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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    That is not an appropriate post. We are not here to judge other people's decisions to have or not have surgery. OP discussed this with their surgeon and they feel that surgery is the right answer. Keep your opinions on whether people "need" surgery to yourself. We deal with enough judgement in the outside world.
  2. 2 points


    increased muscle mass
  3. 2 points

    My Face Is Broken!

    Don’t know about you but I think this is the best non scale victory ever - even though it’s hindering you being able to access secure apps. Just think your phone is seeing that you have cheek bones, fewer chins, less droopy eyelids, improved facial definition, etc. even if you don’t yet. Time to look more closely in your mirror I think @lizonaplane. It’s wonderful. Love it.
  4. 1 point


    The EXACT same thing is happening to me. I'm walking 10,000 steps (5 miles) a day and drinking my water, focusing on protein, etc. The scale is going UP! What the hell?! I don't think either one of us are doing anything wrong. I think we're in a stall based on our increased physical activity. Scales suck!
  5. 1 point

    Low BMI pre op question

    Yes you are nuts!! You asked I gave you an honest answer. Why on earth would you try to keep your bmi above 30 just so you can have an unnecessary surgery with your low bmi. Bloody hell woman surgery is not easy or a quick fix, it's hard and some days just plain horrible. Go see a shrink about your weight/ eating issues. I doubt any surgeon would do you with such a low BMI anyway and if they do I would expect they are very dodgy
  6. 1 point
    I completely understand how you feel, when I had my gastric bypass surgery, my significant other was always trying to undermine my goals, my whole family ate unhealthy, I just kept telling myself that I had to do this for me and my health, the more I continued to build myself up and ignore them I became stronger, of course I had my weak days, but I would get back up, and shake it off and continue to work on myself, it worked!!!! I was 320 at the beginning of my surgery and I reached my goal of 135!!! You can do it!!!! Sent from my SM-N976V using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    Why Are Scales so Fickle?

    Bathroom scales aren't precision devices. Let me give you the advice my nutrition coach gave me. Weigh as often as you want, but pick ONE day a week and average the last week's worth. Then track your average. Because maybe you slid your scale and it's balanced differently. Maybe you ate something salty or drank a little wine and you're bloated. Maybe it's almost time for Aunt Flo to visit, or you overdid it at the gym, and are retaining water. But the average won't lie to you. And so, on days like yesterday where I had a bunch of salty food for NYE and then weighed in heavy, it averages out over the week, and I see I am losing about 2 lbs. a week.
  8. 1 point
    Did anyone else lose their cravings? I'm in shock that I now struggle to figure out what I want to eat now!
  9. 1 point
    50 y/o. VGS 3/5/21 down 64 since surgery and 94 since the first of the year. If you stick to your plan and exercise ( I walk and have a rower) You will lose weight! Best decision I have ever made.
  10. 1 point
    I mean these are starting at Phase 5. I only looked it up because eventually I will have to eat it even if it’s while traveling I won’t always have a kitchen with me but be mindful you won’t eat it all and the best ones are on top and if it’s fried they cut the potion down although we should avoid fried foods 🤷🏽‍♀️

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