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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    June Surgeries

    You absolutely are not alone. I'm really struggling to figure out this new pouch. The only time I feel full is when I have to take my medications (which they told me to take them normally). Its brutal and takes about 10 minutes where I used to be able to do it in 30 seconds lol. Trying to get my 64oz of water in and 3 protein shakes a day. Its a little bit difficult. I hope it will be easier to differentiate our fullness once we hit puree and soft foods. I know that I made the right choice by doing this surgery. I thought about it for years and went through 7 months of preparation. But I did experience some buyers remorse last night. I think I'm feeling overwhelmed by it all - I did pull a muscle in my shoulder a day before surgery and that hurts more than anything my surgeon did so its hard to really gauge my pain right now. I feel like I studied and really self reflected leading up to all of this but somehow, I feel that I'm underprepared. I'm sure this feeling will go away with time. I've also stalled...which logically I know its fine, because I'm healing but then the worry sets in, am I doing anything wrong? Its way too easy to slip into comparing your journey to others. We all move at our own pace. And then my birthday is tomorrow. Kinda sucks feeling so low on such a milestone birthday, but I'm sure once I recover, things will be good. Don't mean to have a pity party lol, I guess I'm just all up in my feelings at the moment. I'm super proud of all of us though. Its not an easy journey.
  2. 1 point

    June Surgeries

    I have the same surgery date! I’m doing the DS and insurance will not cover it so it’s $15,000 USD. I just paid for it yesterday. Ouch! Most ins covers it, but I don’t have traditional ins. which surgery are you having?
  3. 1 point
    Are you able to have a visit with a nutrition at your surgeon’s office to develop a maintenance plan?
  4. 1 point


    Find out what your insurance requires. Some insurances don't require monitored weight loss, but most do. From 3 months-1 year. Some insurances that don't require the monthly weight loss instead have a percentage you have to lose to be approved (though some of the monitored weight loss insurances have this too). My insurance was different then yours and it required a 6 month monitored weight loss program, but did not have a requirement to lose weight (you just couldn't GAIN weight). You can actually generally ask the insurance coordinator at the bariatric office what your insurance requires if you don't want to call your insurance yourself. After they send the paperwork in to the insurance it takes 2-3 weeks to approve and then they'll give you a surgery date. So really it depends on 1. your insurance, and 2. how long they're scheduled out for (because I got approved at the end of November 2019, but my surgery was scheduled 2 months later on January 23 2020. So my wait from my first bariatric consultation until surgery was 8 months). The time actually goes by pretty fast. Or, at least it did for me. I ended up losing 68 pounds in that 8 month period so... I was productive lol.
  5. 1 point
    I think many of us have had some regain in one form or another. For ALL of us, once the surgery stops working it's completely up to us. Post op 7 years next week, when I was losing I thought I was invincible and had no fear of regain. But I lost a parent, changed jobs, changed jobs again, went to night shift, went to grad school, dealt with all kinds of things, and the 'eat all things in small amounts' went out the window. I had to fully commit to a very specific PERMANENT very low carb lifestyle. I lost all my regain and more, but I have eaten only a ketogenic level lifestyle for the last 6 years. I am not one of those patients who loses their weight and can resume eating all things just in tiny amounts. I have to work at staying very low carb, no sugar, almost no fruit, no starchy veg, no bread/rice/pasta/oats/grains etc. I basically eat meat, green veg, eggs, cream/butter, and a high protein shake with water or almond milk daily. it's a tight regimen but it works for me. Remember your WHY. find it and recommit. you totally got this!
  6. 1 point

