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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Good Sources of Carbs

    I wouldn’t worry too much about carbs at this point. Protein, protein, protein now. Wait until you’re on more solid food & eating a little more. Generally 100g of carbs provides about 400 calories. 100g of protein provides about the same number of calories. That’s a hell of a lot considering the stage your at, the portion size you can consume & that your diet should be predominately protein at the moment. Maybe the less than 100g was something to work towards as you progress??? Also, carbs can be a bit heavy on your healing tummy. But of course everyone is different you may be able to tolerate them earlier. You need to look for whole grains & multi grains but don’t forget you’ll get a lot of good carbs from fruit & vegetables plus a lot of other nutrients. Lentils, barley, beans are easy to throw into soups, stews, etc. or cook them up, throw in some herbs & spices & they can be a yummy side as well. And of course I love my milky rolled oats. Congrats on your surgery.
  2. 1 point
    Just wanted to fill people in on what my experience has been like thus far since surgery. If you want to know something I forgot to mention, please don't hesitate to ask. HOSPITAL STAY: So I had my surgery May 19th around 10:30 am. I was in recovery and waking up by 11:45 am. All that went smoothly. The first day I was so dang tired that I drifted off and on while sitting in the chair in-between walking around and drinking. I felt bad for my husband who stay with me all day. He was totally content and happy to be there but I knew he too was tired so about 7pm I made him go home (visiting hours ended at 8 anyway). LOL When I first got to my room I was like, OMG I have HORRIBLE burning like heartburn and even complained about it. They gave me some sort of Gas chew and it didn't do jack. It wasn't until I got up and walking around that I figured out it was NOT heartburn but related to that gas inside and the walking helped that feeling subside. They gave me nothing but water or Gatorade Zero while there and I was totally fine and content with that. They mentioned medicine if I was nauseous but I never was. I felt totally fine and normal but for the one incision site that's to the right and up from my belly button. Doc said that's the typical complaint spot and where he pulls the extra stomach through so that's to be expected. But it hurt like hell when first standing from sitting and also wiping after peeing. Uggghhh. I slept in a chair sitting up that night when I could sleep which really only amounted to 3 hours total. I was given Tylenol for pain and an Oxycodone once on that first night. They sent me home with the Oxycodone too for pain and so far I have only taken it once at night to help with that pain while sleeping. The next morning they took more blood work and everything came back good and they allowed me to go home by early noon. Mostly because my pain was managed by meds and because I was easily able to get enough water down and I was not sick. Also, I did not pack much but I did pack my cell phone, charger, kindle, Biotene, Chapstick, brush, toothpaste and toothbrush, extra underwear and that was it. I did not use ANYTHING but for my brush and, right after surgery, put on my own undies and a pad since I got my period the day before surgery. I did not even use my cell phone (maybe once to post here) cause I was just so dang tired (plus trying to get my liquids in and walking) and hubby did all the updating to others for me. I mostly watched TV as it was on for background noise more than anything. MOVING AROUND: Every day is getting better but this dang incision spot is a ******!!! Can't wait for it to stop hurting cause I'm really tired of sleeping sitting up. I tried every way possible to lay down and it's just not possible! The dang area feels like it's burning and tearing apart when I do. Otherwise I'm following orders and walking around. I do not feel I still have a lot of gas issues but I most definitely feel like I am swollen about my stomach area for sure. APPEARANCE: I was actually surprised at how weird my stomach looked after surgery. Normally my stomach is smooth/one size all over and flat/round-ish (except for my little fat pouch right under my left breast that's been there forever). But upon looking at my stomach after surgery, I feel like some spots are like poofed out and others dented in, if that makes sense. Especially the bad incision spot. Strange. Not sure how else to explain it. Today is day 4 and it looks like I'm starting to bruise around most, if not all, incisions. Just slightly. FOOD/WATER: So my after diet consists of 2 weeks FULL LIQUIDS, followed by 1 week PUREE, and 2 weeks SOFT FOODS, then finally normal foods. Strange enough, I have had NO problem getting in 64 oz of liquid at all. I've had no chest pain, full feeling or sickness. A few times I had what feels like if you drink too much how it creates a sorta air bubble that hurts for a split second but then it passes. Otherwise, no issues. In fact, a few times after trying to drink/gulp like I normally would, I had to stop and remind myself that I no longer could do that. So weird cause I feel, aside from the incision pain, I would never know I even had surgery. So right now since all I've been able to ingest is liquids, I'm not sure if this is gonna be a blessing or an issue. On one hand I'm glad I can seem to "eat" and drink normal and also have had no aversions to taste. But on the other hand, I worry that will not help me in the long run to lose weight. This remains to be seen but I am scared I won't lose for this reason. So far I've had protein shakes, water, Gatorade Zero, the broths from creamed soups, sugar free popsicles and that's it. MEDICINE: I was told I wouldn't be able to swallow anything bigger than a tictac. That was a lie. I have been able to swallow all my pills, even the big ol Metformin, with no issue. POTTY: Had my first BM on my second day home. Had several a day since. No problems there either. WEIGHT: Not that I expected anything yet but, I have gotten on the scale and it's the same as it was the day of surgery. I think that's it. Can't think of anything else right now but if you have any questions please ask.
  3. 1 point

