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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi muffin. X I just had my surgery 3 days ago & yes I got all the to the hospital on my surgery day & almost walked out! I have gone back and forth for almost 2 years with us this right decision for me. I had 1 final talk with God and he explained to me that he needs me at my healthiest for the assignments that he has for me in future! It's ok to have doubts and fears. Do a pros/cons list, analyze, pray on then let us what you decided. I hope my testimony helps you 🥰
  2. 2 points

    What are you looking forward to ?

    Looking forward to not having to buy plus sized clothes. Fitting comfortably in an airplane seat. Just feeling good and proud about myself.
  3. 1 point


    I'm the 18th and SUUUUUUPER excited!
  4. 1 point
    First I want to say thank you to so many of the veteran posters on here. I hope you gals and guys know how much your experiences and feedback have helped me and I suspect many others. There's just such a fantastic mix of people and experiences - It's great knowing you aren't alone in this journey. The first few months after surgery were easy. The weight was simply falling off, there wasn't anything I couldn't eat or drink - And better yet, I couldn't overeat because of the restriction. I felt fantastic most of the time, had all sorts of NSV's and loved my new life. From August until January I lost almost 50lbs - I was so close to Wonderland I could taste it. THEN reality struck - Suddenly I was one of those "slow losers" - It took almost 2 months to lose 13lbs. UGH, I WAS going to be one of those slow losers. OK, fine, I'm 52 and it is what it is, right? From January until May, I "only" lost 33lbs. Again, every week/month I told myself that I would lose the weight, I was just in some sort of a stall and things would magically pick up. Well, they didn't, I would lose 2-3 lbs and then I would gain 2-3 lbs. Again, "it's normal" I told myself. Fast forward to a week ago - I jumped on here for some motivation (reading stories, etc.) and I took a hard look at what I was doing. Basically, I was being lazy - I was eating whatever I wanted and justifying it by saying "I only eat small portions" - Well, yeah, that was true...BUT I was grazing, I was drinking too much alcohol, and I wasn't tracking. I honetly have no idea how many calories I was consuming (especially on weekends with family and friends). I played mind games with myself and said "As long as I'm not gaining, I'm doing things right." - Well, that was a giant load of (@*$. This past Tuesday (after a weekend of Mimosa's, Crown Royal, and some really great BBQ), I woke up to a 5lb gain (BTW, yes I realize some of that was water retention). WAKE UP CALL. 5lbs? Seriously - Time to go back to basics before that's a 10lb gain. For the first time in MONTHS, I tracked every thing I tracked everything that went into my mouth (water, food, etc) - I did 3 days of liquid - In two days, those 5lbs were off. Rather than what I've done in the past, I didn't stop there - I continued tracking, I continued being cognizant of what and when I was eating. I said "no" to many things that I thought I wanted. I lost 6.8lbs from Tuesday to Sunday. What? I'm NOT a slow loser - I'm a LAZY loser. Folks, for many of us, it's EASY in the first few months, it's EASY to convince ourselves that we're doing OK, it's EASY to compare ourselves to others, it's EASY to ignore signs that you're falling into bad habits, and it's EASY to get lazy. In reality, it's HARD to stick to your plan when you're feeling fantastic and patting yourself on the back for losing so much weight. I'm choosing to be thankful that this happened now rather than 2-3 years into it. I'm glad that reality smacked me in the face and forced me to face the fact that i wasn't doing what I needed to do. Right now it was EASY to get back on track before I let it get out of control. For those of you experiencing the same - Buckle up buttercup, start tracking, weigh yourself often if you need to, and take a good look and when and why you're losing weight and when and why you aren't. Again, a very special thank you to you old timers for always keeping things real and giving out such fantastic advice.
  5. 1 point
    Had the VSG on the 4th, was in and out of the surgical center in under 11 hours. No gas pain and I've been keeping water and clear protein drinks down without nausea. Lots of sipping, doesn't take more than 3 to feel chest pressure. I'm still surprised this is going so well. I was supposed to take Lyrica, Tylenol and Ibuprofen on a scheduled for pain; I've mostly taken Ibuprofen since Tylenol doesn't do much for me and Lyrica is a no-go. I had 1 oxy yesterday, none today. Worst is the incision by the navel which affects how I sit or turn. The only thing bugging me is difficulty finding words and choosing similar but incorrect words when I speak. It was my first time receiving anesthesia and it was rough in recovery. The surgery practice has a great protocol to manage pain and nausea before surgery. I was out and about for the past 2 days without any issues. No food cravings or hunger, I spent the morning showing off my baking skills to out of town guests. I was on my feet all day without feeling tired. There is some really great food around me but I don't feel like I'm missing out. Good luck to everyone having metabolic surgery this month.
  6. 1 point


