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  1. 2 points
    I wake up late, slow/sluggish and disoriented when I drink sometimes as well so I could believe that! And no … he will never let you live this down lol. FANTASTIC for quitting! I know that wasn’t easy to do, but your lungs and body will thank you! Thanks for updating us and best of luck!
  2. 1 point

    Collagen Peptides

    Collagen doesn’t contain every essential amino acid so that’s why they state that it doesn’t count. Mind you, either does soy or some vegetable protein. As long as you’re not using it as your primary protein source it can definitely be counted. There are so many myths and silly practices that happen around Bariatric surgery today, this happens to be one of them.
  3. 1 point

    Slow weight loss and gas stopped

    Some people lose quickly. Some lose slowly. Neither rates of lose are wrong. It’s just how we individually react. As @catwoman7 said there are lots of factors that influence your rate of loss. What you can depend upon is the higher weight loss you experience the first few months doesn’t last & the closer you’re to your goal the more slowly you’ll lose. Never heard that you stop losing at 6 months. I certainly didn’t. I hit my goal at 6 months but continued to lose for another year. Much more slowly in that year cause I was increasing my caloric intake to try to stop losing. If your weight loss has slowed or stopped you may have hit your point of balance i.e. you’re consuming the number calories your body needs to function. If you’re gaining, it’s because the calories you’re consuming exceeds what your body needs. The only way to keep losing is to decrease your caloric intake &/or increase your activity level. Everyone experiences small fluctuations in their weight. I’m pretty careful about my diet & my weight fluctuates about +/- 500g (about a pound up & down). It can be because I’m retaining fluid, constipation, an extra snack, a dropped snack, missed meal, adding a new food, etc. Don’t give up yet.
  4. 1 point

    Lost Weight eating Carbs!!??

    no need to trick it - and don't start down any slippery slopes. Letting bad habits sneak back in is what derails a lot of people's weight loss efforts. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss. I think it's your body just stopping to recalibrate once in awhile. Just stick to your plan and they'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again.
  5. 1 point

    Lost Weight eating Carbs!!??

    I know the common theory is carbs are the devil but our body needs some carbs. I've had pizza a few times and I often have a few pieces of baked or grilled potatoes.
  6. 1 point

    6 Months and Stalled

    same here iv lost 4 pounds this week .
  7. 1 point

    I've gained weight on puree

    Your weight is basically meaningless for the first few weeks. You just went through a major surgery and your body is catching up with the changes! It is virtually impossible to gain actual body weight right after surgery (weight fluctuations of a few pounds are very normal and usually just related to water retention), so right now, you need to focus on healing and getting enough water and protein. You might even want to stay off the scale for a while so you don't stress out about it needlessly. A lot of people just weigh in once per week so they don't see those fluctuations. You're doing great -- just stick with your program and you'll keep losing.
  8. 1 point

    I've gained weight on puree

    You’re not gaining. You’re likely in a stall. This will happen. Search this site for stalls or Google them. I have been losing and gaining the same two pounds for a week. The stall will break and you’ll be on your way. Patience is key.
  9. 1 point
    I’m getting close to 8 months post op, and I’m not at maintenance yet but getting closer. I drink on occasion, maybe once every few weeks. I’ll have a glass of wine, or part of a beer. I was never a big drinker pre op but I feel like 5 ounces of wine every 2 weeks isn’t going to derail my efforts much. I have to admit I am I am very cautious about drinking too much because of my family history. My parents were one or two glass a night drinkers into their 50s/60s and then after they retired it spiraled out of control. They ended up becoming alcoholics and my mother had multiple strokes as a result of this. She is now wheelchair bound and cannot bathe herself, remember how to eat, etc. My dad has dementia in addition but it’s hard to tell what was caused by the drinking and what is caused by the natural cognitive decline. Their entire life is defined by when they can have their next drink, and they have lost all interest in living outside of it. They will likely die soon, and the last decade of their life has been a miserable existence, for them and honestly for me and my siblings as well. I’m not going to advocate teetotal lifestyle because that is not how I live my life. I just want to entreaty people to please be very careful, especially if you already know you have an addictive personality. I’ve witnessed firsthand smart, caring, highly educated people destroy their lives and relationships with this. My parents will still some days deny that they are alcoholics, as I have to search their house from top to bottom looking for hidden stashes of vodka in water bottles. This isn’t how you want to live your life, trust me.
  10. 1 point
    My mom and I like crazy richard's as well. You only have to stir it the first time you open it, but it does take some effort. I find shaking the jar like crazy (before you open it!) helps it be easier to stir.

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