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  1. 3 points

    1 Month Post Op Pictures

    I just wanted to share since this is a safe place.
  2. 2 points

    Carbs after surgery

    we were advised to avoid things like pasta and rice early out. In addition to what the other posters said, they also don't have much nutritional value. Our stomachs can only hold a limited amount of food, so we're encouraged to eat things that are nutritionally dense. I eat noodles and rice at 6.5 years out, but not very often and never very much of them. Maybe a half cup or so.
  3. 1 point

    Falling off

    Well first of all your tool is still there it’s not too late. I have heard people who continue to lose up to two years post op. I would say just go back to portioning everything and counting calories and you will be back on track. You’ve got this.
  4. 1 point

    January 2022 Surgery Buddies

    Mine is Jan 6th I’m having revision. VSG to RNY
  5. 1 point

    My Bariatric Journey

    Hello Bariatric Buddies (corny right? lol) I thought I'd come on here and share my experience so far for those who may be thinking about weight loss surgery OR are scheduled to undergo surgery soon. I started my bariatric surgery journey May 4th 2021 after YEARS of wanting to do it but not having the courage to start. At that point i was 298LBS. At my heaviest i was 305LBS. What prompted me to just go for it and conquer my fears was just wanting to be healthy again. I was tired of making excuses and as sad as it sounds i was tired of looking in the mirror every day staring at myself morphing into this person i no longer wanted to be. Fortunately for me, i didn't have any MAJOR health issues, however i did/do suffer from PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome). For anyone who knows the struggles of PCOS you know trying fad diets and exercising isn't really helpful when trying to lose weight when your hormones are so imbalanced. Any who, going forward - i contacted my local bariatric surgery center and set up my initial consult. Since we're still being affected by covid, majority of my appointments were via video. My first consult they went over my eligibility requirements, health history and goals. After speaking with the nurse navigator they then scheduled my next visit with the Surgeon who would then change my life forever. So, two weeks later, i meet my surgeon VIA zoom (and let me say, i love that she was blunt, super honest and made sure my goals and perception of the surgery was realistic), she told me about herself, she asked me a few questions about my life, health history in depth, and she then went over my surgery options and what she felt would be my best choice (Gastric Bypass RNY). We ended the appointment on a good note. At that point i was feeling good, motivated and just proud of myself, like - GOSH, I'M FINALLY DOING THIS! At this point in the process, i have scheduled an appointment to get an EKG, chest X-RAY, cardiology, pulmonary, and a behavioral specialist. Over the course of 4 months i would complete each appointment and the specialists would send over their impressions over to the surgeon. September 3rd. I had my pre op class (with a dietitian). I signed a bunch of papers stating that i would not consume alcohol or use tobacco. I watched a video and then the dietitian stated that starting September 9th - until September 19th i will need to be on a full liquid pre op diet - at that point in the liquid diet you are not allowed to take any vitamin supplements, and or specific medications (they would go over that with you). September 9th came around and i started my three protein shakes a day, with drinking 64OZ of water until September 19th as advised. Let me tell you, that was the single most hardest thing that i have EVER done, but in the end i was so proud of myself. September 20th at 10:00AM i had to drink 10OZ of Magnesium Citrate to bowel cleanse in preparation for surgery the next morning. I spent all day in the bathroom. Around 1:30PM i received a call from the hospital letting me know what time i needed to be at the hospital for surgery the next day (9/21/21) which ended up being 7AM. I had so much trouble falling asleep that night as i was so excited yet SO nervous! Surgery day rolls around and i am up getting ready. We (my boyfriend and i) then make our way to the hospital, check in, and head to my pre op room to be prepped. They took my temperature, and my weight. When i started, i was 298 - the day of surgery i was 282LBS! At 9:40AM i went in for surgery and was in the OR for about 4HOURS. I spent about an hour and a half in recovery where they gave me 1OZ water every half hour, that would continue as i was transported to my room that i would stay for the next 24HOURS. My hospital stay wasn't bad, and my nurses/doctors were super attentive, supportive and courteous! They came in almost every hour to check my temperature, blood pressure, and incisions. I went home 9/22/21 at 9:40AM. 1st day home was challenging. I was in so much pain and discomfort. That quickly subsided as the days passed. But in those days, i attempted to drink water and protein and move around as much as possible because walking truly helps with the pain. Here i am 9 days post op and i am not at 100% yet but i am improving i still feel slight pain only where i have internal sutures, and i am gassy (like burping and stomach feeling bloated) - for that i use GAS-X - it's amazing! I currently weigh 273LBS which makes a total of 25LBS lost and 9LBS lost since surgery. 6 Day's post op i was back at work (I KNOW I KNOW I AM CRAZY - BUT I WORK IN AN OFFICE AT MY DESK MAJORITY OF THE DAY SO I AM OKAY).. Hopefully this helps! & if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask :)
  6. 1 point

