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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Hit plateau after 4 weeks post op

    I’m like what the hell just happen - on the day of my surgery The weight was 330 and now 289 which is not bad - I am 6’2 and my healthy weight is about 200 putting me at 130 pounds of excess weight and I’ve lost 41 pounds post op which is about 31% from that excess weight. But for the past week now matter what I do I think I hit a plateau 😤😤😤😤😤 stuck a 289. Is frustrating at the least but I know is a long love journey. I keep my food diary and basically I am doing keto. Better get back to the drawing board and speak to my nutrition team. Anyone else has experience this post op in the initial stages????
  2. 1 point

    Any December 2021 bypass people?

    Well I have a date for December set. Hopefully everything goes through with insurance since my nutrition class for December is a little earlier in the month, but otherwise things seem to be on track. Just wondered who else might be a December RNY out there???
  3. 1 point
    Hahaha!!! Dont feel guilty! If you think now, your friends give you that look, after surgery, youre gonna be a celebrity! My family members that didnt know i had the RNY immediately found out and started asking my mom how i was, how was the surgery, its like disbelief. Had my surgery on Nov 1. And this Thanksgiving were hosting, so i cant wait to see the look on friends faces when i eat chicken broth with veggies. And at church we had a chili cook off, i did my chili and didnt eat the whole time, and when i told people why, they just hang on you, like a super power. Its funny, really! By the way, im in Ft Myers, so were across from each other. Good luck! Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    Pre-Op almost done!

    I lost about 4 kg on my pre-op diet, but I started the pre-op diet at 166.4 kg which is significantly more than you. There was no concern about my liver, my surgeon didn't even mention it post-op. And weight started just dropping off as soon as I got rid of the surgical fluid and gas. DO NOT FREAK OUT if you gain weight right after surgery. They pump you absolutely chock full of surgical fluid and gas and it can take a week to pee and belch it all away. Make sure you have a couple of follow-ups with your psychiatrist (or whoever prescribes your bipolar meds), one 2-3 weeks post-op and one about 6 weeks post-op. You may need to have your medication levels changed a bit, and if you have extended-release meds (such as carbamazepine ERC) you will probably need to have those changed to regular release, since it won't sit in your new stomach long enough to be absorbed all day. It's annoying to have to dial in meds again but it's worth it. All you need at the hospital is your phone, a LONG charging cable (some of those outlets might as well be in another room for how far they are from the bed), lip moisturizer, Biotene or similar mouth moisturizer, a comfy and loose set of clothes to go home in, and a pillow for the car ride home in case the seatbelt presses on your incisions (mine didn't, but just in case). You can leave the pillow in the car, obviously. Good luck!
  5. 1 point

    Having cold feet….

    Well here I am, 27 days away from bypass and I’m in a panic! I’m starting to think “I can do this by myself”. My family believes in me and has encouraged me saying, “you’re doing so good, you can do this without surgery”. Part of me believes that because honestly I’ve never maintained healthy eating AND exercise for 6 months in my life and here I am!!!I guess I’m just scared of all the risks and what if here I am healthy, I become one of those sickly, complication patients? Is this normal? To get cold feet? I don’t know if I should postpone or just go for it…any encouragement or advice is appreciated!
  6. 1 point
    I’ve heard converting helps a lot. I had Rny in 2002 and have gained back weight for various reasons. I’m having distal bypass.
  7. 1 point
    So one thing I’ve learned is that the dont’s vary WIDELY between each Bariatric doctor/clinic. The do’s are pretty much the same; mainly, focus on protein and water consumption. The dont’s and other instructions after surgery for me (per my doctor) includes NO ALCOHOL; no drinking from straws; no chewing gum; no carbonated drinks; no caffeine; no beef/red meat for the first year; deconstruct every meal; every meal to be low cal; no drinking liquids for 15 mins before and 30 mins after a meal; chew your food for 30 seconds before swallowing; eat your meal within 30 minutes; exercise/weights at least 3x a week. TAKE THE PRESCRIBED VITAMINS EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL - especially thiamin. Soooo - I’ve lost 140lbs - sleeved December 2019. ONE OF THE TOP BEST DECISIONS OF MY LIFE. Wish I did it sooner. I struggle now with the type of foods I put into my body - I have a hankering for chocolate and cookies. 😩 BUT! 99% of the time it’s because I’m bored and will mindless eat. I have to reel it back in. It will always be a recurring process for me.
  8. 1 point

    Anyone from the NC area

    Hi, I havent been able to meet anyone in the area going through the same thing as me. I am 42 years old and having a gastric bypass on 9/14. Whats everyone's else's story? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Pre-op is NOT liquids

    I was put on a keto diet plan by my dietician for the 2.5 weeks pre surgery & I was ever so grateful. One friend was on 3 shakes a day for two weeks while another was on 2 shakes plus 1 high protein low carb meal for 4 weeks. Which ever plan you’re given stick to it. It starts the process of re-examining your food habits & making better food choices so you can take the best advantage of your surgery. Good luck with your surgery & on your journey.
  10. 1 point

    First before and after pictures

    Thanks everyone'! Actually I'm in a size 16 now. Yippee. As for my size, you know how fat folks sometimes say they are just "big boned"? Well I really am...I have a big frame so I've never looked as heavy as I really am. I was a raft guide and ski instructor in my late 20's and I was HOT. Well muscled and defined thighs, back, arms and literally six pack abs. Still wore size 14 jeans, men's M or women's L shorts and tops. I'll never be a tiny gal. It's my hardy Scandinavian genes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
