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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2022 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I have never heard of breakfast nachos. Breakfast burritos yes but not nachos. Good idea to change it up.
  2. 1 point

    RYGB- Limb Lengthening

    I also am not familiar with that surgery, but the general rule I've heard is that each successive weight loss surgery will have less weight loss, so if you have a sleeve, lose weight, and then have bypass (whether due to GERD or regain) you will not likely lose as much as you did with the initial surgery.
  3. 1 point
    Neither does the morning after pill... But I think it still works, just not as well! Or maybe that was the patch??? Sorry, it's been a while
  4. 1 point

    DEXA Scan Results

    I think you said you were hoping to be below 45 so 41.7 yay. That is awesome.
  5. 1 point
    I find the Olly brand vitamins (berry gummies) stay put and don’t upset my stomach.
  6. 1 point

    Mme C

    Bonjour Mme C.! I'm certainly no expert at all this, but I wanted to echo some of the sentiments and comments shared above. When you think about it, 60 lbs is a good chunk of weight off of your body, and will alleviate some of the burden on your joints, hips, etc. Sometimes, in our desire to lose a lot of weight, we forget just how beneficial it is to lose even just 5 lbs. Ultimately, the decision will be yours to make. Personally, if my doctor would have told me, "you will lose approximately 60 lbs", I would still have underwent the surgery. I'm almost at 25 lbs lost right now, and I'm already feeling better. My plantar fasciitis is no longer acting up, so that pain went away.... I wish you best of luck, whatever your decision may be. ♥
  7. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    Thank you everyone. I’ve known the possibility of regain was there. It was one of the reasons I was ok with exceeding my weight loss goal - room to move. The challenging aspects for me is in understanding why. I can accept the return of hunger but the fact I haven’t changed my diet or calorie intake (except for those two Christmas weeks) & if anything I’m a little more active (not building muscle so I can’t blame that 😉) messes with my head. And I know it’s only a very small amount so far but … more reflection & introspection needed I think. Anyway, I love a lamb cutlet as you know so last night I baked some with a pistachio dukkha crust. Those brown crunchy bits were super yummy. Ate two last night, two tonight & will freeze the last two. I love this baking tray. It was originally my mum’s biscuit tray. She gave it to me 35 odd years ago. I use it for everything including roasts, baked vegetables, as a drip tray, etc. If it goes into the oven I use the tray - hence the darker, burnt baked in flavour you can see in the corners 😁. Do you have a favourite cooking pot or pan? PS - looking gorgeous as usual @Sophie7713.
  8. 1 point
    I wish I had really understood the psychological impact of losing weight beforehand. Massive weight loss may trigger a lot of painful emotions and make you come to painful realisations as well. As an example, these two things are what I am struggling with most: 1. People treat me differently (makes me feel anger and grief) 2. Men are noticing me again (triggers anxiety and fear) I really thought I had all my ducks in a row before surgery, but I’m glad I have a therapist I know and trust who can see me at the drop of a hat. I’d really recommend anyone to make sure they have solid emotional and psychological support before starting all this. 🍀
  9. 1 point

    Gastric bypass sleeve

    I've had both. I was sleeved in 2016 and did very well but then had some personal issues and put back most of the weight. I had the revision to a bypass last November and feel great and am doing well again. I was considering resleeving however I have had GERD for 11 years - it wasn't cured with the sleeve and it didn't get worse, but it didn't go away - and my doctor strongly recommended the bypass to avoid potential severe issues in the future from the GERD. I take the vitamins they recommend to avoid malnutrition and it seems to be working so far. The surgery for the sleeve is quicker than the surgery for the bypass since there's less moving stuff around, so the recovery can theoretically take a little longer, but I was in the hospital for only one night after both surgeries. The bypass was the "gold standard" for many many years and the statistics show that people with the bypass tend to lose SLIGHTLY more weight than those with the sleeve, all else being equal, but only a few percentage points. And you can certainly lose all the weight you need to lose with the sleeve, those are just overall statistics.
  10. 1 point
    Interesting! This is the only thing on which I have defied my nutritionist. She is adamant that breakfast is a big part of the eating plan, I am adamant that I have never eaten it and never will. The fight continues...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
