for me [ with a little hot sauce] I was told by my dietician to just get in what I could and things will improve. Just dont fret or worry, stressing gets us nowhere fast .
  9. 1 point
    I am sorry you are dealing with this. I told VERY few people, none of which are my family. For this exact reason.
  10. 1 point
    I'm sorry this is happening to you. You have to do what is best for you and staying positive mentally, will take you far on this journey. I agree with @Hop_Scotch I'd say that and any further negative comments from them, I'd distance myself from them. And if they live with you, I'd walk away and not say a word. With time, they'll see that it's not up for discussion. Put some earbuds in with positive songs that get you in a good mood and take a walk. I have an entire play list of songs that I listen to at the gym when I'm not feeling "strong" it gets me back to where I need to be mentally.

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