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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Goal of the future scar revision is to move the incision under the tattoo down closer to where my underwear are and to remove more of the tattoo so that the incision looks more like a "handlebar" and less like a "grin". FYI: What's left of the tattoo is the half that was originally above my belly button so you can have some idea how much skin was removed. The tummy tuck didn't give me my 20 something stomach back but I'm happy with the results so far. The "final" result won't be apparent for several more months. Plus the lipo should help.
  2. 2 points

    Another newbie

    Are you using protein shakes? If so, you may have a temporary dairy/lactose intolerance. Perhaps try using non dairy protein shakes and see how you go.
  3. 1 point


    Anyone have recommendations for vitamins? I got Ulta Solo capsules but for whatever reason they smell really bad so I’m looking for something else to try.
  4. 1 point
    I had my TT (muscle repair, no lipo*) on 1/10/22. Recovery was what I expected pain wise but not time wise. For some crazy reason I thought I would bounce back in a couple of weeks - NOPE! The first week I needed help doing everything (except wiping my hiney - thank God). The drains were removed on day 8 which did not come quickly enough. I haven't had any major complications, just a minor (small hematoma) that resolved on its own. I'm still a bit tender but I can now sneeze/laugh/cough without my eyes tearing up. My scar is healing ahead of schedule (per surgeon). I tried silicone tape (week 3) but it made me itch so I just massage my scar with coconut oil daily but I do forget some days. I will be having scar revision in the future but that was always part of the plan. I have a high belly button and I also had a tattoo around my belly button. Not one of my smartest moves but what can I say, I was 20 something at the time. My surgeon does not make "T" incisions due to blood supply concerns. Also, since the entire tattoo could not be removed, I didn't want a totally distorted tattoo. So my scar at this time is higher than both he and I would prefer. The scar revision is an office procedure with local anesthesia so I didn't object. I chose to "stage" my lipo after my tummy tuck. I'm scheduled for lipo on 2/28/22. Why you may ask. I'm having multiple sites done (knees, inner thighs, saddle bags, and flanks). By doing it in "stages" the lipo of the flanks can be more "aggressive" than if I had it with the TT.
  5. 1 point

    June Surgeries

    I am celebrating! I finally reached a 100 lbs. down since surgery. Yay!
  6. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    Turkeys and cheese sandwich w/carrot “chips” I’m still loving the Aldi zero carb bread and only need one slice as a serving which is a good thing because there was a price increase
  7. 1 point

    Exercise and what to do

    The advice you are getting seems bizarre because I don't know why a psychiatrist has any business telling you what exercise is appropriate for you. That's the job of a PT and/or a doctor. If your team is insisting that you MUST exercise in this manner then something is wrong. In addition, exercise is only a small part of this and the majority of the work is diet related. You shouldn't be doing ANY exercise that is causing you pain. Stop doing what you're doing immediately and here are your options: 1. Consult a physiotherapist who can help you learn how to exercise without hurting yourself. Even if you have to pay money for this it's worth it. 2. Get in the pool. Swimming or water aerobics are a great workout and excellent for people with injuries. When I was 17 I dislocated each of my hips in separate snowboarding crashes. I did pool workouts to recover and it's still a great workout without straining your body. I still do them now. 3. Stay out of the gym and go for a walk. Really there is no reason we have to work out in gyms, especially if it causes you stress. I find a treadmill torture but going for a walk outside is the highlight of my day. If you don't like it, you don't have to do it.
  8. 1 point

    Gastric sleeve

    Maybe you will feel better about your decision after your have some time to adjust. My husband and I used to love going out to eat big meals and buffets. He got esophageal cancer so he can only eat really small amounts. We very rarely go out to eat now. Maybe you and your friends can find other non meal activities to enjoy. Your stomach will hold more as time goes on, but I don’t think it will stretch very much.
  9. 1 point

    Why did I gain 3lbs?

    A single pound of fat is roughly 3500kcal. So unless you ate 10,500kcal OVER your baseline intake, there is absolutely no way that is true weight gain. It could be water weight, hormonal changes, bowel movement issues, etc. There are dozens of factors that impact weight and might be reflected on the scale. Additionally, the more you lose and closer you get to a healthy weight, the more likely you are to see those fluctuations as the week to week loss slows down. Keep sticking to your plan and doing exactly what you're doing and you absolutely will see the scale move again. And congrats, 90lbs is amazing!
  10. 1 point

    Last 10 pounds

    losing the last 5-10-20 lbs or so is always a BEAR. It took me FOREVER. But we're not the only people it happens to. I distinctly remember sitting at Weight Watchers meetings years ago (way before surgery) rolling my eyes at these normal weight or slightly overweight women bitching and screaming about how hard it was to lose 10 lbs. Now I totally get it!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
