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  1. 4 points
    I haven't had surgery yet, but I've seen the surgeon, the nutrionists, and had some of the insurance required tests already. I still have a few things to do, but the surgeon said he thinks I should be able to have it in November. So wouldn't you know that the moment I commented on one of the posts here about unsupportive boyfriend MY husband decides that he does not want me to have surgery. First he said he is worried something will happen to me, then he says I can do it by exercise and diet, and then today he said that he met me heavy and he wants me to be like how I was when we first met. Honestly I think he is worried that if I get thin that I will leave him, which I would not leave him but he told me that he will not support me on my decision to have it. He said we will get a divorce. He had already told me that he would not take to me or pick me up from the hospital and that he wouldn't take care of me at home, and I needed to call my sister to come and do it all. It is very odd because we have been together 12 or 13 years, married for ten of those years and he has never been that way with me. He says he loves me but he sure isn't acting like it. I think in the end he will go along with it but for now he has really upset me. His parents said they would help me when it comes time for my surgery. Each time I drink a shake he asks me why I'm still doing that diet. I just tell him it's because it's easier than eating at the moment. I guess I should mention that I've already lost some weight and now he is heavier than me.....not by much but he knows I'm going to keep losing and he is struggling to lose it, but he has started to the gym and hopefully he can lose it and won't feel so insecure. I really do think he will change when it comes to surgery time, but for now I'm just dealing with him nagging me about the diet and exercise. I'm all about exercise, but I'm healing from some tendon surgery so I have to wait until after my physical therapy for my whole body. Has anybody else had a spouse that didn't want to support their surgery in the beginning but changed their mind later?
  2. 2 points
    Now I’m your neighbor too
  3. 2 points

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    I am also having my Gastric Bypass on 10/26! Started my Pre Op diet today, but fortunately its not full liquids until 2 days prior to surgery. Its definitely starting to feel real!
  4. 1 point
    Bonjour, I understand. Even for many of us who love to cook, meal prep could be a chore. But here is the thing. You won't be able to eat much at all, and you'll need to concentrate on protein first, then vegetables, then if you have any more room in your pouch you can have some carbohydrate. For the first little bit after surgery, you are healing and you will need to eat liquids at first, then purées or soft foods next. My surgeon requires three weeks of liquids and three weeks of soft foods, and I am one week and a little bit into the purées. But once you are done, you can easily either find healthier ready meals (don't know about Ireland, but here in the US some markets sell "meal prep kits" with, say, a bit of chicken or fish or beef or lamb, and a veg and some kind of starchy side), or you can learn to cook. You won't need very much, so you could cook a couple of times and have enough for the whole week. It doesn't have to be beige food all the time. You will introduce foods back into your life a bit at a time and eventually eat a normal diet, just... smaller. I will say that the next time I go to France I may have trouble eating the three courses that are part of the staple meals in a restaurant... even just the entrée would be enough right now, never mind the plat principal or the dessert.
  5. 1 point
    I use loads of spices in pretty much everything. I hate bland foods. Nothing is more boring that bland food.
  6. 1 point
    Thanks for the reply much appreciated! Yeah my surgeon is not very nice and rather condescending. But he is good at what he does I guess. I wanted to get a general idea from the community who have been through dumping if this was normal or not. I have read forum topics about people who have gone in their pants (which is awful) so trying to figure out is it a bug, that came on after a classic dumping episode or a straight up bug??. I had all the classic symptoms of dumping on Sunday, heart palpitations, tired, etc. thanks again!!!
  7. 1 point
    The Greater Fool

    Post surgery lag

    I think I see what you mean. Good luck, Tek
  8. 1 point
    It's funny, I tried to set 130 as my "redline" weight but my mind and emotions had other ideas. When I hit 127, my anxiety level is such that I immediately start working on getting it back down. So my de facto limit is 127, LOL. I was the same way. My self-imposed "happy weight range" is 115-120. I made a deal with myself that if I ever reach 120 for five days in a row, I have to work to get all the way back to 115. And like you, when I get to like 118, i'm all: Crap! I may as well drop a lb or two now instead of having to lose 5 if/when i reach 120. I've had to do it 3 times in the past 3 years and it gets progressively longer to do (1 wk, then 3 weeks, then 3 months)....so, yeah. During the 3 month long attempt to get back to 115 (albeit, i didn't try very hard), I was seriously considering upping my happy weight range, though. If it happens again, I just might. We'll see. Now, on the other side of things, I don't worry too much if i drop below 115, as when I have, it doesn't last very long (except for the couple months after plastics), and it goes back to 115-ish with zero effort.
  9. 1 point

    Slow weight loss

    I've lost 18 lbs in 4 weeks, and I thought I was doing great. I don't think you're a slow loser at all!
  10. 1 point

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    Hi Folks! Today I am 5 days post op (Sleeve on 10/1). I was discharged Sunday night, reluctantly, but discharged I was. Fluid intake was and still has been difficult. While my abdominal area heals and my stomach inflammation goes down, introducing liquid is painful. When I say it’s a JOB to meet the 60g Protein/64oz Fluids goal I’m not lyin! Where’s my check!?!? Lol The gas has finally started moving and thank the lord I managed a poop 🤷🏽‍♀️ Today. Everyday gets a little easier. The more I get up and move the more I see improvements. I don’t have a ton of energy yet, but I know it’ll come. Those prepping or you fortunate ones with very little prep, keep your head in the game. Nerves are normal and this is about taking care of YOU. Sure, there will be moments when you wonder “what in the **** did I do!?!”, but it’s a scattered thought and won’t stick around. I was a nervous comedian down to the last drop of happy juice that knocked me out. I had the entire OR Prep floor rolling. My husband kept telling me to shut up because me on drugs is NSFW. 😂😂😂 Anyway … good luck. And quick question. Anyone else find it easier to sleep sitting up post op? If so, how long did it last? Picture of 3 of my 4 pups at my side since I got home.

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