    2 years Post Op

    Protein fills me up. I dont have many carbs with meals usually those are for snacks. Favorite exercise is trail hiking.
  7. 1 point
    OK folks I am not trying posting this to be saleys! I have been so disappointed in so many clothing lines in clothes. I cannot find clothes that have decent compression that hold in all this stinking skin while I work out. After a few washes its like I may as well go to Walmart or target. I am so sick and tired of buying workout clothes to throw them away after a couple weeks because I am shrinking in size and they are losing their stretch and the compression is lessening. Well I found a brand that is straight up a god send and I am going to post a link here. Right now they only sell ladies clothes but I believe they will sell a mens line down the road. I bought a crap ton of their stuff and they did send me some discount codes so if you want to save 25$ off any purchase just use SHARE25 in the coupon at check out and you can have 25 dollars off your purchase. I am super impressed with every single thing I have bought. I wash in cold water and hang them up to dry and they haven't lost their compression or color at all!!! They are true to size and I really cannot say enough about how they hold in all the skin, I haven't had any trouble with chaffing while I run or ride bike (sorry if that is TMI) but that was a problem with all that skin before. With 80 pounds lost that is an issue.....Hope this helps anyone looking for high compression work out clothing!!! https://savvi.com/savvikrenzy
  8. 1 point

    Feeling hungry....

    Congrats on your weight loss! I am only 3 months post op, so I cannot comment directly on your experience, however, I’ve always been a big snacker so I thought I’d share the information my dietician discussed with me. She told me some people have an easier time eating 5-6 small “meals” throughout the day versus 3 regular meals. She told me it’s okay if I eat a snack or two - as long as it is protein focused or a vegetable. So things like cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, cheese sticks, etc are good snack options. The other thing I’m curious about is if you are counting your calories or logging your intake in some way? That has always helped me to see what I’ve eaten and make sure I stay within my calorie limit. Anyway, I hope you can get some answers. Keep us posted ☺️
  9. 1 point

    Benefiber for fullness?

    not Benefiber - but I've done it with plain Metamucil (for those early out, Benefiber is safer than Metamucil if you need extra fiber for whatever reason. I was allowed to do either once I was a few months out). I actually learned that trick from my former PCP (from way before I had WLS). She's not heavy, but she said she's ALWAYS struggled with keeping her weight down. Since her main problem time was at night, she'd have a beverage with Metamucil in it after eating dinner. It usually kept her full until bed time.
  10. 1 point

    Ways to deal with stress?

    Hi Susie, you are balancing so much in your life, it is humbling. I will address your chronic pain issue, as a chronic pain patient it is important you receive the attention which is warranted. No one should ever be allowed to live in pain, it is inhumane & unreasonable. Some people cannot understand the diminished lifestyle, planning and multiple limitations chronic pain, not acute pain, inflicts on a person. You were given an appointment, 2 weeks away? Is there another Pain Management group or Pain Management Dr you can contact? I can appreciate and validate your pain and the frustrating process, however, if you are in intractable pain, call your primary, tell him or her what is going on. Your primary can treat you for a few months, long enough until you are able to see this Pain Management Group. Your primary will understand if you are an established patient. To wait 2 weeks is unacceptable. Please feel free to contact me if I can help with resources. Moist heat is more penetrating than dry heat, if you have not tried it, you may find that it offers more relief. To compound matters, your Dr thinks you have an auto- immune disease. I am so sorry all this is happening to you. For stress relief, would you consider massage therapy? A 60-90 minute massage from a certified massage therapist. The massage will relax your muscles, no doubt you probably have many muscle spasms which is a response to the body part that has been injured & in pain. Meditation? This may help but trying to relax while in pain can be a challenge. I agree, do not exercise or engage in physical activity until you see a Pain Management physician. A warm bath is also helpful, relaxing muscles and reducing spasms which can be very painful. Soft, calming music...sounds of the ocean, can be very tranquil, it will relax you. You mentioned a therapist. Is this a therapist trained in pain management? It is not a big deal but often this type of therapist understands your daily struggles that many never think about, only because planning any type of activity, even a trip to the grocery store must be planned. There are Pain Management support groups in most locations. This will help emotionally and mentally. Please feel free to write. I will be thinking of you - Grace

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