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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Here is me just shy of my heaviest of 365 lbs. I started my Weight loss journey June 2020. I lost about 35 pre surgery which was January 4, 2021. I also have had to have a revision due to a perforated ulcer mid July. I am now down a total of 120 lbs. it’s amazing the difference I feel. My 5 year old can actually sit in my lap… because I have one now! I can see my feet when I weigh myself. I don’t have to lean against a wall to wipe after using the bathroom, or to clean myself in the shower. I can buckle my seatbelt with out getting out of breath. I now consider myself ‘normal’ fat because I actually blend in with a crowd rather than standing out as the largest in a room! I’m sure I could go on but I am so glad I did this!
  2. 2 points

    Revision; VSG to RNY

    Hello! I am looking to introduce myself and possibly get some advice or insight from others! I had a VSG in October of 2016. Weight DOS was 288, lowest weight I reached was 198 within about 6 months of the procedure. I developed terrible reflux that I managed with OTC medications, and maintained this weight loss almost effortlessly (I did go to the gym 4-5x weekly and ate small portions - stuck to the rules as best as I could) until the end of 2019. But to backtrack a little - I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2018, so by the time I was through with chemo, steroids, horrible lethargy...you get the picture... the weight piled back on within a year of finishing treatment, and by the end of 2019, I had gained 60lbs back. I am in no way trying to play the "cancer card" or blame it on that, I know I am fully responsible for the way my weight journey has turned out, but if I had to pinpoint when it started to go downhill, I'm pretty sure it aligned with that. Presently, I am at 261 and am seeking a revision due to the reflux, a severely dilated fundus that was seen on both a CT and an endoscopy, and the weight regain. I guess I am just looking for others who are also seeking a revision, or others who have recently had one who may have any words of wisdom! Lastly, I have Harvard Pilgrim and my authorization has been submitted by my surgeon and is now in the "pending medical review" stage. Anyone else with HP, roughly how long did it take to hear back? My program coordinator said anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks, but I was just wondering if anyone had any personal experience. Thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to "meeting" more people on here!
  3. 2 points
    I've gotten freaked out before every surgery I've ever had, and I've always sailed through just fine. Don't get fixiated on the horror stories, as those are rare. They seem more common than they really are because people are more likely to post when they have problems than when they don't because they're looking for support or advice. Of course, those things do happen and it's good to be aware of the possibility, but again, they're pretty rare. the mortality rate on RNY is 0.3%, and it's even lower for sleeve. So you have a 99.7% chance of not dying - which are excellent odds. Major complications are also rare. Many of us don't have complications with these surgeries - and for those who do, most are minor and "fixable". I also contemplated surgery for 10 years (maybe longer), and I came to the conclusion that I had a much greater risk of complications from staying at over 300 lbs than I did with having the surgery. you always have the option to cancel or postpone if you're not ready - but I did go through with it (obviously) and am so glad that I did.
  4. 1 point

    Driver's License

    I noticed today that I actually weigh 5 lbs. less than the wild lie that has been listed on my driver's license for the past 25 years! 🤣🤩 I guess it qualifies as a NSV.
  5. 1 point
    I am 69 having surgery on August 16. any support is very appreciated.
  6. 1 point

    New scale - ugh

    WOW! Your stats are amazing and congrats on being so close!! And I think I would feel the same way!!
  7. 1 point
    I have these thoughts too (I'm pre-op) so what I have is a list of things I want to experience in various places through my house. Sitting in a chair without having to do mental physics first. Not having to ask for a table instead of a booth. Being able to fly coach and not say a prayer to whoever the patron saint of obesity is that the seatbelt will just close. Being able to run more than 400 m without dying. And honestly? When the "what are you even DOING right now" feeling gets overwhelming, I come here and just lurk. Y'all have no idea how many times you've kept me from canceling things... thank you.
  8. 1 point

    anyone over 60?

    Hi Elizabeth! I was sleeved a year ago at 67 and feel better than I have in many years. I had a smooth recovery and continual weight loss, although very slow at this point. Slow and steady wins the race (well, not in the Olympics). Good luck, and ask any questions!
  9. 1 point

    Feeling down

    116 lbs. ago you were probably desperate to be where you are now. Don't lose sight of what you have accomplished.
  10. 1 point

    Feeling down

    I'd lost way less than 116 lbs at eight months out, so you're much further ahead than I was at that point. My stalls became more frequent and lasted longer the further out I went - and my weight loss slowed to a crawl. But I kept at it regardless, and I ended up losing all of my excess weight, over 200 lbs. It took 20 months in total. in short, don't give up yet!

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