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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Not get saturated after mini portions

    Mmmm? I wonder if you still have some head work to do. Are you truely hungry or just wanting food to satisfy some other needs? Are you wanting food because you’re bored? Tired? Sad? Happy? So you feel better? Habit? … Have you come to terms with what is a healthy & recommended portion size? 7oz isn’t a mini portion. Depending upon your height, weight, age, level of activity, 1350 calories a day is enough to ensure your body functions effectively. We all have different triggers & realisations about how & why we eat. I still have to watch wanting to eat because I’m bored but I understand it now so I can mange it better. A big learning for me was the difference between eating until I was full and eating until I’d had enough. It’s realising the difference between wanting to eat & needing to eat. Do I need this bite (i.e. does my body need it to function) or do I just want it? Did you see a therapist before or during your weight loss phase? It may be worth going back or getting a referral to one from your surgeon. Years of poor eating habits, poor food choices, our cravings & emotional drives to seek comfort with food don’t ever really disappear. The surgery doesn’t change them. They’re not cut out with our tummy. But we can reduce their power & manage them better. It’s just sometimes we need help & support to do it. All the best.
  2. 2 points

    January Surgery buddies

    Tomorrow is my big day! 1-3 wooo hoo !!
  3. 1 point

    What Was Your Biggest Challenge

    What are the challenges that you have encountered before and after surgery? How were you able to overcome these challenges?
  4. 1 point

    Am I really gonna lose weight?

    If you just had the surgery a few weeks ago, you are likely in the 3 week stall. It happens to almost everyone. You will start losing weight again. As others have said, it's completely possible to lose weight and gain it all back. You have to follow the rules of the program, but the restriction is there to guide you... for a time. Hang in there! It's a head game as much as anything.
  5. 1 point
    I have heard that hot tea can make you feel full by others. Perhaps that will work for you when you know you shouldn’t be hungry.
  6. 1 point

    Revision Jan 6

    Hey! I’m hoping to find someone that’s going on a similar journey. in 2016 I had a sleeve. Lost 100 lbs, got pregnant in 2017 but Kept most of. Then in 2019 we started fertility treatments for number 2 and I gained all 100 back. I’m having bypass revision on Jan 6. I’m panicking. I’m 30, I have two girls, 4 and 1. Live in Illinois. I have an extremely sarcastic personality. Not a good marriage, not much support. I don’t really have friends. Anyone? Lol I sound like a blast
  7. 1 point

    6 Almost 6 months out and have lost

    Well if it makes u feel any better, my NUT wanted me averaging 1000+ at my 3 month mark. I didn’t hit that until 2 months AFTER I got to goal, lol My only advice is do the best you can, and so long as your labs come back satisfactorily and you don’t suffer physically, then you should be golden. Good Luck!
  8. 1 point

    Why did I gain 3lbs?

    Exactly. Remember also we, all have a natural weight fluctuation, we just notice it more now because we ‘re more vigilant with weighing ourselves & recording our weight. I’ve discovered my natural fluctuation is a kilogram (2.2lbs). Any more or less & I reflect on what I’ve eaten or not eaten. Has my water intake been more or less? Did I have some alcohol? Am I constipated? Am I peeing more or less? … Should say I’m maintaining & am pretty vigilant but the principle is the same. If you’re still losing & your weight loss trend is still downwards your golden. If you’re maintaining, reflect on your last week & see what next week brings. Three pounds may be your natural fluctuation. Congrats on your weight loss. Whoo hoo.
  9. 1 point

    Why did I gain 3lbs?

    A single pound of fat is roughly 3500kcal. So unless you ate 10,500kcal OVER your baseline intake, there is absolutely no way that is true weight gain. It could be water weight, hormonal changes, bowel movement issues, etc. There are dozens of factors that impact weight and might be reflected on the scale. Additionally, the more you lose and closer you get to a healthy weight, the more likely you are to see those fluctuations as the week to week loss slows down. Keep sticking to your plan and doing exactly what you're doing and you absolutely will see the scale move again. And congrats, 90lbs is amazing!
  10. 1 point
    I am doing great! Down 14 lbs since sugery last week. No pain. Energy is good- walking my 10K steps already. Go for MD appt tomorrow. Planning to move into soft foods after appt if MD says OK. I see you are doing great too!

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