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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    My program allows coffee, up to 2 cups per day. Even though I'm a coffee addict I didn't want it the first 2 weeks post op.
  2. 1 point
    it's rare but it happens. Sorry you're going through this.
  3. 1 point
    Try using protein water. It’s not the greatest, but will help you get your fluid and protein at the same time. Bone broth with protein powder is a good option too. When my protein is low for the day, I sometimes have a bariwise protein soup. I add some sriracha to spice it up.
  4. 1 point

    My new body

    Congratulations to you!! That's awesome!! Can't wait to be in your position one day!! Hopefully the issues with your gall bladder will resolve so that you can avoid surgery. I've already been having the loose skin under my arms, stomach and between my legs (the upper inner thighs) and I'm not very fond of it. Already dreading Summer and thinking about wearing swimsuit again. Before I used to wear the skirted kind of suit that comes in two separate pieces. Now who knows what I'll wear cause there's really nothing to help hide the flabby arms. I could always try those shorts to hide the upper, inner thighs and maybe even the skirts will still work but those arms, ugh! My legs, even at bigger size, used to look good. Now, eh. I haven't been fully naked in front of my husband, at least not standing up and walking around, in decades. Yes, I will get naked in bed and strategically drape the blanket over my stomach and stuff like that but yeah, I was hoping to one day be able to walk around naked or in some lingerie and not sure that will happen cause I have the same fear of his reaction that your partner had. Even though he's very supportive, loving, loves my body (big or small), etc. it's like, once you see that you can't unsee it and you don't really know how you'll react to it unless and until you do and I say that to him and he gets upset with me and tells me that would never happen. LOL Who knows, maybe I need to give him more credit. But yeah, I hope one day I can eventually get this extra skin removed (and I still have a ways to go with losing more weight too). Not sure I will be totally happy with my body unless that happens. But I am happy with so many more positive things that has happened with/to me since! So, I am grateful!
  5. 1 point
    I am almost 8 months since surgery and I absolutely would do it again! 110%! I'm 4 pounds from goal and it feels like the last 10 pounds have taken forever to come off but I feel 20 years younger. Physically, I am doing activities I have not done in years. Mentally, it has been an adjustment...in a good way. I smile more, make eye contact with people and overall, just in a better place emotionally. I wore a fitted wool dress with knee high boots the other evening to dinner with hubby and a gentleman, who was leaving the restaurant, looked back over his shoulder at me and my better half said "yep, she hot!"...we laughed liked teenagers throughout dinner! For me, it was worth the hard work, the time and effort to get here. Only you can decide if you are ready for this major life change! Good Luck!
  6. 1 point

    Last 10 pounds

    I am working on my last ten as well and it is really tough. Can’t offer much advice. Just say I feel ya and that I was already worried about regain at my first post op appointment. I think it’s because I have lost weight before. More than once and I always put it back on. I have everything crossed that this is different for us.
  7. 1 point

    Last 10 pounds

    Hey guys! I had vsg about 9 months ago (June 2, 2020) and I am so happy I did it!! HW 287, SW 261, and CW 158. My goal weight is 150 (so close!!), but I seem to be hitting a stall. I can’t seem to go below 154😩. Any advice? I’m so happy with the results that I just want to do everything I can to stay like this and NEVER go back to that weight! Does anyone else feel nervous about regain so early post op? Any advice from those several years out who have advice as to long-term maintenance? Any advice would be appreciated 😊
  8. 1 point

    Protein Supplements are gross, HELP!

    There are many brands of protein shakes and powders and each of them offer many flavors. Just do a google search to see what is out there. The prices varies from reasonable to ridiculously expensive, so shop around. Many can be found at Walmart or ordered online from the manufacturers or Amazon. My clinic recommends these brands (but I've tried many others): Premier Protein Ensure Max Equate High Performance Atkins Plus Musle Milke Genuine, Muscle Milk Light Boost Max Fair Life Core Power There are even high protein soup powders from ProtiDiet and Bariatric Advantage, and others. The variety is vast. Some you will like, some you won't. If you don't like something today, try it again in a week. You can also make your own high protein shakes. There are lots of recipes online, using unflavored whey protein powder mixed with milk or water, like GenePro I prefer plant-based unflavored powder, Like Orgain or Pure Protein. You can add protein powder to just about any liquid, even your coffee or tea or bullion.
  9. 1 point

    Home from surgery

    Congrats! Are you able to lie down flat?
  10. 1 point

    Last 10 pounds

    losing the last 5-10-20 lbs or so is always a BEAR. It took me FOREVER. But we're not the only people it happens to. I distinctly remember sitting at Weight Watchers meetings years ago (way before surgery) rolling my eyes at these normal weight or slightly overweight women bitching and screaming about how hard it was to lose 10 lbs. Now I totally get it!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
