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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Male Tummy Tuck Thread

    3 week post-op update: 1. I used narcotic pain meds for the first 4 days post op, then alternated Tylenol and Ibuprofen until 3 weeks post-op. I likely didn't need the meds after week 2, but that was my doctor's recommendation. 2. My drains were quite active for 2 1/2 weeks, and didn't come out until 3 weeks post-op. The surgeon originally told me 7-10 days, so I wasn't mentally prepared for 3 weeks. I understand that the drains take fluid off faster than your body could absorb it and see the value. But they were painful more often than not (pulling against the stitch that held them in place) and I was happy when they were removed. Well, not happy during the removal (that hurt like crazy, but subsided within an hour or so). 3. I can walk very nearly upright and am working to stretch to fully upright, shoulders back. No real pain, just tightness at this point. 4. My incisions are healing nicely and the surgical glue has come off. I moved to Mepitac silicone tape over everything but my navel. 5. The swelling is starting to be noticeably reduced from early days. Still a ways to go, but heading in the right direction. 6. I had surgery on Thu 9/30, then started working from home on Mon 10/4, with a couple of hours of rest time each day. By week 2, I worked from home a full schedule and did the same for week 3 because I still had the drains. Going to try to work in the office all next week, but expect to be zapped since I have been so idle I'm sure my endurance is down. Other than two follow up surgeon visits, I haven't left the house in 3 weeks. All in all, doing pretty well. The pain is mostly transient with weird random nerve firing and such. Some muscle pain, but not too bad unless I cough or sneeze or twist funny. Will update again with pics in a week or so.
  2. 2 points

    Male Tummy Tuck Thread

    Sunday - 3 days post op - 1st shower day. Never had a shower felt so nice. Had to rig up a lanyard for the drains, but otherwise all went well. Unfortunately, realized I had the wrong gauze/cotton padding and my wife had to make a quick run to the store before I could get trussed back up. Here are some mortifying before and after shots. Lots of swelling still, especially on the "love handle" area. It feels tight. Overall I think I will be pleased, but it is difficult to imagine what the final results will look like at this stage. The extra horizontal lines above the incision are some scrapes from the edges of the compression bands.
  3. 1 point

    Alittle Confused

    I agree that just randomly issuing a referral without having discussed it with you is unusual and potentially annoying. My PCP was more like "You know, being overweight is hard on the body, have you considered weight loss surgery?" Only when I indicated that I was open to the idea did he send a referral. But then, my PCP doesn't send ANY kind of referral without talking to me first.
  4. 1 point
    I was like that on liquids. Even still if I drink more than a cup of water without eating first in the morning it goes right through me
  5. 1 point

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    It gets easier post op… but harder in other ways. Soon you’ll be grateful to be able to get liquid down real slow!
  6. 1 point
    This makes me so happy. I have a whole list of goals written on my white board (in purple marker, hence their name as Purple Goals) and one of my Purple Goals is no seatbelt extender and being able to put the tray all the way down. I usually try to fly up front, but I might take a short flight (maybe to Sacramento) to see whether I have achieved my Purple Goal. I won't ever fit in the seat, of course, because I still have Atlas shoulders, but the seatbelt and tray table thing is possible.
  7. 1 point

    Regret and Depression

    Is there a specific reason why you regret the surgery? Are you feeling ill or struggling with the eating plan? I'm just curious since you are losing weight.
  8. 1 point

    Regret and Depression

    Why do you regret the surgery if you have had consistent weight lost? I'm sorry you're having a hard time!
  9. 1 point

    It's time for my story

    When I was younger, I could eat anything and never gain weight. I haven't always been big. I tried all ways to lose weight. 5 years ago, I watched what I ate and exercised. I got down to 310. I was on what some people would call the " broke" diet. I lost a lot of weight because I wasn't eating right. As soon as I got a better job, I started eating more, not better. I gained 90 pounds. Then the pandemic happened and I was sent home to work. I gained 60 pounds in a year and couldn't lose it. Every doctor I ever had told me I couldn't get the surgery, due to health reasons. Finally I get a PCP this year that suggested it to me. That was in April 2021. I got a referral in a week, went to a seminar and scheduled my first surgeon appointment in May 2021. I fully expected to be told no but the surgeon said I was a good candidate and started the ball rolling. I have great insurance and didn't need a lot of requirements. Just proof I tried to lose weight supervised, which I had been seeing a nutritionist. Upper endoscopy, psych eval, dietitian appointment, and blood work. I had all that done by July 2021 and got scheduled for surgery August 25, 2021. I am less then 2 weeks post op and already feel better. More energy, not thinking about food all the time, saving money from not eating out. My stats are 40 F, 5'10", HW 463 SW 430 CW 410 GW 200 Sent from my SM-G991U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point
    You guys are so right. I know that I should not have eaten it. I am on puree diet, and the NUT gave me a recipe for a pureed cheeseburger. So I got one, only I didn't puree it, I took very small bites and chewed it up until it was liquid and ate really slow. I should have just pureed it like the NUT said. I will not do this again. Although the burger did have tomatoes, and lettuce as well cheese and very little bacon, and it was a very small burger and Yes about 1/4th of the bun.... but I still think that I could have made a better choice. I'll do better next time LOL

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