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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    This has happened to others. Part of the human condition is that we often fail. You should not feel shame that you haven't lost more weight. Shame related to weight is counter productive. The pouch reset, of course, is nonsense. It want's people to think that the draconian diet they put you on for weeks or months has a purpose. You don't consume calories and lose weight? Amazing stuff there. So they try to reframe it as breaking & building new habits. You can do that without the draconian measures, probably better if you're not lying to yourself about what you're doing. Now down to the important issue: How do you get back on track? Get back on track. Think of this as a marathon. You've run a few miles then fall. What do you do? Do you get up and go back to the beginning, and start again? Do you go through your pre-race rituals? No. You get back up run. You don't warm up again, you don't strip down and redress? No. You just get up and get going. One foot in front of the other. So, you figured out you fell. Get up and get going again. Good Luck, Tek
  2. 2 points

    A stall already?

    most people get that stall at or around the three-week mark - so it's late for you. Don't do anything besides stick to your program and stay off the scale (only weigh yourself once a week or so until you get through this). It'll break and you'll be on your way again. Since they typically last 1-3 weeks, you're likely near the end of it.
  3. 2 points
    Great to hear! keep up the good work. I have worked with a trainer in the past but prefer to just do the workouts on my own. You will learn the exercises and how to mix it up on your own. I go to Planet Fitness- only $10/month and personal training is free if you want it. I have been consistently weightlifting at least 5 days per week since late Summer/Fall of 2021 after fully recovering from gall bladder removal and I think it has made a great difference in how my clothes fit, how my arms/legs/stomach skin looks and how I feel overall.
  4. 2 points
    Been there, done that. YES you can reset your pouch by going back to basics in terms of food portions, tracking, protein, water, and exercise. YES it can be done. I just lost 25 pounds since October after gaining weight during COVID. Don't be like me, though, because I skipped an appt with my surgeon and nutritionist because I was embarrassed about the weight gain and didn't want them to see me. I should have gone anyway. That's what they're there for, to help and guide us. So please go to your upcoming appt and just accept any advice they give.
  5. 1 point

    Feeling bad

    I’ve been feeling unwell for a couple of days now and it keeps getting worse. At first I noticed my portions were getting smaller and smaller, was feeling nauseous after eating more often, then got a headache Wednesday night that hasn’t really gone away since. Felt a little dizzy last night and today I am VERY dizzy. Almost like I’m tipsy, my vision is swimming and I feel like my balance is way off. Weirdest thing.. for lunch today I had a slice of bread with américain (spreadable spiced minced meat.. it’s a Belgian thing 😬) which is low fat low sugar and right after eating it I felt SO DIZZY and lightheaded. Not nauseous, but I knew that if i moved in the slightest I’d pass out. Both bread and that spread are completely ok for me to eat per my surgeon. I waited until I was quite hungry to eat a snack just now, and I had one bite of sausage and IMMEDIATELY I was completely put off, my stomach felt like it was cramping. 😫 it kind of feels like it’s stuck where my bra band sits. I just did a self test and I’m negative, so that easy answer isn’t it.. I’m so confused guys 😫 I’m 5 months po (MGB) right now and haven’t had any issues up until now. Any help or tips would be immensely appreciated
  6. 1 point

    Stomach Pain

    Thanks for the info. It's not a full on nauseous or full on hunger pain, it is a mix. I have tried taking at different times or not taken them for 2 days, just to see. Same results. The noises are fine, but it's the constant dull, achy pain that's making me nuts. I will look into meclizine.
  7. 1 point

    January Surgery buddies

    I am having my gastric bypass Monday 1/31 and the nerves are really kicking in! I’m going to be ok…right?! 😳
  8. 1 point
    We really are surgery twins! I am just outside of Atlanta and am scheduled for surgery 2/3. (That is assuming Anthem and Northside can figure out their differences by then.). I finished my requirements in November. I am in day 8 of a liquid diet and and down to 303. My highest weight was 330 this summer; 316 when I saw the surgeon in October; and 312 at the start of the liquid diet. Good luck to you!
  9. 1 point
    You just have to get through a few more days of this and most likely you won’t feel hunger for quite some time (a small percentage do). You just have to do whatever it takes to distract yourself and keep thinking of the end goal. You can do this.
  10. 1 point

    February 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Hey all! I'm also scheduled for Feb 3rd and I'm getting the sleeve here in the Los Angeles area. I started this process back in August, and now that I'm weeks away, it's a little overwhelming. I'm mostly really excited, so I'll focus on that emotion as much as possible.

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