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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Five years!

    Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of my sleeve surgery. I am so glad I did this, and wish I'd done it years ago! It hasn't been without struggles, and I had hiatal hernia surgery in June 2021 because my sleeve had "slipped" up into my chest cavity. Still... all is good, I am SO MUCH BETTER since having the hernia repair, and I have kept all my weight off. I am just happy, and want to say to those with doubts... YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  2. 1 point
    "I love your smile!" This dude says this to me on my way into the grocery store today. And I'm thinking to myself....ok, that was odd. Then, I get a couple more big smiles and winks and weirdness. I asked my 80 year old mom who was with me today...."What the hell is going on? Do I look odd? Am I missing something? I'm getting strange looks." And without hesitation, she goes.... "It's your boobs." "What?" "You have a little waist and big boobs. You usually don't wear fitted shirts." And she's right...I'm wearing a sort of snug fitted shirt. My bestie made me try it on and she said it looked awesome on me. It's not hoochie or overly tight or anything....just not something I'd usually wear. Ok...this coming from my 80 year old mom was wild enough....but literally minutes later...some dude runs over to help me lift one of those 40 pound pails of cat litter into my cart. "Wait, let me help you!" Mr. Helpful says, dashing over grinning like a madman. And I thanked him. Twice. But I'm thinking to myself.....where the hell were you when I weighed 270 pounds and my back was killing me? Sometimes I kind of enjoy it....but most of the time it's incredibly uncomfortable to not be as invisable anymore. I mean, the sweet compliments and help are incredibly nice and all....but sometimes I feel gross about it. I am still a fat girl on the inside. I'm still angry and hurt that people are shallow assholes. Any of y'all know what I mean?
  3. 1 point

    Cigna approval with mild sleep apnea?

    Thank you for the support on this site. I’ve learned so much! I’m nervous about this liquid diet but I have my shakes soups and yogurt ready to go eeeek! 😬👍
  4. 1 point

    Watching TV makes me hungry!

    I'm about 3 weeks post-surgery and every time I see someone eating something I won't be able to have for a few months, it makes me crave it...and it's not the items you'd think. Every time I see someone eating a salad on TV I keep thinking how good and fresh it looks meanwhile I'm over here with my 1/2 cup of plain Chobani like....
  5. 1 point

    Fluctuation and sudden weight gain

    I agree with lizonaplane - that's a small enough gain that it could be normal fluctuation or a trend...hard to tell at this point. However, you're at a point post-op where many of us do tend to see a 10-20 lb rebound from our lowest weight. If you want to stay in the low 140s, then set a drop-dead weight ceiling and when you hit that, it's all hands on deck until you get back into your comfort range. But with that slight gain you're seeing now, that could also just be normal fluctuation. Give it another couple weeks and see what happens.
  6. 1 point
    I absolutely know what you mean. I have gone up and down with my weight so much and noticed the way that people treat me differently so much that now even my very fit husband gets it (because I have pointed out examples to him so many times over the years). He will even joke and say Your at your cruising weight maybe i Should take you to Home Depot with me cause I don’t know where something is. Because it never fails when I am heavy I can’t find a single sole to help me but when I am thin (also with a larger bust) I can’t fend off all the help I get. I mean to the point that it is just ridiculous. Sometimes it makes me feel good for a brief moment but then I almost feel bad For feeing good and part of me wants to scream that I am the same EXACT person that Was totally invisible just a short time ago.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Do we have scammers on this site ? This person posts strange and random conditions
  9. 1 point
    So yes, I lost weight and comments increased 10 fold - I get it no mostly do not mind. The hang up for me is that I do not feel hot. My niece said face it line up 50 or even 1000 women your age or 5 years younger and you are either the number 1 or 2 in looks. bi do not feel it though. That is what gets me.
  10. 1 point
    I used to get these leering comments and stares from men... when I was 12. Before I gained all my weight. I hope that after losing weight my short hair will be enough to keep them away. Is that wishful thinking? I don't think I can handle unwanted attention from men again.

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