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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Mike Long

    What's your best post op advice?

    It’s going to be hard. Very hard in fact. Make sure you absolutely want to do it. You will most likely have regrets shortly after surgery. You can’t know everything beforehand. You can only prepare so much. Having said that, if you really want to make a lifestyle change and can handle the mental battle, it will absolutely be worth it. I agree with the others, your journey will be unique. I’m only 10 weeks post op and it took me until about 2 weeks ago to stop regretting it. I just focused on day to day. I’m still never hungry, I have no desire to eat, I don’t get all my protein in each day but I’ve learned how to create a routine. As mentioned, everybody is unique. I think it’s important for people considering this to know that it’s not easy. It might be the hardest thing you’ll ever do. At least mentally. But as they say, the things most worth achieving are also the most difficult. Good luck should you choose this surgery.
  2. 1 point

    Artificial sweeteners

    I had surgery 3/3 and surgery again 3/12. I had a rough start couldn’t eat or drink for 6 weeks in and out the hospital nothing tasted good. I’ve been a diabetic for 4 years so artificial sweeteners were my go to, but after surgery they caused distress. Today marks 12 weeks 3 months post surgery and two days ago I tried Chick-fila unsweet tea and diet lemonade and........ no distress from the artificial sweetener! I don’t know if it’s just the Splenda I can have or if my body was still working itself out in the beginning. I’m very happy so I thought I’d share this. I love water, but it was nice to have something different.
  3. 1 point

    9 years post OP and cant eat

    Keep pushing. Every. Single. Day. You clearly need urgent help and it makes me very sad you are not getting help quickly. A feeding tube (J-tube) might be needed to get you some nutrition and I am truly surprised no one seems to have discussed this with you. If you are not getting help, keep going to the ER. Follow up with the bariatric specialist, but you might need a GI specialist for the feeding tube. They are temporary and “easy” to put in/take out. Hope you feel better soon! 💕
  4. 1 point

    9 years post OP and cant eat

    So sorry you are experiencing this. Has anyone suggested other ways of you getting in nutrition in the meantime? My dad had a temporary feeding tube after his stem cell replacement & he couldn’t keep anything down. Sounds scary but it helped build up his strength again & he only had it in for a couple of weeks.
  5. 1 point
    They took me to radiology and had me drink an ounce or two of some type of dye and they watch it under fluro Xray to make sure your new system does not have any leaks anywhere. Its pretty simple. It doesnt taste too good and it wasn't easy to get down but it wasn't awful either......its pretty standard.
  6. 1 point
    Trust the process. It’s so easy for those of us who have done the yo yo diets to worry that this won’t work for us but if we follow the plan it will. And you will lose weight at your own pace. Try not to compare your weight loss (or recovery for that matter) to others as it is very individualized. You got this!!
  7. 1 point
    many of us end up food planning for life. But it sounds like you've had a lot of experience doing that. I know some people who do the intuitive eating thing, and my dietitian is always pushing me to do that, but I'm afraid I'd intuitively eat my way up to 300 lbs again. Planning meals, counting calories, etc, has worked for me....so I'll continue to do it. You may not have to - but just know that a lot of us do it.
  8. 1 point


    I also like being outside vs a gym. I’ve started looking up hikes near my new apartment to walk on.
  9. 1 point

    How Much Time Between Bites

    First, I'm not sure, but jello is not usually a culprit for chest pain? Have you contacted your doc with this info? Second, regarding the timing of bites: I got mine down to a science. I'm also pretty anal, so this may be too extra for you, LOL: Take one bite Wait 3 minutes (I used the timer on my watch). Ask myself: Do you want another bite? If yes go to Step 1. If no, go to Step 2. If I have answered no to this question 3 times in a row, I'm done eating. Go to Step 4 Put your food away in the fridge and try again in an hour or 2. Goes without saying, it took me a pretty long time to eat a meal in the early days. And I got used to cold/room temp food pretty quickly. These days (2.5+ years out) I take 2-4 bites at a time and just wait a minute or so without the need for a timer. Sometimes I don't do this as well as other days and l'd pay the price either in uncomfortable chest pressure or barfs.
  10. 1 point

    Unsupportive Boyfriend

    His comments make me very, very concerned that you are in an emotionally abusive relationship. You have been reasonable and talked things through. He has had a chance to "get it" and he's not taking it. Please, for the sake of your own healthy future (both physically and mentally), be careful. If you don't feel like you can leave, at least get into counseling with someone who can help you sort through your feelings and support the positive decisions you can make. I recently ended a 25 year marriage that included (mild) physical, verbal, emotional, and financial abuse. Life is sooo much better. Even the hard parts like the basement flooding are easier without having to work around him and be criticized the whole time. If you decide to leave, I promise, there will continue to be life, joy, and happiness afterwards. Good luck! Sent from my SM-G950U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

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