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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2021 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Here is me just shy of my heaviest of 365 lbs. I started my Weight loss journey June 2020. I lost about 35 pre surgery which was January 4, 2021. I also have had to have a revision due to a perforated ulcer mid July. I am now down a total of 120 lbs. it’s amazing the difference I feel. My 5 year old can actually sit in my lap… because I have one now! I can see my feet when I weigh myself. I don’t have to lean against a wall to wipe after using the bathroom, or to clean myself in the shower. I can buckle my seatbelt with out getting out of breath. I now consider myself ‘normal’ fat because I actually blend in with a crowd rather than standing out as the largest in a room! I’m sure I could go on but I am so glad I did this!
  2. 2 points
    I haven't tried that one, but I like isopure or Genepro (the caveat with Genepro is that they say you get 30g of protein from a 7g serving, which seems completely impossible, but lots of people say it works for them. There was a lawsuit, but it was dismissed on a technicality). The main thing I've found with these is that you have to be careful how you add them to food. You have to mix them with a little lukewarm water until they fully dissolve before adding them to hot food, like soup or oatmeal. If you try to heat (or reheat) the food with the protein powder in them, it's an absolutely disgusting mess of clumps. Also, the isopure smells terrible, but I've used it in some pretty bland foods like oatmeal and lobster bisque and it doesn't taste like anything.
  3. 1 point

    3weeks out

    Yep, very common. You’ve had pretty major life changing surgery, you’re healing & consuming very little. It’s not unusual to be feeling week & generally blah. Plus as you lose weight, the oestrogen which is stored in your fat is released into your blood stream throwing off your cycle & screwing up your emotions. It will get better just give it time. We all recover differently. Try adding some electrolytes to your water to give you a boost to your energy. Good luck.
  4. 1 point

    Super tired

    Oh yeah, very common. Makes sense when you think about. Major surgery, healing, low calorie diet, emotions likely up & down, etc. Lethargy & general lack of energy should be expected. I mean when we get the flu, we’re always told to rest. You’ve had a huge chunk of your tummy removed, so I think you’re allowed to be tired. I spent a lot of time on my couch the first two weeks then it took me a few months to get my energy fully back. We all heal & recover differently so you may be ok in a couple of weeks or may need a couple of months. Take the time you need. Good luck. BTW I used to mix up a bottle of hydralyte everyday - the electrolytes used to give me an extra boost.
  5. 1 point

    Ringing/Whooshing In Ears

    actually, animal products, esp meat, have a lot more protein than vegetables. Or are you vegan? 65 mg of elemental iron is about what bypassers are supposed to get - not sure about sleevers. But be aware that different types of iron contain different amounts of elemental iron. Elemental iron is the part you actually absorb. Carbonyl iron is 100% elemental iron, meaning you absorb all of it. Some of the more common versions, like Ferrous Sulfate, have a much lower percentage of elemental iron. So it's hard to answer your question about the amount you're taking since it depends on if you mean elemental or not. Only 20% of ferrous sulfate is elemental, but 100% of carbonyl is (and there are other versions that have different percentages of elemental iron) - so the required mg is going to depend on which version you're taking. I'd ask your surgeon or dietitian how much you need.
  6. 1 point
    My doctor had me write out my list of reasons WHY I wanted WLS and what my non scale goals were and I often turn to that list when I need to regain focus.
  7. 1 point
    UPDATE: Just wanted to give a quick update on the inches I lost. So, I took my measurements today and since the beginning of May I have lost a total of 29.8 inches!!! The breakdown looks like this: May to June I lost: 16.8 inches June to July I lost: 5.3 inches July to August I lost: 7.7 inches Some of the biggest inches lost were............. 5 inches off my hips 3 in my breasts 7 in my stomach I also contacted my surgeon's office and asked about the ProCare branch One A Day Multi-vitamin. I read about it here and was curious if my office would say it fit or not into my program/dietary needs. Looking at the nutritional values I was also curious about not having to take the extra B1, B12, Calcium and Iron. All supplements I buy and take as extras right now as the Flintstones chewables don't provide enough. My office said that it looked good and that I also would NOT have to take extra B1, B12, Iron (I got the multivitamin with 45 mg of iron) or Calcium as it provides more than enough! So that's great to hear. My hope was to eventually be taking less meds/supplements/vitamins and now I am. I will have my first post surgery blood work drawn at the end of the month, beginning of next month and see how I fare in that department. Fingers crossed there is a great improvement.
  8. 1 point

    I tried again and I did it

    Some do have a tougher time post surgery & I’m sorry you are. But it does get better. The pain subsides, the swelling reduces, you’ll move more easily, …. Just give yourself time to heal. Honestly, there will be days in the future when eating or drinking may be tough or your tummy/body will throw you a curve ball. There’s a lot of learning & new things to discover about yourself & your body. It is soooo worth it.
  9. 1 point
    You said it, not us. ;-D It's entirely natural to be nervous right before surgery. Here's wishing you a good night's rest, a safe, uneventful surgery tomorrow, and a quick recovery so you can get home and get busy losing. You got this!
  10. 1 point

    Low fat high protein diet

    I'm an RNY'er, so I'm not sure if the DS'ers are on a similar diet, but if so, I'd go back to the way you were eating at first (not all the way back to all liquid or pureed stuff, but I mean the protein first, then veggies - and then, if you still have room, maybe a small serving of fruit or whole-grain carb). If your system can't handle the fat (I have issues with fatty things, too), then do lean proteins - like chicken, turkey, fish, and low-fat dairy. Although again, I had RNY, so our recommended diets might be different. To be sure, I'd ask the dietitian at your clinic if at all possible...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
