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  1. 1 point
    Update on my progress. 1. Took out the catheter yesterday morning. The nurse said it would just about "fall out". The nurse lied. Things are still tender there. I understand why they sent me home with the catheter, but definitely my least favorite part of this whole process. 2. I'm now officially 48 hrs post-op. I used narcotic pain meds until this morning. Now I am alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen at the surgeon's instruction. Yes I know that we sleevers shouldn't use many nsaids, but his opinion was to do about 800mg/day for a few days to manage pain and help with the swelling. I doubt I have any significant issues over that short time frame. 3. Getting a bit tired of sleeping in a recliner, but it is easier on my body to do so. Make sure you have a chair you really like, because you are going to be spending some quality time there. 4. I haven't yet removed the compression wraps they sent me home in. Tomorrow I'm allowed to shower for the first time and it will be nice to see what everything looks like under the compression. All in all, I feel like I'm doing well. Some discomfort when transitioning from place to place, but overall OK. Of course I may still be enjoying that Exparel and worse days are ahead. I've read from others on the forum that days 2,3,4 were the worst. So far, day 2 is OK. More to come tomorrow after I get out of the compression wraps for the first time.
  2. 1 point
    Oh no! PCS during recovery! A few options: 1. Pack a cooler with protein shakes in case you end up in some food desert (LOOKING AT YOU WESTERN TEXAS) with nothing you can eat. Also, get some Isopure which helps with protein if you're truly stuck. 2. Meal prep some if you can. Maybe you can freeze it and keep ice on it? I transported frozen pork roll from New Jersey to California in February in the cab of my truck. 3. Order small portions at restaurants and then just throw away what you can't eat. Wasteful, but better than starvation. Also, just to reassure you—truck stops have AMAZING c-stores with things like protein shakes and protein bars and cheeses and things. Like, I was blown away that in way-the-he||-and-gone western Oklahoma, the Love's Travel Stop had a HUGE range of stuff that would be bariatric-friendly. If there's stuff you can eat now that you love that's Georgia-specific (my dad used to live outside of Brunswick), take some with you for comfort. Boiled peanuts spring to mind... If you want, share the route and maybe I and other Bariatric Pals can share suggestions for places to go. I've driven all over this country.
  3. 1 point

    Hunger vs ?

    Hi @lizonaplane (my almost surgery twin)... I totally get where you're coming from. And I have hunger too. So my rule now is if I can do something else and distract myself and half an hour later I'm not hungry, then I wasn't really hungry and it's my d-bag brain trying to get me fat again. If I'm still hungry half an hour later, I eat. I don't know about all these rules. I understand about not grazing, and I understand about eating slowly, but good grief. Set a portion size (one of those 4 oz. Gladwares?) and eat that, then wait an hour and see if you're hungry again. If you're not, you done good. If you are, and you consistently are, then adjust your portion size slightly. I will say that as I progress to "thicker" foods, I get full way faster—cream soups fill me up faster than broth soups, etc. You got this, sister.
  4. 1 point
    The fasting coach will probably not be a good stand alone tool. I've gained some weight and struggle to take it off. I'm fours years out. One of my tools is to fast. I fast 12 hours a day. I'm trying for the 36hrs 2x a week but that's a tall order. The point is, you will need to combine tools and not just depend on one. The surgery option is a good one combined (later on ) with the fasting option. As you've stated before you have achieved great success only to digress back to your starting weight. Weight Loss Surgery(WLS) is a great tool to "jump start" your weight loss but it is no means a stand alone tool. After 8-12 months we begin to revert back to , as I say being mere mortals again. No longer are we able to lose weight while sleeping or just by being alive. Our weight loss superpowers are gone. It now, takes a mindful and consistent maintenance program. This is where fasting, exercise, being conscience of what we eat and how we really changed our lifestyle during the first 8- 12 months. WLS is a great tool but it is not the golden bullet to lifelong weight lose and health stability. I'd say, go with the WLS, get that big jump start, start a mindful maintenance program consisting of many tools. Good luck to you and I wish you the best of health.
  5. 1 point

