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  1. 2 points
    Here is me just shy of my heaviest of 365 lbs. I started my Weight loss journey June 2020. I lost about 35 pre surgery which was January 4, 2021. I also have had to have a revision due to a perforated ulcer mid July. I am now down a total of 120 lbs. it’s amazing the difference I feel. My 5 year old can actually sit in my lap… because I have one now! I can see my feet when I weigh myself. I don’t have to lean against a wall to wipe after using the bathroom, or to clean myself in the shower. I can buckle my seatbelt with out getting out of breath. I now consider myself ‘normal’ fat because I actually blend in with a crowd rather than standing out as the largest in a room! I’m sure I could go on but I am so glad I did this!
  2. 1 point


    I'm the 18th and SUUUUUUPER excited!
  3. 1 point
    John M

    New post op RNY

    I just checked and yes, it is whey protein. It also calls to make it with milk so I've been using about 50-70% skim milk and a little water. I didn't think about a lactose issue. I'll have to try mixing it with water only and see how that goes. If it's still giving me trouble then I'll give a different type of protein powder a shot. Well today ends week one of the post-op liquid diet. Now that I'm reading and hearing other people saying they came off onto puree after a week I'm a little less worried. Everything online says 2 weeks post-op but to me that just seems excessively cautious. Maybe for slow healers or people having a lot of struggles with adapting to the surgery. For me I feel fine in every way minus the desire for something more. I was just worried if I started trying puree foods if it was going to stretch my stomach or screw me over somehow. I didn't want to ruin the surgery early on or cause some kind of damage to myself. I wish I had regular check-ups with the surgical team to give me advice and updates on what I could try or do but I don't. In Canada since Healthcare is free and I didn't have to come out of pocket for this or use insurance you don't get the same access to treatment. My first follow-up is a month after surgery and they'll likely just ask for my progress and if I have any concerns or major issues. My first follow-up with the dietician is also about a month away. They never gave me any information about support groups I could go to or how to meet others in my local area who are having surgery to kind of have a buddy system like they do in other addiction groups. So it's kind of free sailing here and having to figure it out on my own.
  4. 1 point

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Finally got home from Tijuana today.... surgery was Monday 7.26.2021 with dr. verboonen at V Bariatrics (Obesity Goodbye Center). Ever since I got to the hotel yesterday. I've been sipping Powerade, Gatorade, Water, broth, SF popsicles nonstop. Is that okay? Or am I supposed to only consume during set times throughout the day? Also how did you get comfortable? Best thing to make scars dissapear ? Trying to plan ahead I am on full liquid diet right now, but go to purée on Monday/Tuesday next week.... what are your favorite recipes? When did you notice that initial bloat go away from surgery? I'm 2 lbs down from surgery date but my stomach is stuck protruding out bc of being so sore.
  5. 1 point

    Do you try to finish it later or…

    I would put whatever I couldn’t finish in the fridge and try again in a few hours (actually still do this at almost 3 years out). I had/have stuff in the fridge for days. I’m not adverse to leftovers and/or cold food so this works for me…but i get how some may be turned off by this. Basically, i’d say just eat what you can (without going your pre-portioned amount). No need to force yourself. Good Luck! ❤️
  6. 1 point

    New scale - ugh

    WOW! Your stats are amazing and congrats on being so close!! And I think I would feel the same way!!
  7. 1 point
    New here just looking around. Hopefully if I have any questions this will be a good place to come for answers. I finally was able to get in to see a doctor about having a surgery and everything has been set up to get the ball rolling. Lord willing it will be able to happen in 2021. I spent to many years denying I needed help and I've just yoyoed every year, I want to be around for my daughters.
  8. 1 point

    Dietitian VS Nutritionist

    Folks, PLEASE check the education credentials of the person giving you nutrition advice. In some states, there is absolutley zero education required to call oneself "a nutritionist" and give people dietary consultations. Many bariatric groups will use lay-trained staff to push a particular doctor's dietary approach. Don't use these people. They are unqualified and it's dangerous. Nutrition is complex and individual and it's a SCIENCE. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dietitian-vs-nutritionist#nutritionist Check the laws in your state: https://theana.org/advocate Ask to see the credentials of the people treating you at appointments.
  9. 1 point
    Right now I'm in Florida on vacation and this is the smallest I've ever been on a beach. It's SO much easier to walk on the sand and I even RAN on the sand today. I have not gotten short of breath at all. Last year a month before my surgery we went to Orange Beach, AL, and I had to keep stopping for breath every few feet and it was miserable. I was in so much pain too. swear I feel like a teenager again at almost 50! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 1 point
    Fat stores all over your body including your fingers so as you lose weight you’ll lose it from your hands & fingers too. I’ve either resized some of my rings (most was an O down to an L & it fell off my finger last week 🙁) or wear them on other fingers. I even have looshish skin on my fingers so they look wrinkly - didn’t expect that. I’ve slathered on many, many tubes of hand creams promising all sorts of things but the only change is softer hands. I wonder if there’s plastic surgery for fingers?? 😆

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