    Carbs after surgery

    I am 3.5 months out and I have eaten a little bit of rice a few times, and sweets a number of times. I don't think you will ruin your surgery, but it's not the best in terms of getting your protein and vegetables in. That's what should be the focus. I had heard that rice and noodles would swell and make me uncomfortable as would bread... I haven't had any issues. I just try to limit it because I want to limit carbs. Actually, for me, rice and bread and sweets seem easy to eat. I just try not to. I understand how hard it must be to stop eating a food you grew up eating. My amigovio is from Bogota and he has switched to cauliflower rice, but it's not for everyone. When I go to Mexican or other LATAM restaurants I tend to just eat the beans (I never liked rice much anyway, so I always did that). Don't beat yourself up. Just see if it helps to stop completely so you don't crave it, or if it's better to just have a little occasionally.
  7. 1 point

    Do hiccups mean anything?

    I also get hiccups now when I'm full. I can't tell if it's because I've eaten too fast because, well, I think I always eat too fast. I also burp more now, which is funny because I don't drink much soda, which I used to drink a LOT of (my program says you can have carbonated beverages after 4 weeks, so I drink some diet soda, but very slowly).
  8. 1 point
    When I had my first Bariatric doctor visit and decided to do this, I told myself I was not going to say anything about it to my friends. Not close friends but groups of people we hang out with at times. Well, I've been telling a lot of people and I kick myself every time. I just can't shut up about it. Most people look at me like I have 2 heads and go on about how it's extreme and scary and oh "you better be aware that it will change your life a lot". I want to snap back and say, don't you think I know that and don't you think I've done a lot of research on this before I going in to it? Most don't have any clue about it. My fat friends look and feel guilty when I start talking about it, like I'm going to try and talk them in to it. I guess, I'm just excited and I want to talk about it. Then I get disappointed when I get weird, uneducated, ignorant responses. That's why I love to get on this site. It brings me back to why I'm doing it and how great my life will be and that I'm not alone.
  9. 1 point
    I’m a sleever & I’ve found vomiting is different too. I wonder if it’s because we have fewer stomach muscles as well cause, on the handful of occasions I have vomited, it doesn’t feel like all my muscles are heaving. A win is I don’t have sore muscles after like I used to either. Plus I only need to throw up a small volume of food to empty my tummy. I hate the foamies! I get them if my food is too dry, too coarse or fibrous. Begins with my restriction being more severe, followed by hacking & then spitting up small amounts of that foamy, gunky saliva. Can occur up to an hour after I’ve eaten. My dad was told the same thing about the flattened cola with his chemo. It’s also useful for getting rid of the bad taste & reducing the coated tongue after chronic vomiting with chemo. Best of luck with your continued recovery, @Jacks133. PS - Personally, I’ve never understood the whole ‘pouch’ description thing. Our tummies are exactly the same organ as they were before the surgery. They function in the same way as they did before (maybe a bit fussier). They are only smaller & for bypass have had a little shortcut rerouting to the intestines. They’re still stomachs.
  10. 1 point
