First of all, no you cannot have your sleeve reversed or stretched surgically. This is a permanent, irreversible surgery. So you need to come to terms with that because there is no "out" at this point. Holding out for your "old" life is going to cause some serious trauma, so take a moment and let yourself begin processing the fact that this is your life now. Second of all, if the attraction to food is stronger than your desire to live a long, healthy life, then its probably time to have a conversation with a therapist. You can and will one day eat relatively normally again, though maybe not the portions you had before surgery, so you need to give it time. And the period of restriction is minimal compared to the rest of your life. But it sounds like there is some underlying mental/emotional things that need to be dealt with. If you truly feel that being able to eat "normally" right NOW is worth more to you than your life, or that the strain of post-op life is more than you can handle, please consider getting some qualified support. You CAN do this and it IS worth it. We want to see you succeed and be healthy and well, but you're going to need to get some help.