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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points


    Im so nervous im 18 days away from my surgery date. Sent from my LM-Q730 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points
    Oh yeah, I’ve been where you are @mae7365. I had trouble stabilising my weight. And my surgeon & GP wanted me to gain a couple of kilograms. My dietician wasn’t too concerned as she felt I was making sensible food choices & was increasing my food intake. My weight did finally stabilise just took 11 months post goal. Now they’re all happy with my weight. When my surgeon removed my gall, 2 yrs post sleeve, he told me I’d done very well yet I weigh a good 4 kg less then when he was telling me I needed to gain. I got those comments from family & friends too but not anymore. It takes time for their vision of you to catch up with the reality of you now. Plus we can look a bit gaunt. Once you start adding some good carbs into your diet & your remaining fat sort of resettles the gauntness disappears. To slow my loss, I increased my calories by adding more snacks because I couldn’t physically eat more in a meal. I worked up to 4 or 5 snacks.My meal portions are larger now (about a recommended serving size) & so I usually only have 3 snacks. Gotta reach that balance of calories consumed equaling calories burnt to maintain. Are you healthy? Are you happy? Do you enjoy your life? They’re the important considerations. As long as your diet & exercise regime doesn’t restrict you doing things you’re golden. Good luck.
  3. 1 point

    ms.sss: 3 years, baby

    I created a blog entry with the same content below here, but I feel like no one ever reads BP blogs, so am posting in the forums for good measure. Sorry for the dupes! Also sorry this is so long! ---------------------- It's been 3 years, y’all. I’m a 5’2” female and was 235 lbs & 45 yrs old at the start of the 2 wk liquid diet. Didn’t lose any weight prior. I was on high cholesterol and blood pressure meds, diagnosed with fatty liver, pre-diabetic, peed every 20-30 mins, and snored like a freight train (so said Mr.) Day of sleeve surgery: 223.2 lbs No recovery issues, but I became dumper on sugar (still am). I got off my meds, eliminated liver and diabetic diagnoses within a month. I can hold my pee like a superhero (including not having to go once during a 9 hr flight pre-covid!), and I sleep so silently that Mr. admitted to checking on me during the night in the beginning to check if I was even alive. I ate VERY little during weight loss phase compared to most, but it worked for ME…I didn’t suffer any medical/nutritional issues nor any angst throughout. I tracked everything I ate/drank, weighed myself every morning and took my measurements every Wednesday (I STILL track and weigh daily - its just habit now -, but no longer take my measurements regularly) Reached goal of 127 lbs 7 months after surgery. I had zero stalls. I had a tummy tuck, arm lift and breast lift at 14 months post op. Lowest weight: 109 lbs (this was a month or so after plastics, but quickly gained back to 115-ish) I’ve basically been 115-ish +/- 5 lbs since a couple months into maintenance. Weight this morning: 116.0 lbs even. Happy place is below 120 and/or that my clothes still fit, LOL. These days I exercise semi-regularly, running minimum 5km 2-3 times a week supplemented with the occasional 20-30 min strength training sessions at home (I continue to hate strength training exercises but consider it a necessary evil), and various other for-fun cardio activities. Part of me wanted to get back to higher exercise levels so I can get the “fitter” look I had back then, but I long ago reconciled myself with the fact that I don’t want it THAT badly. Maybe someday I may change my mind, but I’m cool with it for now. I average 1800-2000 cals a day. I drink alcohol and carbonated water on the regular, use straws, chew gum, drink coffee, and eat popcorn, fried foods and carbs. I love desserts. At 3 years out, my restriction is still in effect and could probably eat about 1-1.5 cups of food in volume at one sitting before I need to tap out: some things I can eat more of (salads) than others (dense protein & fluffy bread). I will barf if I eat too much or too fast. I have energy for days, and am more than satisfied with how I look and feel. Life is good. Had my 3 year follow up last week and I continue to be the picture of health, and my surgeon asked again if I wanted to be on a poster. Ummmm, no thanks. Regrets? ABSOLUTELY ZERO. Well, except maybe that I didn’t get a v-shaped tummy tuck incision vs the straight line one that I got. Just means that I can’t wear higher cut bikini bottoms without my scar showing (see the last pic in the collage below). But I mean, really, I’m just nit-picking at this point. This forum has been a constant in my life for the past 3 years, and I’ve made some great connections and some actual REAL friends. Its really nice to engage with others who know what the eff you are talking about, even if its just about food porn and clothes sometimes, lol. Hugs and Congrats to those who made it to the other side with me, and Hugs and Good Luck to those on their way.
  4. 1 point
    My nutritionist recommended something called Sweet Defeat. It is like a mint but makes sweet stuff taste like nothing. I found it helpful when I had a craving. I would have one and if I gave in, there would be no payoff. Because it's like eating cardboard. They helped me immensely. There are some YouTube videos of people trying them. Now I just use them as mints with the added benefit of killing the sweet payoff. Hope it helps. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. 1 point
    Hey all! I’m three weeks post op today from bypass. I’ve been very lucky with easily getting down the required liquids and my small blended meals. I’m suddenly struggling with food obsession again. I was okay the first while bc I knew I couldn’t, but now I’m trying actual food and really want the “bad” food. I want pizza and creamy pastas and the chocolate. I’ve held off so far, but have been creeping over the calories. It doesn’t help that I’m not losing much weight. “Only” 5 lbs in the last two weeks. I think the amount of free time isn’t helping. I’m still off work and most of my friends/family are busy this time of year. Any suggestions?
  6. 1 point

    December surgery buddies

    Me! 🙋‍♀️ Surgery scheduled for 12/6. Have to start my pre-op liquid diet on Thanksgiving. I guess I can sacrifice one holiday! Excited to finally move forward but sometimes reading some of these boards end up making me feel more nervous!
  7. 1 point

    December surgery buddies

    I’m scheduled for 12/13, but having bypass . Excited to see others preparing for December as well!
  8. 1 point
    You'll know a lot closer to then what you can and can't eat. Some people can't eat steak, because it's too dry. Some people can't eat pasta or bread because it expands too much in their pouch. Everyone is different. I will say this, though... you're likely not to be able to come anywhere close to eating an entire three-course Italian meal. If you don't speak Italian, you might want to take a little card with you that says something like Mi hanno operato allo stomaco e non posso mangiare molto. Per favore, mi serva piccole porzioni.
  9. 1 point
    Hello surgery buddies! Revision from VSG to RNY! Just got my date yesterday. November 5th for me! I was surprised at how fast the process moved this time!
  10. 1 point
    I am a little over 4 months out from my revision and close to goal. At first I was scared that the revision wasn't going to work because it didn't feel like I had the same restrictions as I did with the sleeve and I am able to eat things I couldn't with the sleeve> With the sleeve I felt more restriction but as I heal more I feel it more and things have been moving along great and I am pleased with my weight loss. It is slower as I am so close to goal (only about 4 more to go) and I had my revision per reflux. So happy to have the reflux and GERD cured and am having no problems whatsoever in that area. I am happy with my revision and growing to love it more every day! I still walk 30 minutes and log my food daily. I focus on maintaining water and protein levels as I notice this is what makes the scale move for me! Good luck! You are going to do great!

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