    You may need to eat out after WLS, because Americans eat out a lot. Some estimates put one-quarter of Americans eating fast food on a given day, before counting food from casual and upscale restaurants. A total of about 1 in 3 calories come from foods that are eaten away from home, such as prepared foods and restaurant foods. With restaurants, fast food, and other prepared foods being such a big part of our culture, you may not be able to, or even want to, stop eating out. That is okay, even after WLS. You will just need to be a savvy customer to be sure that wherever you are, you get a meal that fits into your meal plan. Take heart: it is almost always possible. The Trouble with Eating Out Research has been clear on the differences between eating out and preparing food at home. Restaurant meals tend to be bigger and higher in calories. Beyond that, they are higher in sodium and saturated fat, and lower in fiber. That does not bode well for weight loss, but you are not doomed. Most restaurants are willing and able to accommodate you. You may be pleasantly surprised at the choices. Do Your Homework (Or Procrastinate) Most restaurants have their menus posted online. Many have their nutritional facts online. Check before you go to the restaurant, and decide on your meal before you get there. When it comes time to order, you need not browse the menu for temptations. Or Procrastinate It is not always possible to check beforehand, and that is okay. Just keep your goal in mind: Some lean protein, such as eggs, chicken, or fish. A vegetable. A small amount of a healthy starch and/or healthy fat. Build that meal from the items you see on the menu. The Customer Is Always Right If you need another expression to drive home the point, what about, “He who pays the piper calls the tune?” You are perfectly entitled to ask for no sauce, dressing on the side, or no bun. A surprising number of joints allow substitutions or modifications for no extra cost, although some may charge. The cost is usually minimal, and worth it. Examples include getting grilled instead of fried chicken or fish, or swapping a side salad or steamed vegetables for a side of rice, pasta, or potatoes. Best Bets for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner You can go to a restaurant with some ideas of what they might have for each meal, and search for those. Breakfast Eggs: in an omelet or scrambled. Look for egg whites if you can, and choose vegetable toppings. Cheese and turkey can also be good additions. Skip bacon and other fatty meats in your eggs. Oatmeal: plain, regular or steel-cut, without add-ons such as dried fruit or brown sugar. Nuts are okay. Steer clear of granola. Breakfast sandwich: English muffin (you can eat half) with egg and/or cheese and/or ham – no bacon, sausage, croissant, or biscuit. Create a meal from sides or add-ons, such as cottage cheese, an egg, fresh fruit, or turkey sausage. Lunch Green salad with any of grilled chicken, cheese, nuts, vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers, and light dressing. Skip regular dressing (or order it on the side), croutons and chow mein noodles, and dried fruit. Chicken, fish, turkey breast, a veggie burger patty, a hamburger patty, or taco beef. Skip the bread, tortilla, bun, or taco shell, and steer away from breaded and fried. Side salad, carrot sticks, yogurt, or sliced apples. Dinner Shrimp cocktail or broth-based soup for starters. Avoid dips, chips, bread and breadsticks, and fried starters. Grilled, baked, or roasted plain chicken or fish. Avoid fried choices, fatty meats, and creamy or buttery sauces. Steamed vegetables or a side salad. Avoid fries, pasta, rice, and mashed potatoes. The Final Filter: You No matter what lands on your plate or your to-go box, the ultimate decision about what goes into your mouth is made by…you. You can turn a potentially disastrous order into a not-so-bad or even good meal with some smart choices. Decide how much you will eat and pack away the rest before you take your first bite. Scoop out the filling from sandwiches and burritos, while leaving the bread and tortillas. Eat the proteins and vegetables from your plate, while leaving the fries and fatty sauces. Scrape off any breading and eat only the chicken or fish inside. Weight loss surgery is to help you lose weight, but it is also to help you live a better life. If the good life for you includes eating out, you can do it. Just be careful. Keep your weight loss surgery diet plan in mind as you order and eat, and you can lose weight as you live your normal life.

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