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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    First I want to say thank you to so many of the veteran posters on here. I hope you gals and guys know how much your experiences and feedback have helped me and I suspect many others. There's just such a fantastic mix of people and experiences - It's great knowing you aren't alone in this journey. The first few months after surgery were easy. The weight was simply falling off, there wasn't anything I couldn't eat or drink - And better yet, I couldn't overeat because of the restriction. I felt fantastic most of the time, had all sorts of NSV's and loved my new life. From August until January I lost almost 50lbs - I was so close to Wonderland I could taste it. THEN reality struck - Suddenly I was one of those "slow losers" - It took almost 2 months to lose 13lbs. UGH, I WAS going to be one of those slow losers. OK, fine, I'm 52 and it is what it is, right? From January until May, I "only" lost 33lbs. Again, every week/month I told myself that I would lose the weight, I was just in some sort of a stall and things would magically pick up. Well, they didn't, I would lose 2-3 lbs and then I would gain 2-3 lbs. Again, "it's normal" I told myself. Fast forward to a week ago - I jumped on here for some motivation (reading stories, etc.) and I took a hard look at what I was doing. Basically, I was being lazy - I was eating whatever I wanted and justifying it by saying "I only eat small portions" - Well, yeah, that was true...BUT I was grazing, I was drinking too much alcohol, and I wasn't tracking. I honetly have no idea how many calories I was consuming (especially on weekends with family and friends). I played mind games with myself and said "As long as I'm not gaining, I'm doing things right." - Well, that was a giant load of (@*$. This past Tuesday (after a weekend of Mimosa's, Crown Royal, and some really great BBQ), I woke up to a 5lb gain (BTW, yes I realize some of that was water retention). WAKE UP CALL. 5lbs? Seriously - Time to go back to basics before that's a 10lb gain. For the first time in MONTHS, I tracked every thing I tracked everything that went into my mouth (water, food, etc) - I did 3 days of liquid - In two days, those 5lbs were off. Rather than what I've done in the past, I didn't stop there - I continued tracking, I continued being cognizant of what and when I was eating. I said "no" to many things that I thought I wanted. I lost 6.8lbs from Tuesday to Sunday. What? I'm NOT a slow loser - I'm a LAZY loser. Folks, for many of us, it's EASY in the first few months, it's EASY to convince ourselves that we're doing OK, it's EASY to compare ourselves to others, it's EASY to ignore signs that you're falling into bad habits, and it's EASY to get lazy. In reality, it's HARD to stick to your plan when you're feeling fantastic and patting yourself on the back for losing so much weight. I'm choosing to be thankful that this happened now rather than 2-3 years into it. I'm glad that reality smacked me in the face and forced me to face the fact that i wasn't doing what I needed to do. Right now it was EASY to get back on track before I let it get out of control. For those of you experiencing the same - Buckle up buttercup, start tracking, weigh yourself often if you need to, and take a good look and when and why you're losing weight and when and why you aren't. Again, a very special thank you to you old timers for always keeping things real and giving out such fantastic advice.
  2. 1 point

    Constipation - Warning TMI

    TMI Me too, been there, done that
  3. 1 point


    I had this problem over the Christmas period. I couldn't get any medication for the whole two week period. I had to sleep sat up for 3 weeks, it was dreadful. I was eventually prescribed anti acid / anti nausea medication. I take it early in the morning in bed so that it lines my tummy before I eat or drink. It solved all my problems. I hope you get sorted soon, contact your team
  4. 1 point


    Hello! Yes, it happened to me a couple weeks after sleeve surgery but it has stopped. I do take Nexium every other day or so. Hope this helps.
  5. 1 point
    I would love to hear about ways you have treated yourself after surgery, or things that you are planning to treat yourself to. Let’s celebrate all the happy things we’re experiencing and the fact that we’re showing up for ourselves! 💕
  6. 1 point
    Clothes! I’m currently stalking an Alexander McQueen suit… OMG it’s amazing!
  7. 1 point
    Taking my own advice - Hold myself accountable. Surgery 10/2020, HW somewhere in the 280's. Low weight 165 ... Current weight 175.... Why? Here's why... Last day tracked January 19th Last regular/daily tracking November 2021 Last day registered weighing - January (I still do weigh almost daily though) Eating/drinking (including alcohol) whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted - "Justified" it by telling myself "It's ok, I can't eat that much of whatever... and I'm drinking low calorie alcohol. All of this equals close to 10lb overall gain in a fairly short period of time. Failing to address it now will simply put me back where I started. If you've been at all successful in this journey, you know what works and what doesn't - Don't lie to yourself and pretend everything is fine and end up with a 20lb gain - Mentally 5 was my threshold and we see how that worked out. For me at least, I don't want to feel ashamed that I worked so hard only to fail in the long run. Today, back on track, I have no doubt that I will fall off the wagon again, but hey... it's a marathon, not a sprint. I WILL track food and drink - even if it's not something on my plan. I WON'T lie to myself. I'll set realistic/attainable goals. I WON'T do anything drastic (for me) like liquids only for x number of days - It isn't sustainable and results with me doing stupid things.
  8. 1 point
    I treated myself with trips/vacations. Able to fit in a standard airplane seat. Able to walk around excursions and hiking. Able to fit in a swimsuit. It was a win/win.
  9. 1 point
    New clothes 😆 and hopefully my dream trip to see the Northern lights, cause now I can fit into thermals 😁 but that will have to wait till the end of travel restrictions
  10. 1 point
    Hi Jake I am a recreation smoker as well. I had stopped smoking 2 months prior to surgery as advised by my doctor. My doctor told me to wait at least three months after surgery before I start back. My surgery was on May 12 2015. I have lost 52lbs so far. My three month period ended last week August 12th. I smoked for the first time this weekend. I had no problems at all it was great I did have the munchies feeling after I just made sure I had some fruit with me ate that and I was fine. Life does not end after you have the surgery like people think. I enjoyed my life just as I did before surgery. I pretty much eat the same food I did before minus soda and fried food. Just a lot less. I still have 40lbs to go before I reach my goal weight. I know I will make it. And will continue getting my little buzz along the way. Good luck

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