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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    From what I understand, yes...very normal. I'm almost 3 years out and can STILL rival the burpings of a teenage boy.
  2. 1 point
    Dave In Houston

    Blue Shield of CA PPO

    I'm not familiar with that PPO, but you may qualify at a lower BMI if you have other conditions such as blood pressure, sleep apnea, pre-diabetes, etc. Good luck.
  3. 1 point
    Taylor G

    Having issues 5 wks post

    Hi all, I got surgery on 8/9/21 and for the last couple of weeks everything has left super heavy on my stomach. I have been vomiting a lot and can’t seem to keep anything down fully. It feels like the food is getting stuck in my throat almost. I should be on the soft food diet, but can’t really seem to even get through puréed. Did anyone else struggle like this at first? I’m having trouble getting enough nutrients and water and these dang vitamin chews are disgusting! Please help lol. Thank you!!
  4. 1 point

    Brand new today!

    Really for me the most important things were my phone, charger, kindle, and night guard. I just wore the hospital gown and their socks for my walks. Wore the same clothes home I came to the hospital in (loose - nothing tight). The main helpful hint I will tell you is to have whomever is picking you up bring a pillow. You’ll want to put that under the seatbelt so it doesn’t touch your incisions directly. Saw that advise on here and so glad I followed it.
  5. 1 point
    Jaye W

    One week post-op — feeling hunger

    You have to learn to fill up on fluids, distract yourself and don’t eat every time you are “hungry”. Your previous statement about not being able to achieve what you plan if your body is crying out to be fed is already setting yourself up for failure. Take it one meal at a time, one day at a time. You can do this!
  6. 1 point

    Brand new today!

    I also didn't end up using much of what I brought. I was so tired I slept most of day 1 and often day 2. I went in comfy clothes, comfy bra, socks & sneakers. I brought a brush & hair ties, toothbrush & toothpaste, lotion & moisturizer, lip balm, phone, charger, clean shirt, undies & socks, slippers, charger, phone, & heating pad. I also brought a journal and pen (didn't touch those). Basic toiletries, phone & charger, undies & socks are musts. My lips have been really dry since surgery & often after drinking protein shakes, so chapstick or lip balm are good to bring. I didn't use the heating pad there, but I did at home. Wishing lots of luck for a successful surgery & easy recovery!
  7. 1 point

    Brand new today!

    Based on recommendations from here and my surgeon I took very little. My cell, a charger, chapstick, mouth spray for dry mouth and that's pretty much it (didn't use or need any of it). Oh and a change of clothes and underwear and pads (I got my period the day before surgery). And to be honest, I didn't even use my phone for anything. My husband text everyone who knew I had surgery to let them know how things were going so I didn't have to. Otherwise I was too tired to be bothered with the phone or anything else (just watched TV). Not to mention the nurses coming in what seemed like every hour. I was too occupied with them and the constant walking around and when I wasn't doing that I was watching TV, drinking water, and peeing constantly. LOL And in-between all of that I TRIED to sleep.
  8. 1 point
    The truth is exercising only contributes to a maximum of 20% of the weight you have to lose. You’d have to walk 6km in an hour or run 8km in 45 mins to burn 360 calories (about two slices of pizza). Of course there’s lots of other benefits to building & maintaining your fitness. Making adjustments to your diet & reducing your calorie intake is the real key coupled with portion sizes to weight loss. If you consume fewer calories then your body needs to function you’ll lose weight. Work at reducing your sugar intake. Stop the candies for a month but avoid sugar rich alternatives. Then drop any cakes or biscuits. Look to fresh fruit for a sweet treat. Make other small changes to your food choices like @lizonaplane suggested. Again you don’t have to change everything at once. Swap out a couple of things at a time & give yourself time to get used to it. You’ll likely find it much easier to make & adopt small changes to your food choices. You may not see changes in the scale straight away but it will happen. Go back to tracking your food - calories & portion sizes. It’s easy to let these slip especially if you’re guessing or not being as vigilant. Check your protein & fluid intake & increase if needed. Did you have a therapist when you had your surgery? Maybe get back in contact with them or ask your bariatric team for a recommendation. The therapist may help you better manage your stress & what may be driving your cravings. You can get back on top of this. Good luck.
  9. 1 point

    Still Worried

    As soon as I could get the vaccine, I did. I got both. As soon as I could get the booster, I will get it. Before the vaccines were available, I did everything I could to not get it, including wearing a mask, washing hands, keeping my distance. I still do those things because of delta variant but at least this time the odds are with me and if there is a breakthrough, over 99% I won't die from it. Peace of mind.
  10. 1 point

    Post VSG Regrets?

    Absolutely NO regrets!! Had my surgery June 7th down 50 lbs . Pretty unbelievable for me . 2 1/2 month's down 50lbs no way I could of did it by myself. I'm off my blood pressure medication, I've cut my diabetes medication by 75% . I'm back to normal energy wise , eating 700 - 800 calories a day , I'm losing on an average of 3lbs a week right now. To this point it's the best decision of my life .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
