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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    January Surgery buddies

    Hello everyone. are there any January buddies? I got my confirmation for January 4th.
  2. 1 point

    1 Month Post Op Pictures

    I just wanted to share since this is a safe place.
  3. 1 point

    Falling off

    I really need some advice for the last three months I’ve really fell off the wagon how do I get that mindset back I’m only 8 months post op 90 pounds down I’m not sure if I should go with a meal plan or what please no judgment
  4. 1 point
    Day 9 post op now. Was feeling fantastic yesterday. So much energy. Today. I’m shattered. Need a hug and a reminder that things will get better 😭
  5. 1 point
    Had my surgery 12/15, recouping and still in pain. On the full liquid stage looking forward to the purée stage. Start weight 207, surgery weight 187, and todays weight 174. couldn’t be happier in starting a healthier 2022! Good luck everyone!
  6. 1 point
    I'm so, so sorry you're struggling. Please know we are rooting for you and want to see you healthy and well. I think first and foremost, you should stick to what you know you tolerate well and do not feel aversions to. Eat as much and as often as you can to help stabilize your caloric intake. Try focusing on what you CAN eat and try to enjoy it as much as possible. Secondly, I would definitely suggest getting in to see a therapist who specializes in disordered eating. Yes, VSG changed your anatomy, your bodily needs, and maybe even your tastes, but this is not normative and getting support will likely be a game changer for you. The sadness, depression, and frustration are all completely valid given what you're going through, but you don't have to stay in this place and there can be improvement. Lastly, I'd say you might want to get in to see a GI or bariatric surgeon to discuss. I also had surgery in Mx and had a wonderful experience and have a very supportive PCP at home, but something this severe might warrant a face to face visit with a specialist. If there are any physical factors they should be addressed along with the mental/emotional pieces. Wish you the very best of luck!
  7. 1 point

    January Surgery buddies

    congratulations to you and all the January surgery dates.
  8. 1 point

    Favorite Sugar free or alternative foods?

    Hi Sunny, thank you for the advice and I'm glad that it is working out for you! I will absolutely be taking a look at Dr. Weiner's books and videos! That being said, there are some things that I don't completely agree with you about. Yes, I think focusing on the high protein, low carb diet is important, and limiting snacking is also important. But here are my two hold-ups. 1) We all snack. With the gastric sleeve, we are told to have 4-6 small "meals" a day to meet a minimum caloric intake. I, and many others, are not going to cook 4-6 "meals" a day, it takes too much time. So, I would rather have a healthy snack like yogurt and berries than an unhealthy one like a sleeve of cookies. Eating sliced deli meat and nuts can get very boring very quickly. That is why I'm trying to build a list of healthy snacks and alternative/substitute foods. This brings me to my second point. 2) Most of us live with other people. This means we are constantly exposed to the snacks and unhealthy food they are eating. If I can replace these foods with sugar-free or healthy alternatives, I won't be as tempted by them and even if I do indulge a little, they aren't as unhealthy as having a slice of cake or a handful of Doritos or potato chips. That is also why I asked about substitute or alternative foods. Again, I appreciate your comment, suggestion of Dr. Weiner, and your encouragement, but it is a pipe dream to think that a person can stick to the pre-op or post-op diets everyday all-day for the rest of their lives. I'm just trying to limit my bad choices, especially while I'm at home surrounded by other people's food.
  9. 1 point

    Bad Advice and being honest.

    Me, too. Again, I might be rehashing old injuries. People here seem very live and let live, now...and WOW is that nice. A few years ago when I was starting out there was a huge judgey vibe that I'm surprised and delighted to see doesn't really exist much here now. I fear in trying to retroactively combat it...I've created a whole new version of it. Which was not my intent....and is regretable. If no one gives me **** about my diet soda and eating a good carb heavy diet....I will never, I promise, piss on anyone's enjoyment of children's vitamins. (I still think that's whackadoo personally......but I'm sure that **** I do is totally whackadoo, too. To each, their own) Peace to all paths and best wishes to all of us.
  10. 1 point
    The Greater Fool

    Bad Advice and being honest.

    Before I support or condemn, I must know one thing: What genre of TV do you binge?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