    3 Days Post Op

    I had mine on 6/8 as well and I’m still bloated and have the same bm issues. Sounds like we’re both on the same track!
  4. 1 point

    Good Sources of Carbs

    I'm on soft stage too. Mine seem to come from chili w/beans, my greek non fat yogurt, cottage cheese doubles, and unsweetened applesauce thus far. But I'm still under 30 most days too.
  5. 1 point

    Surgery done June 8

    Hi everyone! Made it to the other side of this interesting journey! Just want to share a couple things for others waiting on surgeries! I have had an easier time so far then most which I am so thankful for. I’m basically pain free other then discomfort internally, but can’t even really call it pain. Walk as soon as you can in the hospital. It really helps. Drink super slow out of little 15ml medicine cups. Listen to your body and what it needs ( liquids, rest, walking etc.) In the hospital I felt bad because I could hear others struggling really bad! I was worried that it was just a matter of time before I had their issues, but luckily I didn’t. I’m still very early post op and I except issues will come up. I keep asking myself “what the heck did I just do” kinda like a shock that I did this, but I always come back to the realization that I just saved my own life! The surgery is well worth it and necessary, but do not underestimate it because the struggle is real! Please reach out if any one has an questions! Good luck to everyone waiting for surgery and those that have already had it!
  6. 1 point
    14 lbs in two weeks is a lot, especially given your starting weight isn't nearly as high as some of ours was. I lost 16 lbs the whole first MONTH and I started out at 373 lbs. Not sure what you were expecting, but your loss is very normal . If you're trying to compare your loss to the people on "My 600 lb Life", don't. Those people start off MUCH heavier than the average WLS patient, and starting BMI has a huge effect on how much weight you lose initially. You are fine.
  7. 1 point
    Just had my surgery on June 4th. I have been able to drink and pee with no problem, the worst has been that gas pain. I had two hernia repairs (one being a hiatal), they say that repair causes some of the more intense gas pain. It’s taken me about 24 hours to work through that. I can drink a lot more fluids than I would have expected, though I have learned to take it slowwwwww since the added liquids to the air in your body causes pressure that’s uncomfortable.
  8. 1 point

    It's an uphill battle...

    I finally showed my before and after photos on facebook. I was very, very scared. I had told a lot of people - but some didn't know. I had never EVER showed a full body picture like that. From the side at that! Anyways, on the left: I was a miserable 369lbs. SUPER unhealthy, probably headed to death. I doubt very seriously I could make it past 400. My body would probably just give out. I was already struggling to breathe doing simple tasks/walking up stairs. ANYWHO, the right was a shot taken by my beautiful momsicle on Mother's Day just last weekend. Ignore my "suns in the eyes" face. I am over 120lbs lost from February 27th, 2020 to now. I finally am under 250lbs and I am just floored. Of course, I won't lie. It's been a struggle. Currently, my biggest challenge has and still is - dumping. In the beginning, for the first 8 months, I threw up every. single. day. I realized ice cream, fried foods, steak - out of the question. Buffets were a waste. Most every meal I got out, was a waste. It made people feel bad at first because I would stop eating after 3 bites. I had to constantly remind people that I didn't mind if they ate! I got accepted into nursing school and reverted back to some old habits. Sugary coffees (which made me dump like HELL), chicken nuggets, fries...Anything I could stuff in my mouth "on the go". I would pay the price, but I wasn't puking after every single meal. So I thought I was in the clear. Earlier this year, I started to have tremendous abdominal pain. Spasms that took my breath away. After numerous tests, it was concluded that I had severe IBS with constipation and diarrhea. After talking to my NP at the weight loss place, we decided to try more plant-based alternatives. I'll admit, I was skeptical and very upset because this girl LOVES a nice juicy steak! But, I have noticed my symptoms are near non-existence when I eat beans, (wild) rice, whole grains, some fruits, and almost any veggie. I take it light with caffeine as that is a trigger, but I do still consume some. Suffice to say, this has been the hardest battle I have ever fought in my entire life. I continue to fight it. I continue to struggle with choices about food. I've learned to not limit myself completely. If I want a cookie, I'll eat half. I don't starve myself. I just don't overindulge like I used to. It seems to be working as I have lost a ton of weight. I plateau, but it's going. I just want to be an advocate for anyone considering the surgery and will answer ANY questions! I want to also be your cheerleader if you have already had the surgery. I can't promise it won't be hard, but I will promise it will be worth it to look at yourself in the mirror and have self-esteem again! I am actually OK with people taking full body pictures now! Insane! I am waiting for my weight to be stable to get skin surgery, but baby steps! #AMA
  9. 1 point

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    Wow. I’m sure this will be very helpful to those that are anxiously awaiting their surgeries. Glad to hear you are doing fairly well.
  10. 1 point

    Nothing lost

    It's. Too. Soon. I promise.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
