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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Six weeks out and scared??

    the average WLS patient seems to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first MONTH, so at 6 weeks out, you're totally normal. Of course, you will always find outliers to that 15-25 lb range, but they're outliers. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people's expectations are shaped by shows like "My 600 lb Life", but you have to remember that those people start out with MUCH higher BMI's than the average WLS patient. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and 28 lbs at the two-month mark. I only record monthly weights in my spreadsheet so I don't know where exactly I was at six weeks out, but I was probably about 23-24 lbs down at that point. And I ended up losing all of my excess weight, over 200 lbs. So you've got nothing to worry about. In the end, it's your level of commitment to the program that's going to make the biggest difference.
  2. 2 points

    Six weeks out and scared??

    btw - after the first couple of months, I don't think you really lose weight much faster than you would without the surgery. The difference is, whatever you're doing actually WORKS this time (as long as you follow the rules, that is). You're not fighting biology the whole time like you were before.
  3. 1 point

    Pants Size and Other Bariatric Sites

    For me, personally, it was really weird. I skipped sizes. I'm not joking. I started in a 34, but I had pants down to a 26 so I just pulled those out as I went down. Then, I literally went from a 26 down to 20 and then a 20 to a 14 and right now I'm in a 12 (and probably going to settle there considering I'm 17 months out and I've only lost 1 pound in the last month and only 1 pound the month before).
  4. 1 point

    June Surgeries

    Learning every day: Well, this is certainly a rollercoaster of emotions to say the least. I think I am in mourning for the way I used to eat. Trying to learn how to retrain my brain not to eat as much as it thinks it can eat. My new Tummy rebelled against me for a couple of days. I had dumping syndrome and vomiting (not on the same day) but it was pretty intense. I still think I can eat a whole egg in one sitting and I can't. I still think I can go out to eat and I can't (yet). My whole day seems to be consumed by trying to get the vitamins in and other meds I take because I can't take them all at once like I used to do. There are so many things I "can't" do but let me tell you what I can do... I can walk! I can sleep without sleeping pills! I don't need my diabetes meds! The pain in my knees and hips is subsiding. I don't have to sit down after 10 minutes of activity. Indeed, the future looks BRIGHT!!!
  5. 1 point
    Jaye W

    Lost my bum

    My butt ran away with my boobs.
  6. 1 point
    Santa Barbarian

    June Surgeries

    Hey I was also June 23 and I’m down 10lbs. too! It’s been much smoother than I thought it would be.
  7. 1 point

    Sipping Water

    I don't know if it'll help, but right out of surgery I found my "sips" were a bit too big. I definitely felt like I was sipping, but then I'd get the air bubble feeling like I have to burp, and trying to force myself to burp would make some liquid come up too, so I'd have to swallow again, then burp, and repeat several times in order to get the air out. I think maybe since I use to gulp water prior to surgery, my sense of a sip versus a normal drink was off, and I was drinking more normally rather than sipping. I eventually did what @Creekimp13 suggested and repurposed our shot glasses into water cups, set myself a timer and made sure I was drinking an ounce over 15 minutes rather than drinking 1-2 ounces in a few minutes and then nothing for the remaining time. Sitting up when sipping helped a bunch as well. I noticed when I tried to sip while in bed at night, it was much much more common to get the bubble feeling. It did get easier as I got further out, and I can take bigger sips at 3 weeks out then I could at 1. Still sometimes do one too big and get the bubble, but far less common now.
  8. 1 point
    As I've said here before, I shared my surgery with a small group of friends and family--and I had a couple of very negative, judgmental reactions even within that group. When other friends or acquaintances ask how I lost so much weight, I tell them it was a medically-supervised weight loss program. The only exception is if a very obese person asks, in which case I will tell the truth in hopes of inspiring them to do the same. I don't think it's fair to give them false hope that my results were achievable without surgery. I will note that I have also had cancer and kept that information among a small group of people as well. Many people don't know how to respond when someone is dealing with cancer, and I didn't want to deal with that. It was a very personal and private journey for me.
  9. 1 point

    Late dumping syndrome?

    I am sure this is what I experienced on Friday last week, I'm a sleeve patient 10 weeks out. It was simply awful and I just had to sip water and ride it out. It took about 2-3 hours until I felt somewhat normal again but very washed out.
  10. 1 point
    I am a little over 4 months out from my revision and close to goal. At first I was scared that the revision wasn't going to work because it didn't feel like I had the same restrictions as I did with the sleeve and I am able to eat things I couldn't with the sleeve> With the sleeve I felt more restriction but as I heal more I feel it more and things have been moving along great and I am pleased with my weight loss. It is slower as I am so close to goal (only about 4 more to go) and I had my revision per reflux. So happy to have the reflux and GERD cured and am having no problems whatsoever in that area. I am happy with my revision and growing to love it more every day! I still walk 30 minutes and log my food daily. I focus on maintaining water and protein levels as I notice this is what makes the scale move for me! Good luck! You are going to do great!

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