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  1. 5 points

    Need some statistics

    she's wrong. Of course some people have complications - you can have complications from any surgery, not just bariatric surgery. People have died from tonsillectomies, after all. But most bariatric patients don't have issues, and complications when they do occur are usually minor and "fixable". That's not to say no one ever has major complications, but they're really uncommon. And the mortality rate for gastric bypass is 0.3%. It's even less for sleeve. So you have at least a 99.7% chance of not dying. as far as untimely death, you're a lot more likely to have an untimely death from complications due to obesity than you are from bariatric surgery. yes you are on a very limited calorie diet for the first few months, but it's medically supervised and they do labs every few months during that first year, so they can catch things before they become problematic. Plus you're taking lots of supplements - protein, vitamins, minerals - to prevent major problems, too. I had follow ups and labs done every three months my first year. After that, you're eating more normally, so you really have to be closely monitored only during the first few months post-op. I think your friend is dealing with some very dated information - or complete misinformation.
  2. 1 point

    Need some statistics

    I agree with the above responses. The key to weight loss surgery is your complete commitment for life. You must continue the plan, keep the dr appointments And do NOT return to your previous eating habits. I am 68 y o and 2 years post-op. I feel better than I have in decades. I still eat 6 times daily. My labs are great and I still follow up with dr appts. Yes, it is a lifestyle change, but after all that is what it is all about. Prayers for your confidence and success
  3. 1 point

    Need some statistics

    Thank you!
  4. 1 point


    Just found out that Target carries quest products and surprisingly they are cheaper than Walmart. They have 4 packs so you don’t have to buy 8 or 12 to get the lower Amazon price and right now they are an additional 25% off if you order online and do pick up which I highly recommend. It was super easy and quick if you check in to tell them your on your way. They carry several of the flavors of the chips and their protein bars and cookies, etc. They are quite yummy and with the protein they are actually filling.
  5. 1 point

    Follow up to my restaurant post

    On the topic of waiters... I just spent a week in Naples, FL on vacation. At one restaurant (upscale, indeed), the waitress - who was amazing, btw - told us she pulls "a couple thousand" a week. Didn't mention what a "couple" means.... At a different restaurant (lunch-type, less posh), the waiter told us he's on track to make six figures this year. Both in their early twenties. We asked about cost of living and both mentioned renting 2bd apartments for $1,400-$1600 a month, split with roommates. If I were young and hungry, I'd chase the money and move around where things are happening.
  6. 1 point

    Follow up to my restaurant post

    Actually the restaurants I have worked at in college had to pay minimum wage if you do not claim at least that much in tips. You probably wouldn’t be employed there very long if that was the case more than once in a while but they do make minimum wage. Not that minimum wage makes it much better. I agree waitresses work very hard for their money and it’s way too often that they get shafted in tips, But it’s still not an excuse to roll your eyes and mumble under your breath at someone.
  7. 1 point

    It's an uphill battle...

    I finally showed my before and after photos on facebook. I was very, very scared. I had told a lot of people - but some didn't know. I had never EVER showed a full body picture like that. From the side at that! Anyways, on the left: I was a miserable 369lbs. SUPER unhealthy, probably headed to death. I doubt very seriously I could make it past 400. My body would probably just give out. I was already struggling to breathe doing simple tasks/walking up stairs. ANYWHO, the right was a shot taken by my beautiful momsicle on Mother's Day just last weekend. Ignore my "suns in the eyes" face. I am over 120lbs lost from February 27th, 2020 to now. I finally am under 250lbs and I am just floored. Of course, I won't lie. It's been a struggle. Currently, my biggest challenge has and still is - dumping. In the beginning, for the first 8 months, I threw up every. single. day. I realized ice cream, fried foods, steak - out of the question. Buffets were a waste. Most every meal I got out, was a waste. It made people feel bad at first because I would stop eating after 3 bites. I had to constantly remind people that I didn't mind if they ate! I got accepted into nursing school and reverted back to some old habits. Sugary coffees (which made me dump like HELL), chicken nuggets, fries...Anything I could stuff in my mouth "on the go". I would pay the price, but I wasn't puking after every single meal. So I thought I was in the clear. Earlier this year, I started to have tremendous abdominal pain. Spasms that took my breath away. After numerous tests, it was concluded that I had severe IBS with constipation and diarrhea. After talking to my NP at the weight loss place, we decided to try more plant-based alternatives. I'll admit, I was skeptical and very upset because this girl LOVES a nice juicy steak! But, I have noticed my symptoms are near non-existence when I eat beans, (wild) rice, whole grains, some fruits, and almost any veggie. I take it light with caffeine as that is a trigger, but I do still consume some. Suffice to say, this has been the hardest battle I have ever fought in my entire life. I continue to fight it. I continue to struggle with choices about food. I've learned to not limit myself completely. If I want a cookie, I'll eat half. I don't starve myself. I just don't overindulge like I used to. It seems to be working as I have lost a ton of weight. I plateau, but it's going. I just want to be an advocate for anyone considering the surgery and will answer ANY questions! I want to also be your cheerleader if you have already had the surgery. I can't promise it won't be hard, but I will promise it will be worth it to look at yourself in the mirror and have self-esteem again! I am actually OK with people taking full body pictures now! Insane! I am waiting for my weight to be stable to get skin surgery, but baby steps! #AMA
  8. 1 point
    My parents have been overall extremely supportive. However, I haven’t seen them in 15 months since just before COVID. My mom recently saw a pic of me and said “Oh my goodness, you’re so beautiful now!” I know she meant well, and had no intention of being hurtful, but the comment did sting. Often people say things without really thinking about how it will be received.
  9. 1 point

    Alcohol during maintenance??

    Hey, what some people call addictive or obsessive behaviors, others call persistent behaviors... I say if it's not causing anyone harm and makes you feel better, persist!
  10. 0 points
    Red flags popping off in my head…

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