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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2022 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Thank you for that! Kinda funny in a way. I've been clean and sober for over 14 years and now I have to take shots every 15 minutes.
  2. 1 point

    Surgery in April!

    Hello everyone I’m having surgery April 29,2022 at Pompeii surgical in Mexico. Anyone else having surgery there?
  3. 1 point

    Living with a new stomach?

    I agree with Grady Cat. The whole point of the surgery is that your stomach is smaller so you won't eat as much. Also, as far as not enjoying food - unfortunately, that comes back for almost all of us. I say "unfortunately" because it will never in your life be as easy as it is right now to lose weight when you don't want to eat and don't give a flip about food. Take FULL advantage of that! Your hunger and appetite will eventually come back sometime during the first year (or at least it does for the vast majority of us - mine came back at five months out), and once it does, things will become a lot more challenging. So I know this sounds weird to say, but enjoy it while it lasts! I wish my hunger had never come back! P.S. I should add that you do need to meet your nutritional requirements, so at least eat what you need to eat for that. But food will just be fuel for you for awhile...
  4. 1 point
    Welcome to the Sleeve Club, Cowboy! This isn't our first rodeo, so to speak, so check out all the forums and posts here to know what to expect, to keep us up on your progress, we're here to support you and share information with you. Congratulations on a successful WLS!
  5. 1 point

    Post Op Rants!!

    I stalled every second week during my first two months post surgery. Frustrating? Yeah, but also totally normal. I was barely consuming 700 calories a day, and we're convinced that that MUST mean we lose weight. How can so few calories result in a stall and weird weight fluctuations, right? Well, the body responds to a prolonged and severe calorie reduction and post-op stress by stalling. It's a normal response, and our poor bodies have a lot of rewiring and adjusting to do after enduring major surgical changes. When I was finally able to eat more and up my calories to around 900 to 1200 a day ... the stalling stopped. I've now been fairly consistently losing, and feel like, after two months of modest weight loss, I've finally hit my "honeymoon period" (which everyone seemed to talk about but I was beginning to think wasn't going to happen for me). So stalls do break. Some go on for 3 weeks or even a bit over that. Others, like me, had them with mind numbing frequency. They're normal, and while it may seem counter-intuitive, super-low calorie intake often causes them.
  6. 1 point
    Hang in there buddy. The first few days suck! I had terrible abdominal gas, it took a handful of days before I had a movement, and felt crappy. I had a a shot glass of liquids every 15 minutes. It got easier to ingest as the days progressed. Good news: it’s temporary. Brighter days are ahead. Follow the plan of your medical team… it’s not their first rodeo. All the things you’re thinking are natural. You got this!
  7. 1 point

    Need a motivation re-start!!!

    I’m 11.5 months post op and I have lost 175 lbs total since this process. Starting weight was 358, surgery day weight was 331, current weight 183! Prior to my surgery, I was terrible at logging food, exercising regularly, and had a terrible relationship with food (addiction, portion control, etc). Of course I knew what to do conceptually but the follow through was the issue. I told myself (and truly believe) that the surgery was not the fix! It’s just a tool! A tool that allows me to fix the broken things. What I’m getting at is, although logging food is “difficult”, it’s necessary! You have to be willing do do things differently and consistently if you want to reach your goals. Set up your environment to help you be more consistent: meal plan, log your planned foods the night before or first thing in the morning. Proactivity rather than reactivity is key! I treat my food log like I budget my finances, I track input and output and plan ahead! You got this! You just have to tell yourself you’ll do what it takes. The habits that got you in this situation won’t get you out of it! Embrace your second chance at becoming the best version of yourself and focus on the inputs and the desired outputs will happen! Don’t be afraid to consult your medical team and seek mental health help if need be. We all decided we can’t do it on our own which is why we took this journey. You owe it to yourself to be better than you think you can be! Good luck!
  8. 1 point

    Hi new here

  9. 1 point

    Summer 2018 Buddies Check In

    Its been a journey full of ups and downs, not appraise easy at all, but we get to choose our hard.
  10. 1 point
    So thankful for this tool!! I’ve lost 210lbs!! My life is so different. This is a great idea to check in!!

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