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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Lost Weight eating Carbs!!??

    This happens to me as well, and did before WLS! There is some actual science to it, check it out: https://www.nm.org/healthbeat/healthy-tips/nutrition/the-skinny-on-cheat-days
  2. 1 point

    Lost Weight eating Carbs!!??

    no need to trick it - and don't start down any slippery slopes. Letting bad habits sneak back in is what derails a lot of people's weight loss efforts. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss. I think it's your body just stopping to recalibrate once in awhile. Just stick to your plan and they'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again.
  3. 1 point

    Lost Weight eating Carbs!!??

    I know the common theory is carbs are the devil but our body needs some carbs. I've had pizza a few times and I often have a few pieces of baked or grilled potatoes.
  4. 1 point

    I've gained weight on puree

    Your weight is basically meaningless for the first few weeks. You just went through a major surgery and your body is catching up with the changes! It is virtually impossible to gain actual body weight right after surgery (weight fluctuations of a few pounds are very normal and usually just related to water retention), so right now, you need to focus on healing and getting enough water and protein. You might even want to stay off the scale for a while so you don't stress out about it needlessly. A lot of people just weigh in once per week so they don't see those fluctuations. You're doing great -- just stick with your program and you'll keep losing.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point


    I didn't like the quest chips or any protein chips I've tried... I wouldn't eat those kettle chips though. I loved them prior to wls and had some after but I always stall when I eat them... after a while they didn't even taste as good and feel heavy in my stomach. If you plan to do it any way, at least get the 100 cal bags for portion control. I have had some popcorn though... I make it stovetop with the bare minimum oil and salt. BUT I am not cleared for it and my nutritionist told me NOT to do it ( I'm 4 months out). I try to eat a few sunflower seeds when I have that craving but I was advised to limit that too. 😞... I just keep thinking of my goal and putting one foot in front of the other...
  7. 1 point

    I've gained weight on puree

    You’re not gaining. You’re likely in a stall. This will happen. Search this site for stalls or Google them. I have been losing and gaining the same two pounds for a week. The stall will break and you’ll be on your way. Patience is key.
  8. 1 point
    Lose to Cruise

    What was your tipping point?

    Wow! I'm so excited to find you all! I've been struggling and yo-yoing for years. Almost every time I meet a new doctor, one of the first things they ask is if I want to consider WLS. I've always said NO. I really thought I could do it on my own, and I have, several times, but always gain it back and more. Now my knees are bone-on-bone and I am in constant pain. My quality of life stinks and I hate not being able to do even the most "normal" things, like clean my apartment, walk up stairs, etc. I now work at a hospital and have good benefits and noticed on our website that they are offering a virtual info session on their weight loss surgery options. So, I signed up! I found this website by searching about alcohol after WLS! lol . I have a goal for 2023, to do a Mediterranean cruise. I went on one in 2016 when I was about 30 pounds lighter. I was able to walk and get around, but I know it would have been so much better if I wasn't so heavy/morbidly obese. I want to go back and see the places we missed (I travel with my daughters) and I know if I don't get this weight off, I won't be able to do it.
  9. 1 point

    What was your tipping point?

    I had originally gone to my surgeon to repair a symptomatic ventral hernia. I had not even considered surgery for weight loss before I spoke to him. I just did not realize it was an option for me. Over the last year I had a number of things go wrong, aside from losing my job due to covid, my husband died of alcoholism. He was a cruel drunk and I spent the last two years with him wearing a headset to block out his raging and hiding in video games from his cruelty. I gained a lot of weight quickly. My labs were growing increasingly bad, my liver enzymes elevated, and then I was diagnosed with parathyroid disorder and prediabetic. Finally it dawned on me after I was given the option for weight loss surgery, it was time to reclaim my life and move forward and find my happiness. I was told the surgery would likely correct the things that had been popping up as long as I follow the program and lose the weight. That is what I am doing and my life is slowly being reshaped as I take each step towards a healthier lifestyle.
  10. 1 point

    What was your tipping point?

    I've been obese for most of my adult life and morbidly/super morbidly obese after age 35 or so. I'd tried a million diets. On my more successful attempts, I'd lose 50 or 60 lbs, hit a brick wall, and then gradually put it all back on. Most of my attempts wouldn't even get me that far - maybe 10 or 20 lbs tops. I had over 200 lbs to lose, so I knew I was never going to get there if I couldn't even keep 50 lbs off. I'd considered WLS for at least 10 years before I actually had it, but I was afraid of it and also, I'd have to change to a much more expensive insurance policy to get it covered. I thought I'd just wait until I turned 65 since Medicare covers it. But then I'd lie awake at night worried that I was going to have a heart attack, and I'd be in the ER and they wouldn't be able to do anything for me because of my weight. And at one point it occurred to me that waiting for Medicare to cover it was a bad idea, because at the rate I was going, I might not have even lived to see 60, let alone 65. How many super morbidly obese seniors do you see running around? Very few. I can't remember what the last straw was (I had the surgery six years ago and started the process seven years ago), but it was probably the thought that I wouldn't live to see my 60th birthday if I didn't do something about my weight. And since I was 55 at the time, that day was coming up fast... so- I did it. I have never been so grateful for a decision in my life. I should have done this YEARS ago. My life is a million times better now - and of course, my 60th birthday came and went without incident. Now I think I may be able to make it to 80+ !

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