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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2022 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Not really a "weird" victory but the constant little voice in my head is gone. I'm not screaming inside about how I need to lose weight and why do I keep doing things like ... eating. I'm not thinking about what I'm going to eat next, or what I just ate and why it was "bad". All the other destructive disordered eating thoughts have just gone away. It's nice and quiet in my head. I like it.
  2. 2 points

    7 weeks post surgery

    Hi , I am 7 weeks post surgery . The surgeon found I had a hiatus hernia which he fixed along with tightening the muscle . One day after surgery I got oesophageal spasms which was extremely painful so they knocked me out by a drip for 4 days until they got it under control. My sleeve seems to be successful but am often still have feelings of faintness , and tiredness. also am wondering if someone can share what and how much they eat during the day . I think I am only getting 400 to 500 calories . I am also suffering from head hunger at night and am nibbling at cashews to try and satisfy it . The weight loss has been good and to have loss this much weight without the sleeve would have been torture and been less than half the weight loss . I don’t regret doing this but sometimes feel it is quite hard .
  3. 1 point

    Abdominoplasty muscle tightening?

    My surgeon explained to me the that the muscle tightening portion of a tummy tuck is to basically sew the gap between the abdominal muscles together. See those six packs on super fit people? Im referring to that vertical line between the “packs”. pregnancy and midsection weight gain push this gap apart resulting in outward bulging. Sewing the gap together give a tighter, flatter look.
  4. 1 point

    Excess skin after WLS

    Ok: obligatory response to the oft-asked question/concern about excess skin: Basically what @Arabesque said above and that you will know how weight loss affects u when u know. There is no real way to guarantee no excess skin other than NOT losing weight…and im sure thats not an option, right? With that said, here was my experience I started off at 235 with a BMI of 43…yep im short. (223 on surgery day). I was healthy/normal sized until about age 30, at which point i steadily gained weight until i got to morbid obesity by the time i got into my 40s. I had surgery when I was 47. I lost my weight relatively quickly, getting down to 127 in 7 months. I lost a few more lbs over the next couple months as settled into maintenance. Ive hovered around 115 (give or take 5 lbs) ever since. This morning i was 118.8 And yep, I had excess skin. But it was literally just that…skin. I had very little fat tissue underneath so I didn’t look so much rolly, than it did crepey/lumpy …it looked crumply-bedsheet-looking. I did get the skin removed when i was 14 months post op via tummy tuck, arm lift and breast lift. As i had very little actual fat, the total weight removed from my body was a measly 400g. To those around me not really paying attention (which was probably almost everyone) the difference before and after PS was not very dramatic, if they noticed anything at all. It just looked like i toned up a little. I felt awesome in a bikini after plastics. But honestly, i felt awesome in that same bikini BEFORE plastics. But don’t get me wrong, i am super pleased i got it done and would do it all again 10 times out of 10. You may find you are quite happy/satisfied with your body after weight loss excess skin or not. Or you can go the plastics route. I’ve seen plastics results on here that are jaw dropping. But thats still a ways down the road for you. Your time and energies are probably better expensed on getting the weight off and changing and adapting to a new lifestyle. Good Luck! ❤️ P.S. For a visual, here is my progress pic covering the first 3 years (im 3.5 post today). You can see the skin situation with and without clothes on the top two rows. The bottom row is after PS.
  5. 1 point

    March 2022 Surgery Buddies

    I was getting ready to order from Amazon when I found them at Walmart. They hadn't previously been there. You might want to double check walmart again because, for me, they were cheaper.
  6. 1 point
    same here - some programs (including mine) are pretty balanced (as opposed to ultra-low carb)
  7. 1 point
    I think I discovered part of my problem, based on what I read from other postes and what others go through at my stage. FOOD DOESN'T BOTHER ME. How can this be??? I guess everyone is different? I don't get pain, I don't feel sick, I don't get nauseous, so I can just eat. It might sound like a dream, but really, it's not. Because if I can eat, I can, well-- eat. and eat whatever I want. And obviously I don't want THAT! It means my control has to come COMPLETELY from my mind, because my body won't stop me. Interestingly, it does protest when I drink a lot, and I do wish it was the reverse. I want to drink! I wish my body protested from food, not liquid. I have a friend who told me before my surgery, "You'll see, you won't even be able to LOOK at the things you liked before. You'll have no inclination to eat them, or graze on things." I was looking forward to that, but it's not the case with me. If I allowed myself to, I could graze on anything all day. These responses were very helpful in giving me a framework, which I am beginning TODAY. (in case you're wondering, my team doesn't really work with this. The nutritionist didn't sit with me and map out a meal plan or anything. Basically she said, you're body will tell you what you can and can't eat. So seeing what others have been eating through the day is helping me form my own meal plan, and hopefully the numbers will start coming down. Because FYI... I haven't been losing weight! I lost 20 lbs between my pre op and the week after, and I've been the same since then, one month out. Not sure how that can be, but the scale don't lie. So thanks for the responses, hopefully this will help me jumpstart.
  8. 1 point
    I’m so happy for you I wanted to cry! I have a seven year old and feel the same way about doing things with him. He told me it’s not fun to play catch with me anymore since now I’m fast and can catch him. I love capturing him and smothering him with kisses!
  9. 1 point
    Nothing too fancy yet, but finally my favorite winter PJ fit loose on me when I avoided wearing them for few years for fitting too snug on me. 🥰
  10. 1 point
    No matter what you look like, everyone is nervous about their body their first time. If you’ve gone through the first couple of bases, so to speak, he’s felt what your body is like and he’s still interested. My advice is candlelight and ask him for a massage: everyone looks better by candlelight, he’ll get a feel for your body, squish and all, and it’ll help you relax and get comfortable with him touching and seeing you in an intimate way. Plus, a lot of men like women with some softness to them! If you have cats or are uncomfortable with open flames get the electric candles. Also, try talking to him about this. My personal rule has always been: if you don’t feel comfortable talking with someone about sex and intimacy, you probably shouldn’t be doing it with them. Men like being clued in. Good luck.

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