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  1. 2 points
    I was initially debating whether to post my concern or not but im super glad i did. Thank you so much for your positive comments, advise and realistic views. Whenever i feel down ill read them [emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847][emoji847] Sent from my SM-G975F using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points
    Old habits die hard. You're not going to like my answer, but you probably need to talk to the therapist at your surgeon's office to discuss why you're going back to these habits, how to get rid of these habits, etc. You know what to eat and what not to eat, the key is doing it.
  3. 2 points
    When those old habits are strong it can be very hard to stop them controlling your choices. You’re not alone. Managing cravings & changing old habits is one of the most difficult thing to work through post surgery. For many of us, they never leave us & are always there. We just find ways to take control of them. First get any junk food out of your house, delete the home delivery apps, delete the takeout phone numbers, & throw out any take out menus. Second, get in touch with a good therapist who specialises in eating disorders. (Did you see someone as part of your approval process? If not your medical team can recommend someone.) The therapist will support you to work through what’s driving you to eat & find strategies to manage those cravings & old habits. It’s pretty darn difficult to stretch your tummy but these glory days of weight loss don’t last. Your real hunger comes back, the weight loss slows, you’ll be able to eat larger, more recommended portion sizes. You need to grasp all the opportunities the surgery initially gives with two hands. All the best.
  4. 1 point
    I am a little over 3 months post-op and have already started going back to some of my old eating habits--ordering take out, not separating eating and drinking, eating junk food. This week, I ended up splurging four different times on junk food I struggled with overeating pre-surgery. Luckily, I can't eat more than 3-4 ounces at a time, and I am still losing pretty quickly (down 45 pounds from surgery and 80 total from when I started losing weight in May of last year). I know that won't last though and am terrified of stretching my pouch. I'd still like to lose another 70 pounds but am having a hard time finding the motivation to exercise regularly and measure portions when I'm losing weight even when I eat terribly. Anyone else dealt with this?
  5. 1 point
    I agree with everyone who recommended seeing a therapist. So important. I'm not sure which surgery you had, but as you said you can only eat 3-4 ounces at a time. You're choosing to eat low nutrient foods that isn't going to give you the nutrients you need. I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I'm thinking since you are already not taking your health seriously, you aren't taking your vitamins and supplements that your team has recommended. Malnourishment is a real issue with obese people. Because so many binge on fast food, and junk food, they aren't getting proper nourishment. Since we can only eat small amounts, it's vitally important to eat nutrient dense foods. A balanced diet. With wls surgery comes a certain responsibility for ones health, and when you dismiss what your surgeon has told you to do, there will be dire consequences to ones health. Are you tracking your protein? You're only 3 months out. If you're not getting your protein in, there can be hair loss. If you're anemic, you might require blood products. Not minding your calcium, you can encounter fractures. Sure you're losing weight now, it's a caloric game. You probably don't have true hunger due to only being 3 months post op, but you're feeding your head hunger. Seek counseling before your health is adversely affected.
  6. 1 point

    Newbie here :)

    What i have used is from GNC called Isopure Whey protein isolate. It comes in several flavors and unflavored.
  7. 1 point

    Mme C

    Bonjour Mme C.! I'm certainly no expert at all this, but I wanted to echo some of the sentiments and comments shared above. When you think about it, 60 lbs is a good chunk of weight off of your body, and will alleviate some of the burden on your joints, hips, etc. Sometimes, in our desire to lose a lot of weight, we forget just how beneficial it is to lose even just 5 lbs. Ultimately, the decision will be yours to make. Personally, if my doctor would have told me, "you will lose approximately 60 lbs", I would still have underwent the surgery. I'm almost at 25 lbs lost right now, and I'm already feeling better. My plantar fasciitis is no longer acting up, so that pain went away.... I wish you best of luck, whatever your decision may be. ♥
  8. 1 point

    Regret and protein issues

    My goodness did you save me! The Fairlife is unbelievable! So much better. I don't feel like the sky is falling anymore. I am very relieved. Thank@cellbell. Sent from my SM-G991U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Regret and protein issues

    "buyers remorse" is very common the first month or so after surgery. I had it as well. But for almost all of us, it goes away and we're really happy with our choice to have surgery. So just hang in there. I'm a Premier Protein hater, too. I used mostly Syntrax and Unjury products (Syntrax only comes in powder - Unjury now has ready-to-drink, but they didn't back when I had surgery). People's tastes are all really different - just experiment and see if you can find a couple you like. I was a presenter for my clinic's pre-op classes for about three years (until COVID struck). EVERY class someone would ask about hair loss. I could count on it. That and loose skin seem to be people's major concerns. And they were mine as well when I was a pre-op and early post-op. But I think I can speak on behalf of most vets here that we would take either or both of those any day of the week over being morbidly obese again. The hair loss is a minor inconvenience that may or may not happen to you. Not everyone loses hair. I lost hair between months 5-9, but the only reason I knew about it was I noticed about twice the normal number of hair strands in my comb after coming out my just-shampooed hair. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't tell. Even if your loss is more significant than mine, for most people (not all - but most), they're the only ones who notice it.
  10. 1 point

    Regret and protein issues

    Hang in there. It gets better. My nutritionist and surgeon said from the get go that in the very beginning I may not get all the protein in that I'm supposed to and that that was normal. Gradually I was able to get more in and by the time I hit soft food stage, I was no longer relying on protein powders or shakes for my protein because I was getting enough in with food! I think in short time you will be fine and not need those things either. The first month or two may be iffy but I doubt that will be the norm for you forever. You're still early in the game and things change. Hang in there and see what new ways you can get your protein in come your next phase. You are still way early in the game. As for the hair, I was feeling so confidant I wasn't gonna be one to lose mine because I made it to about the beginning of month 4 and no hair loss really. A lil, not much. HOWEVER, here I am month 5 and it's falling out like crazy. But, not enough to create baldness or anything. I've read that this is normal and that your other organs start demanding more of the nutrients and vitamins and so your hair temporarily goes into a dormant stage but that it doesn't last too long and it will start growing again. So, while it does suck I will just wait and see how things play out. I go to my surgeon in Nov and at that time he will be testing all sorts of vitamin and mineral levels. So, if things are too crazy I'm sure he will see it and we will adjust accordingly. But yeah, you may experience this too like many of us but it gets better and things do improve.

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