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  1. 3 points


    Thank you all so much! I am moved by the support 💕 I just made a care.com account and found someone. She responded really fast and we spoke. She is OK with picking me up super early and picking me up after surgery. The hospital is a good drive but she does not mind. Today is my say day 1 of liquids surgery is next week! I hope this thread will help others. I'm new here too lol
  2. 2 points
    I’m scheduled for March 21!
  3. 2 points


    Do you go to church or have any coworkers who you're close to? Sent from my Z6201V using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    Ideal transition meals

    I tried at first to "do right" and was nauseated by EVERYTHING. Mashed potatoes was the only thing I could keep down. Never could go back to the shakes.... Don't stress too much--stressing is about as bad on you as the procedure, in my opinion.
  5. 1 point
    Stick to 1/4 cup and 1/2 cup portion sizes and stop when you've eaten that much even if you don't feel full.
  6. 1 point

    Five Month Post Op Stall

    Frustratingly, stalls can happen once or multiple times while your losing. They can last for a week to 3 or 4 weeks. If they persist, have a chat with your dietician/nutritionalist to review your diet. Sometimes a small tweak can kick start your loss again. I also think you’ve answered some of your own question by saying you’ve let your food choices slide a little (we’ve probably all done it at some time). Best is to get back on your plan re food choices, portion sizes, etc. I have a small window of calorie intake variation to maintain (don’t check my calories everyday but do random checks) & recently I’ve put on a little weight. I’ve realised, in my attempt to up my protein intake a bit (since my gall was removed I don’t absorb it well) I’ve increased my calories. Increasing my portion size of meat (3oz to 4), throwing in some beans to my lunch salads, etc. & there’s the reason for the weight gain. Though I reduced the amount of vegetables I was eating the calorie difference was not enough to compensate. Can’t believe I didn’t realise. My surgeon’s doctor has put me back on Creons to help with protein absorption & I’m going back to my previous eating habits.
  7. 1 point


    Yay! I love a happy end result 🥰
  8. 1 point
    You’ll work out your cues for real hunger & feeling satisfied. It just takes a little time. Try not to eat until you’re full though, but stop when you’ve had enough - big difference. The message you’re full actually takes a bit of time to get through & when you do think you’re full you’re likely really or overly full. It’s one of the reasons we’re advised to eat slowly. I still ask myself do I need this next bite or just want it? Never be afraid to put your cutlery down & sit back from the table.
  9. 1 point

    Normal Bites?

    When I went I first met to discuss surgery my BMI was 35.5. My family has a history of diabetes and high cholesterol. Heart complications from the diabetes have been an issue and it all seems to start about age 50. I’m 47. After much discussion with my nutritionist and my doctor - with a million times trying to lose weight my entire life - we decided on surgery to ensure these genetic issues would not be an issue. I had a vertebral artery dissection (spontaneous - had been is great health) at the age of 40. After the stroke I gained weight AGAIN and never could lose it. No matter what I did. Bypass because after an endoscopy it was discovered I have A typical reflux - I had NO idea! I felt nothing and my esophagus was burned badly. I also found out I had a hiatal hernia. So long long story short - there you go - :)
  10. 0 points
    I am 7 months out and I still cant tell, I could in the early days say the 3 month mark but now nope I am just guessing when I have had enough and sometimes I think I eat to much but I just don't feel any restriction the way others describe it

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