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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    June Surgeries

    Learning every day: Well, this is certainly a rollercoaster of emotions to say the least. I think I am in mourning for the way I used to eat. Trying to learn how to retrain my brain not to eat as much as it thinks it can eat. My new Tummy rebelled against me for a couple of days. I had dumping syndrome and vomiting (not on the same day) but it was pretty intense. I still think I can eat a whole egg in one sitting and I can't. I still think I can go out to eat and I can't (yet). My whole day seems to be consumed by trying to get the vitamins in and other meds I take because I can't take them all at once like I used to do. There are so many things I "can't" do but let me tell you what I can do... I can walk! I can sleep without sleeping pills! I don't need my diabetes meds! The pain in my knees and hips is subsiding. I don't have to sit down after 10 minutes of activity. Indeed, the future looks BRIGHT!!!
  2. 1 point


    Heck yeah!! I am 47 days out of surgery (had mine May 19th) and have missed SEVERAL parties. The first being Memorial Day. That one bothered me the most. I chose not to join because it was just too soon (like a week out) but the thought of everyone out there drinking and eating what they wanted had me upset about missing out. My family eating around me and commercials don't really get to me at all but those gathering/parties really makes me feel left out and it sucks. I have been invited to several more parties since (along with my husband) but they all involve drinking and foods that weren't good for me at the time due to where I was along in the process (be it liquid, puree, etc). Plus I didn't want to 1. be around others who are drinking when I'm the only sober one (I hate that lol) 2. have to explain to everyone why I'm just standing around not drinking or eating (since only a handful of people know of my surgery). My husband has gone without me at my encouragement. After all, he's not on any restrictions. I just had to tell myself this is not forever and only temporary. I am now on regular foods/diet and so I may just go to the next gathering. I'm sure I can find something to eat. Yes, I can eat before we go but when we go to these things we are often there for 6+ hours (all day and night). So eating only once beforehand is not feasible. The drinking I can resist even though I hate being the only sober one. LOL But yeah, I think we all go through this in the beginning especially when we are so restricted in what we can do and have. Once you can get onto a more normal diet I'm sure you'll feel differently.
  3. 1 point


    As others wrote, it does get better. I also had thoughts of, Did I make the right decision? However, even with complications, things did improve and the results so far are amazing. It got better with each diet phase as it felt like I was returning to normal more…yet without hunger pangs. It was 6 weeks before I ate around others outside of my household, so there is plenty of time for future events! I hear you about triggers. I mourned a lot of foods for weeks, and because I was too sick to cook at first, my family ordered takeout. Tough to watch! Now, for a BBQ, instead of a whole hot dog with bun, I took a small bite of hot dog and it fulfilled me. And like others suggested, always bring your own drink, and perhaps even a dish that is safe for you. GL and hang in there! 😀
  4. 1 point


    I was hesitant at first too, but they are really good. There is no eggy smell or taste. I used olive oil spray and browned them in a skillet. My family even enjoyed them.
  5. 1 point

    Family Support

    This is why I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t want them to influence me on my decision. Sorry you’re going thru this. Maybe tell them thank you for their caring opinion and you’ll take it into consideration.
  6. 1 point

    Last 10 pounds

    losing the last 5-10-20 lbs or so is always a BEAR. It took me FOREVER. But we're not the only people it happens to. I distinctly remember sitting at Weight Watchers meetings years ago (way before surgery) rolling my eyes at these normal weight or slightly overweight women bitching and screaming about how hard it was to lose 10 lbs. Now I totally get it!!!
  7. 1 point
    When my weight loss slowed quite a bit, I was advised to add strength training. Not as a way to burn calories but because adding muscle tissue raises your BMR (the base rate of calories needed to keep your bodily functions going). I am NOT the athletic type so weight training was new for me. The pandemic hit right around then so I ordered a set of dumbbells from Amazon and found a very basic, easy, beginner's routine on YouTube that I could do consistently. It's a 15 minute whole body routine and it's not too strenuous. My weight started dropping again almost immediately. And it kept dropping until I was below goal. The investment of 15 minutes, three times a week, has paid off enormously.
  8. 1 point
    I had my surgery 8/24. I had a hard time getting out of the 160's. I bounced back and forth between 164-168 for about 3 weeks. All of a sudden, I weighed myself, and I was in the 150's. I only weigh myself once a week, sometimes a bit longer. I was doing it every day, and getting frustrated. If I gain, or lose a few pounds I don't panic over it. I just keep doing what I am supposed to. Now I am at the point, where I have been in the 140's bouncing back and forth between 140-142 for the past 3 weeks. My goal is 135. If I stay at the weight I am now, I would prefer it. I am too skinny (blv it or not). I look awful. I almost wish I was back in the 150 range. I feel that is where I looked best. Don't lose faith. It will just happen naturally as long as you are doing what your supposed to.
  9. 1 point

    💛Jan surgery countdown💛

    This is my before/after sleeve pic. 🎉Down 100 pounds 🎉
  10. 0 points

    Tragic accident

    @smarks so sorry. This must be so difficult. Please remember to take care of yourself while mourning. I lost a child years ago and the mourning is a roller coaster you can’t get off of. Sending prayers 🙏🏼

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