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    Mine is scheduled for Oct 14!
  6. 1 point
    Mike Long

    6 month post Op update

    Its hard to believe it’s been 6 months since I “went under the knife”. What a 6 months it has been. From nervousness to excitement, from regret to happiness. The emotions have been all over the board. It definitely hasn’t been easy and it’s really only just began. I wanted to share a little of my journey thus far for folks that are considering the surgery, just had the surgery or anybody else that can relate or possibly get/stay motivated. Like most, the beginning was very difficult. I did a ton of research before the surgery. I thought I was prepared. But as the old adage goes, “you don’t know until you do it”. I struggled with drinking enough water/fluids, not getting enough protein, feelings of despair as I could only eat a tiny amount of food, total regret of having the surgery and wanting to call up Doc Brown to see if I could borrow the Delorean to go back in time. But around the 6 week mark, it seemed that everyday my attitude got a little better. I started to walk a little bit to clear my mind. I started just walking around the block. It’s about all I could do and I was a little paranoid of doing too much (silly in hindsight). I tried to really stay focused on sticking to the plan and just taking each day as it was and not look into the future. I started incorporating fish into my diet and nuts and I started walking around the block twice. I just kept telling myself that things will get easier. And before too long, they did. Fast forward to today and I’ve lost 164 lbs. I’ve lost 33% of my highest body weight. My BMI has gone from 58.3 to 38.9. I’m now walking 5 miles at a time, about 5 days a week. I eat mostly fish, salads, veggies and nuts. I actually eat carbs and some stuff that they probably don’t want me to but it’s limited and I’m burning so many calories exercising that I can handle some extra calories and not worry about it. I think I’m most proud of the fact that I’ve consistently lost weight every single week except in week 3 (seems like this is the week everybody tends to stall). I’ve learned to give myself a little credit instead of giving it all to the surgery. The procedure definitely deserves most all of the credit but I wouldn’t be where I’m at now had I not stuck to the plan, pushed myself to stay mentally strong and built a routine of exercise. Giving myself that little bit of credit has helped me in so many ways. I’m still about 80 lbs from my goal. I have a long way to go to get to that goal and of course even longer for a lifetime commitment to being healthy. I know whoever reads this has heard the line “if I can do it, anybody can”. I hate to use that but it’s so true. I used to lack motivation to get out of my Laz-E-Boy to even walk around the block. To put down the soda, stop eating a large pizza by myself, fries, Chinese food, burgers,wings, you name it. I found something inside me that clicked to get curious about the surgery. Then to actually go thru with it. Then to implement and execute the plan to improve my life. I wish I could say that I’m 110% confident that I’ll never gain weight again. That I’ll never binge eat again or go off the rails. I’m confident right now that I’m fully committed to a new lifestyle. I’m only 6 months in. I’m still not even that hungry. I can still only eat a little bit. At some point, those things will change. But I know that I never want to go back to what I was. I haven’t changed as a person in the last 6 months. But my attitude, goals and purpose has. For that I’m grateful. I wish all who reads this much success in your journey. Know that it will be different from mine and all others that you come across. There will be many similarities but your journey is your own just as mine is for me. If I can do it, anybody can. 👊🏼✌🏼
  7. 1 point

    October surgery friends??

    I’m having the sleeve and hernia repair done this Friday 10/1! I wasn’t nervous until probably a few days ago. The 3 week liquid diet has kept me pre-occupied with misery. Lol. I know it’s for the right reason, I’m just over the same flavors for so many days. Well, and I’d like to chew again. I’m in Wisconsin.
  8. 1 point

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    October 13 and very excited to get it done.
  9. 1 point

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    Hello, just found out last week. Surgery date is 10/19. I'm super excited
  10. 1 point

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    October 18

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
