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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Worried and regretting…

    Hello all, first post here… I had the sleeve done on 2/23 and I’m really struggling physically and emotionally. I’m not getting the protein or water intake like I should be because nothing is appealing to me. I’m sick of protein shakes, and nothing else tastes good to me. I’m on the puréed diet which I think can be moved to soft food but even that it just doesn’t appeal to me. As for water I am getting roughly 20-30oz a day by sipping which is really hard for me because I’m used to chugging 16 oz bottles at a time. Pre-surgery I was getting about a gallon a day. I feel thirsty all the time and I’m tired because of the lack of protein. I’m just at a loss and really regretting all of this and just want to cry all the time, on top of all this I just found out that my other half is leaving (military) for several months.
  2. 1 point

    How do i relate

    Thank you for the advice i will definitely talk with her next week !😊
  3. 1 point


    I have my pre-op procedures of upper GI and chest X-ray on Tuesday morning and my pre-op primary care physician appointment for clearance on Tuesday afternoon. I’m getting closer! After I had finished my nutritional class requirements at the first of January I thought surgery was imminent as we were told in the doctor talk that we were about a month away. But as I’ve read on here, enjoy the journey. Don’t rush. Be patient. Be gentle. I haven’t been very patient which is very evident by how little I chewed my food! I’ve been working on that. I’m turning 60 this week! I am excited that this milestone and my wls are close together. I feel ready for some good changes. My bmi is 44. I think at my highest weight it was 46. I feel so roly-poly. I want to kick my type 2 diabetes to the curb. I want to be able to be more active without the constant pain in my arthritic knees and ankles. I want to keep up with my two little granddaughters. I want to fit into seats! I am very glad to find this app/support group. My doc said that they had one on Facebook but I’ve given up that so I was glad to find this better alternative.
  4. 1 point
    I doubt it would prevent you from having surgery. It's good for the doctors, and especially the ansesthesiologist (who is charge of your airway and oxygenation) to know prior to surgery about your diagnosis... so that they can take proper precautions prior and during surgery to keep you properly oxygenated.
  5. 1 point

    Constant diarrhea

    may or may not be related to your surgery. May be something like SIBO (bacterial overgrowth in your intestines) - or some kind of inflammatory bowel disease or...whatever. Hopefully they'll be able to figure out what's going on when they do the colonoscopy.
  6. 1 point

    Worried and regretting…

    yes - buyer's remorse is common the first month or so. Many of us have been there. also - yep - many women mention their hormones being out of whack the first few weeks or months. In addition to weird moods, many often experience weird menstrual cycles. All that eventually stabilizes taste & appeal of food - many of us lose that for awhile. It's common to lose your sense of hunger for up to a year after surgery (a small minority never get it back it all - honestly, I wish I would have been one of them - it would be so much easier to lose & maintain my loss!). It's very weird at first, but you get used to it. My hunger came back at five months out, and things got much harder then. It is SO easy to lose weight when you're never hungry and couldn't give a flip about food. Take FULL advantage of that!! It'll never in your life be easier to lose weight than it is right now when you're not hungry and don't care about food!! Just make sure you're eating and drinking enough to maintain your health. So I know this sounds weird, so enjoy that "feature" while it lasts and milk it for all it's worth - because it your hunger and "food appeal" will almost certainly return at some point this year. drinking - you'll be able to drink a lot more as time goes on. I can drink normally again. But for now, just do whatever it takes to get the required amount of fluids in, even if that means sipping all day. Dehydration can land a lot of people back in the hospital...so keep at it!
  7. 1 point
    I am sorry you are dealing with this. I told VERY few people, none of which are my family. For this exact reason.
  8. 1 point

    Other reasons for surgery

    Good to know. I am waiting on the Dr appt. My GI needs to send him his notes etc. But I read a lot about dumping syndrome and not able to eat carbs or get Sick. I want to make sure I’m going to improve n not keep suffering with digestive issues.
  9. 1 point

    Daily Calories

    One thing I try to be really conscious of is avoiding "dieting". I believe fad diets, eating too little, etc... can destroy your metabolism and I think that was part of my problem pre-surgery. Years of yo-yo diets meant my metabolism (aka Calories Out) was destroyed. I am really trying to not do that this time around. I did have a little weight gain over the holidays and am trying to eat around 1700 a day with working out and the little I gained is slowly coming off in what I hope is a healthy way.
  10. 1 point

    Can you show me your food log?

    Meal 1 (0530) (51 cal 6C 2F 2.3P) Espresso with 5 g brown sugar and 2 oz steamed milk Meal 2 (0745) (164 cal 4C 10.6F 13.3P) 1 slice chard and spinach crustless quiche Meal 3 (1000) (164 cal 4C 10.6F 13.3P) 1 slice chard and spinach crustless quiche (liked it so much I ate it twice) Meal 4 (1400) (309 cal 11C 14.7F 32.8P) 2 beef kofte (meatballs) and 1/2 cup puréed pinto beans Meal 5 (1800) (327.2 cal 52.2C 3.3F 20.3P) 1 serving chicken tinga 1/2 cup puréed pinto beans 60 g steamed green beans Persian melon Meal 6 (2030) (130 cal 24C 3F 2P) 1 serving Maria biscuits TOTAL 1310 cal 105.1C 54.8F 97.4P - exactly within my macros per my nutritionist. I am just short of 10 weeks post-op. (Note, before someone jumps in about how that's SO MANY CALORIES—I burn at least 1000 calories a day just in exercise and physical work which I need to do, so it has to get fueled. When I was eating much less, I had no energy and no strength to do things like move hay bales. And I am still in the honeymoon of losing 4-5 lbs. a week.)

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