    Hi! I had my surgery late July (27th) so I'm 10 days post op. This is how things went for me: Day of surgery The surgery took 1.5 hours, and I spent an additional 1 hour in the recovery room. I was only nauseous immediately after waking up but it went away quickly. When I got back to my room, I slept for a while. After about an hour I was able to get up and walk around, use the bathroom, and drink water. This made me a bit dizzy and nauseous and I felt weak. I tried to walk around every hour or so but all I really wanted to do was sleep. Most of the pain was in my back and chest. Pain level was 7/10 so they gave me more painkillers for the night. I slept on and off throughout the night, waking several times to use the bathroom, have a walk around my room and a few sips of water. These were definitely the hardest hours of the entire recovery. It took quite a bit of concentration and strength to get myself out of bed each time. I never experienced any nausea or vomiting, just some dizziness when walking or standing up for more than 5 minutes. 1 day post op The next morning I felt much better, pain level 5/10. Was able to drink a lot more, walk around the entire ward, have a shower and take 2 pills orally (1 for stomach, 1 for pain). Most of the pain was more of an aching in my back and upper chest, and an extremely sore abdomen. My husband said the color in my skin was back to normal and I was generally in good spirits. I was discharged at 11am and when we got home (to our hotel) is when the shoulder pain and gas pain started to kick in. I noticed that it helped a lot to drink hot peppermint tea and broth, as well as to lie down flat on the bed. Once I would get up and walk around some more, though, the shoulder pain would come back. I walked around as much as I could because I had read that, although painful, it's the quickest way to get the gasses out and recover. That afternoon I also had my first meal: about 2 tbsp of babyfood puree. Went down fine. It was also the first time that evening that I noticed my belly rumbling a lot and making noise. Slept through the night without waking up just fine. 2 days post op Pain level was just a 2 or 3 this morning with some gas and shoulder aching. I spent the day taking small walks, napping and alternating ice water with hot broth and tea, and had about 100g of babyfood puree throughout the day. 3 days post op No real pain on this day, just soreness in the abdomen and some dull ache in the shoulder every once in a while. I had some Greek Yoghurt in addition to the babyfood and that went down well. Could feel a lot of rumbling happening in my belly. Also had my first BM! 4-5 days post op This is when I finally started to feel some hunger. But after having just 2 or 3 teaspoons of yogurt or puree, my stomach felt very full and this would last for 3-4 hours during which I could focus on getting my water in. I comfortably traveled home (1.5 hr flight + 1 hr train) on day 5. Present (10 days post op) No pain or discomfort, just some soreness around my incisions that I notice a few times a day. Energy levels are fine unless I try to do something physically demanding - then I get wiped out very quickly and need a nap or a rest. I am continuing to take omeprazole every morning and have 1 more day of blood thinner injections left. Eating around 50g of puree food, 5-6x a day. Highest weight: 241 lbs Surgery date weight: 228 lbs Today's weight: 216 lbs
  7. 1 point
    Wohooo! I just heard back from the HR department from my company. They will add GSV to insurance covered procedures list effective September 1st. My surgery date is November 12th. Now I got choices.
  8. 1 point
    Because I am having trouble with dieting during this preop I wanted to add a few things: Bending down to tie my shoes and not experiencing horrible side cramps Not worrying about if I can fit into an uber or someone else's car Wearing athletic shoes, in school the kids always said my shoes were leaning over Walking on campus at a regular pace with coworkers and not sweating or being winded Being able to fit on rides, go to concerts and not have to shimmy walk at the theaters Working on a core that's strong enough where I can get up off of the floor without flailing around
  9. 1 point

    September Ops

    I'm cash pay also, surgery scheduled for 8/26. I've also struggled with my decision to spend so much money on myself, but honestly, how much have we spent through the years on Weight Watchers, this diet plan, that diet plan, a nutritionist, gym memberships, diet bet...for me, the list goes on and on... (I even once signed up for 6 months of a service where I got blood glucose monitors for $200 a month, thinking if I could just see what my blood sugar was doing I could lose weight). And if we don't get the surgery, how much will we spend on health issues related to obesity? You're worth it. Don't feel guilty. Sent from my SM-N976V using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point
    I have these thoughts too (I'm pre-op) so what I have is a list of things I want to experience in various places through my house. Sitting in a chair without having to do mental physics first. Not having to ask for a table instead of a booth. Being able to fly coach and not say a prayer to whoever the patron saint of obesity is that the seatbelt will just close. Being able to run more than 400 m without dying. And honestly? When the "what are you even DOING right now" feeling gets overwhelming, I come here and just lurk. Y'all have no idea how many times you've kept me from canceling things... thank you.

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