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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Hungry all the time

    Now that I have mentioned her I think she will get a notification. Im sure if so she will respond, but if not maybe you can look for some of her posts about hunger all the time.
  2. 2 points

    Hungry all the time

    Lizonaplane went through this. She ruled out all the other causes and it was true hunger. There are many things it could be disguised as hunger though. Hopefully she will respond but one thing I remember she said helped satisfy the hunger was warm beverages such as tea.
  3. 1 point
    Hello! This is my first time posting and I figured this would be the best place to ask for advice. I'm going to be getting a gastric sleeve surgery in mid 2022. I've been meeting with a nutritionist regularly, and in January will be month 6 of supervised weight loss. After that I'll meet all the requirements for insurance and can go ahead with scheduling the surgery. In July/August of this year, one of my coworkers (Emily, whom I had recently met in April), had asked if everything was okay after I came back from a doctor's appointment. I had been feeling a little overwhelmed at the time with all the information I was receiving, but I didn't want to tell her that I was considering WLS. I told her that I had a small hernia that needed to be repaired, it wasn't a big deal, but I was going to the doctor regularly to monitor it before I could get it fixed. I hated lying to her, but I was still on the fence about telling anyone about getting WLS apart from my mom and my sister. I thought that this would be a good cover as well, since we work together and I'll need to take some time off to recover, but I knew that I didn't want to tell our other coworkers the real reason for my operation. Here is the issue I'm currently facing. Since we met, Emily and I have become incredibly good friends. We moved in together in October, and the living situation has been perfect. We have a very healthy and communicative friendship, and get along perfectly as roommates and as coworkers. She is one of the best people I've ever met and will be a part of my life for as long as I live. And I've already lied to her about the surgery. I realize this might be more of a moral dilemma than anything; I want to tell her that I'm getting WLS. I know that she'll be supportive. But I also don't want to put her in an uncomfortable place with the rest of our coworkers where she knows something that they don't. I don't know if I should roll with the hernia story and tell her that I've decided to get WLS at the same time (since small hernias can be repaired at the time of bariatric surgery), which will still be true to the rest of our coworkers as far as she knows. Emily isn't my boss in any capacity; she's been there a bit longer than I have, but we're in the same position so there's no issue there. Or maybe I should come clean and tell her the truth and that there is no hernia, which will then hurt her because I've now carried out this lie for 5 months. I'm going to have to tell her something, especially since we live together and my eating habits will drastically be changing. I wish that I had never lied to her in the first place; she's very important to me and I want to be honest with her. But I also don't want to put her in an uncomfortable position with the rest of our coworkers either. And yes, I realize that I should have been honest at the beginning. I didn't know her as well then and was scared that she would judge me. But I love her and I want to be honest with her without hurting her. Any perspective or advice is appreciated, I really don't know what to do from here.
  4. 1 point

    Revision Jan 6

    Hey! I’m hoping to find someone that’s going on a similar journey. in 2016 I had a sleeve. Lost 100 lbs, got pregnant in 2017 but Kept most of. Then in 2019 we started fertility treatments for number 2 and I gained all 100 back. I’m having bypass revision on Jan 6. I’m panicking. I’m 30, I have two girls, 4 and 1. Live in Illinois. I have an extremely sarcastic personality. Not a good marriage, not much support. I don’t really have friends. Anyone? Lol I sound like a blast
  5. 1 point

    Hungry all the time

    I do everything I'm told by the doctor. He said I'm doing fine and it's probably head hunger. I don't think so when my stomach is gurgling but I'm going to try a few of these suggestions and see how it goes. Ty for responding [emoji173] Sent from my SM-A526U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point

    Hungry all the time

    Drink more water/ fluids. I had this right from the start it an empty gnawing hungry even straight after i ate. I found drinking 15 minutes before a meal not a lot maybe a small glass and a small drink about 30 mins after helped. I also find if i havent drunk much during the day i get really hungry.....which is probably thirst
  7. 1 point

    Reading labels.

    See if you can get back in to your dietician & with their guidance develop an eating plan that is sustainable in the long term. It’s best to design a way of eating that works for you & not for someone else. You’re physiologically & psychologically different to everyone else. You may find you don’t follow a specific ‘diet’ but pick & choose across a few eating styles. Like low carb but not low fat or incorporate some vegan or vegetarian meals each week. In the meantime, & as a starting point, keep in mind the recommended daily amounts for the ‘average’ person who’s maintaining like 6 teaspoons or 25g added sugar per day for women. You will need to consume less if you still want to lose. Take into account your plan, lifestyle & personal needs. How many calories are you eating a day? It seems like it could be low if you’re still on shakes. It’s not sustainable to be still having shakes for breakfast & most lunches. You need to be eating real food, especially as you seem to be almost at your goal weight, to get the nutrients your body needs. I stopped taking multivitamins from maintenance because I got all I needed from the food I ate. I was so happy not to have to take them or buy them! I don’t buy a lot of prepared foods, sauces, condiments, etc. simply so I can control the ingredients & how they’re prepared/cooked. If I do, I study the nutrition panel & look for low processed foods, low sugar content, low fat content, multi & whole grains, no or low artificial sweeteners, Watch the ‘front of the jar’ labelling though. No added sugar usually means they’ve used artificial sweeteners or sugar alternatives or they’ve upped the fat. I bought a 25% less fat ‘lite’ peanut paste. It actually had 50% more carbs, 20% more sugar & only 16 calories less per serve.
  8. 1 point
    I had my surgery on Dec 1 the first week was ROUGH! I was debating if I did the right thing. 5 weeks later I KNOW I did highest weight 245 surgery weight 225 current weight 205 35yrs old 5’7
  9. 1 point
    Without your starting weights and surgery weights and what you are eating daily, its really hard to advice you. I would agree with LaoDaBeirut Why are you doing so much exercise ? You seem to be spinning out and panicking. I think you need to speak to your team. Take care of yourself and take the stress out of your recovery
  10. 1 point
    130+ lbs down since surgery 3/3/2015

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
