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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I hear about being anxious with not knowing. Sadly, no matter what we tell you about our own plans and experiences doesn't mean that will be how yours is. Ya know? But at least it can give you some sort of idea. My surgeon's office/plan whatever you wanna call it, was so easy!! Everything was planned and spelled out for me ahead of time. They made all the appointments with the nutritionist and psychologist. Ones who work with their office (although I could go to alternatives if I wanted) so I didn't have to go searching for any on my own. The only things I did have to do on my own was set up and get my pre medical testing done. And even that was easy as I was able to get it all done at one time at an out patient facility. I also had to do my "homework" which included watching MANY video on the surgery, diet, psychology, etc. and then answer questions on said videos.....all of which I had to pass in order to move on through the process. I know they said Covid made things different and hard but IMO it made it easier cause I did most of this stuff, but for the medical tests, from the comfort of my home via calls and/or videos or via website when it came to the videos and tests. No trucking around from appointment to appointment or class to class. It all went smoothly and quickly for me.
  2. 2 points

    15 months post sleeve

    I would think it was more about the volume rather than weight. If you are concerned speak to your dietician or surgeon. Given that your profile shows you are in a good place so you must be doing right regardless of the weight of the food you are eating.
  3. 1 point
    Here is me just shy of my heaviest of 365 lbs. I started my Weight loss journey June 2020. I lost about 35 pre surgery which was January 4, 2021. I also have had to have a revision due to a perforated ulcer mid July. I am now down a total of 120 lbs. it’s amazing the difference I feel. My 5 year old can actually sit in my lap… because I have one now! I can see my feet when I weigh myself. I don’t have to lean against a wall to wipe after using the bathroom, or to clean myself in the shower. I can buckle my seatbelt with out getting out of breath. I now consider myself ‘normal’ fat because I actually blend in with a crowd rather than standing out as the largest in a room! I’m sure I could go on but I am so glad I did this!
  4. 1 point
    the one- to two-week liquid (mostly or totally liquid) is required by the surgeon. Although not all surgeons require them. the three- to six-month professionally supervised diet is required by many (but not all) insurance companies. With mine, the only requirement they had was that i meet with a doctor or dietitian once a month to discuss my diet. The dietitian I was working with put me on a 2200-calorie healthy diet, and we gradually changed things up so that eventually I was eating the way I would be eating post-surgery (well, at least after the fluid & puree stages). We gradually increased my protein and lowered my carbs, I gradually weaned myself off caffeine, added more fruits and vegetables, etc. I lost about 40 lbs on it.
  5. 1 point

    Ringing/Whooshing In Ears

    actually, animal products, esp meat, have a lot more protein than vegetables. Or are you vegan? 65 mg of elemental iron is about what bypassers are supposed to get - not sure about sleevers. But be aware that different types of iron contain different amounts of elemental iron. Elemental iron is the part you actually absorb. Carbonyl iron is 100% elemental iron, meaning you absorb all of it. Some of the more common versions, like Ferrous Sulfate, have a much lower percentage of elemental iron. So it's hard to answer your question about the amount you're taking since it depends on if you mean elemental or not. Only 20% of ferrous sulfate is elemental, but 100% of carbonyl is (and there are other versions that have different percentages of elemental iron) - so the required mg is going to depend on which version you're taking. I'd ask your surgeon or dietitian how much you need.
  6. 1 point
    Wohooo! I just heard back from the HR department from my company. They will add GSV to insurance covered procedures list effective September 1st. My surgery date is November 12th. Now I got choices.
  7. 1 point
    I definitely am learning there's no one journey. I'm not using insurance because mine doesn't cover it. Most of this was just Doctor's orders (I.e. being on their diet for 3 months). I'll keep working on it and continue my reformation. Thanks for your response! Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. 1 point
    Hi, I am 62 and pre op. Date imminent hopefully. I also thought I may be too old but have little to no other options. I really didnt want to do the All in, never cheat 2 year really focused diet. How many times have I done this ? 3 or 4. My life is getting shorter. I wish I had this done years ago
  9. 1 point
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I posted some of my before and after pics. I was 348 at my heaviest. I was 330 in July 2020 when I began the approval process. I was 310 on December 23, 2020, the day of surgery. I am now 247. My weight loss isn’t going as fast as some. I do eat a bit more in carbs and I work out 4-5 days a week including strength training. I have never felt or looked as good as I do now.
  10. 1 point
    If I were in your position, I would honestly go with what the insurance pays for. I wouldn't want to, but for me, cost would be very very important. But if you can afford it and you really don't want the bypass, then go ahead and self pay.

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