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  1. 2 points

    stopped weight loss

    it's the infamous "three week stall" - happens to almost all of us (it's not always the third week - it happens within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery - but it's most often the third week, thus, the name). If you do a search of this site on the three week stall, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it'll break and you'll be on your way again. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks - but I've heard of it lasting up to three for some people. (oh - and you'll likely hit more of these stalls later on your journey - perfectly normal "feature" of weight loss...)
  2. 1 point

    445 lb. Anyone else?

    My highest recorded weight was 392 (in 2017). I was 389 when I started the program to have WLS and since my program required a 6 month monitored weight loss I lost 68 pounds during that time and was 321 on my surgery day. I'm currently 178 pounds. For reference... I had the Loop Duodenal Switch/SADI-S/SIPS surgery. It's a gastric sleeve stomach, just with the added intestinal bypass bit.
  3. 1 point

    stopped weight loss

    every WLS group I go to... people talk about having a stall at 3ish weeks out... just be patient. You didn't gain the weight overnight, it won't come off overnight either.
  4. 1 point
    I just started my 14 day liquid diet today, surgery on 9/21. I'm not so much worried about liver size; as long as you are in ketosis and at a calorie deficit, your liver will shrink, which is why the pre-op diet varies so wildly from surgeon to surgeon. But I am worried about the mental piece of it. I feel like if I can't "hack it" without cheating, then I'll fail at surgery, too. What if its too hard? What if this is just like every ding dang time before? I'm having to literally take it minute by minute and remind myself that this is a long haul change, that surgery is a tool, and that the pre-op diet is just a step along the way. Good luck on your surgery! I'm sure you're going to do great! WE CAN DO THIS!
  5. 1 point
    Congratulations on getting to Onederland! That is amazing! I am 17 pounds away from it myself and it seems unbelievable that I could ever be there again. I totally understand what you mean about clothes. It's hard to overcome years of never fitting into anything and it's overwhelming to figure out what to wear. Lizonaplane suggested Nordstrom. I haven't shopped there in years because I was too big, but last time I went they were fantastic at trying to fit me for a strapless bra. I wear one of those off the chart sizes, so they couldn't help me, but they sure tried and never made me feel like a freak like I have often felt at other places. Best service ever. Again, I congratulations on your success! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point

    Alcohol 😳

    I love non-carbonated drinks, like vodka and juice cocktails. They come in easy, and it's a lot of fun. But I don't advise anyone to drink alcohol because it's a very insidious thing. Alcohol can be called poison. It destroys almost all the organs, but you feel perfect, and you're in a good mood. I've been drinking like that for over a year, and my liver said, "Bye, buddy. It got to the point where I woke up in the hospital with terrible results. I was told either you quit drinking, or you're going to die soon. I'm afraid of death, so the choice was obvious. After I was discharged from the hospital, I wanted a drink and thought about joining Alcoholics Anonymous & Other Mutual Aid Support Groups. It all worked out, and now I've been sober for over a year. It's a small victory for my loved ones and me.
  7. 1 point
    Congratulations on your success. If you always hated shopping because things didn't look good or you didn't know what to buy or look for to try on and now you don't know your size, consider going to Nordstrom. The salespeople there are really good at helping you find things that work for you and their bra sales people will measure you and figure out the best size and type of bra for you. I do not work for Nordstrom, I just found last time I lost a lot of weight I got overwhelmed easily by all the options and Nordstrom was really helpful. Plus, my mom hates shopping and she would only go there for the longest time because of how helpful they are. It's expensive, yes, but you get what you pay for. If that's out of your budget, try Chico's. Their staff is also very helpful, but you have to like their style of clothing!
  8. 1 point
    River Moon

    How you doing???

    I have experienced this too. This last weekend I was with family and they were passing around a box of cheez-its. I have always loved cheez-its so when they first pulled out the box I got worried that I was going to be feeling bummed that I couldn't eat any. But, then I smelled them as they were passing them around. Suddenly, one of my favorite crackers disgusted me. The smell was not anything pleasant and it shocked me, 'cause I have always enjoyed them. Ultimately, it was a good thing for me, as I had zero cravings for them.
  9. 1 point

    Hungrier on soft foods phase?

    It takes a lot to stretch your tummy - eating large portions, many times a day, over a considerable period of time. If you’re sticking to your diet & your recommended portion size you can’t stretch your tummy. But I understand your concerns & your desire to be hyper vigilant. This is all very different to what you’ve ever experienced before & consequently you question many of your decisions & don’t want to mess up. We’ve all been there. I remember taking it very slowly when I introduced new foods & cooked them very simply. My tummy had always been a bit fussy so I expected it to be more so after surgery. You’re fortunate you haven’t had any issues with nausea or being unwell. I had nausea from my multi vitamins & consequently had the foamies & vomited a few times but I found I could generally eat most foods. If something didn’t sit well one day, it usually was ok in a week or so. In the beginning it was often that the food tasted disgusting because my taste buds had changed not because the food itself upset me. It can be a lot of trial & error to begin so take the time you need. I followed my plan pretty closely. I also asked my dietician about alternatives for foods I didn’t like or wanted to try. Honestly, I wasn’t hungry or all that interested in food but I kept to a routine of eating to ensure I got calories & nutrients in. If you continue to stick to your plan, recommended portion sizes & meals per day, calorie goals (not every one has them) & meet your protein & fluid goals, you’ll be fine. When you get to more solid foods, your restriction will likely kick in if you eat too much or too quickly. It certainly helps keep you on track. Good luck.
  10. 1 point

    Alcohol 😳

    The issue for people post surgery is addiction transfer & alcohol is an easy transfer from food. I enjoyed a glass of something (wine, gin, scotch) every night pre surgery but since my surgery I probably have a glass less than once a month. And then I rarely finish it. I also found that my taste buds have changed & a lot of alcohol tastes too sweet & just plain blah! Have to admit I don’t really miss it. If I do have something to drink it’s gin & tonic. I drink it very slowly - an hour + for a low ball. Most of the bubbles dissipate quickly which helps with the carbonation issue. A couple of things to consider: The carbonation fills you quickly & causes issues like discomfort. If you’re drinking, you’re not eating. Alcohol will dehydrate you. Alcohol has no nutritional value.

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