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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Long hospital stay after sleeve

    We all react differently to surgery (any surgery) & sometimes it’s unpredictable but aren’t you glad you were in hospital though & they were so vigilant post surgery. Imagine if you were at home. 😱 I was going to stay overnight because my surgeon didn’t want me going home to an empty house as a precautionary thing. Then I had a lot of trouble swallowing, my BP was very low & then my back went into spasm. Nothing as serious as you but I didn’t go home until day 4. I was glad my surgeon was concerned enough to want to monitor my progress in case something went south. Though it would have been nice to be in my own bed. Glad you’re home now & recovering.
  2. 2 points

    Snack Ideas

    My blood pressure now tends to run low so it’s a salt free for all for me :)
  3. 2 points

    Snack Ideas

    Costco sells big bags of organic roasted & salted pumpkin seeds. They are delish!
  4. 1 point

    150 Pounds down!

    That's so amazing!
  5. 1 point

    Pre op testing

    In my experience, you have to finish ALL of your pre-op stuff before they can submit it to insurance. It only took a week for mine to be approved after everything was completed.
  6. 1 point

    Snack Ideas

    I eat much of the same thing most days of the week. Morning snack is a serving of roasted pumpkin seeds, afternoon is Dannon Light-n-Fit yogurt.
  7. 1 point

    Blood work

  8. 1 point

    Blood work

    I'm praying for you.. let me know how u make out . I just realized I need to quit vaping as well Sent from my SM-G970U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Where to start

    I don't know your stats but 800 calories a day doesn't seem too high to me. Unless you're really tiny and inactive, you should be able to lose on that amount. I mostly eat mini-meals throughout the day. I start eating at about 6 AM when I have coffee before work and I eat every 2-3 hours or so until about 6-7 PM (like maybe 6 AM, 8 AM, 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM and 6-7 PM). I'm naturally more hungry in the daytime and not so much at night, so I don't usually need to eat at night. It looks something like this: 1. 6 AM: Morning latte (made with Kitu Super coffee, 10g or Protein and no sugar) 2. 8 AM: 1 scrambled egg 3. 10 AM: Yogurt 4. 12 PM: 1 chicken thigh 5. 2 PM: sugar-free pudding 6. 4 PM: Lunch meat wrap made with Mission Carb Balance tortilla 8. 6-7 PM (Nighttime snack): cheese stick When I was still losing, I restricted carbs but not calories, so if I had a hungry day I might eat a little more or conversely I might have a low appetite day and eat less. I ate around 800 calories a day from 6 months through about 18 months, so I guess that's why it doesn't seem excessive to me. I did not have weekend treats while I was losing (although I did have special-occasion treats, like Christmas and my birthday). The more often you eat on-plan, the faster your weight loss, but you get to decide the balance between losing weight and enjoying life. Just be alert to how things affect you, so you can adjust if there is a problem.
  10. 1 point

    Snacks help

    Congrats on your surgery. What’s your plan? At 4 weeks most are just starting soft food - think mushy foods, soft fish, stews, etc., foods with little bite, crunch or chew. Pork skin wouldn't be considered a soft food neither would pizza or a pizza alternative. It’s important to go through the stages so you don’t damage your tummy, etc, post surgery - you’re still healing. Were you given a a food plan of what you can or can’t eat in the first couple of months by your surgeon &/or your dietician? At 4 weeks, I wasn’t hungry at all & was lucky if I could eat about 1/4 cup of food three times a day, no snacking. Are you really hungry or is it head hunger? If your craving foods you used to eat like chips, pizza, etc., it’s likely head hunger & not real hunger. If it’s a legitimate hunger, try eating small pieces of protein like cheese, chicken, egg, yoghurt or sip a protein shake or some broth. I found that sprinkling a little extra salt on food like egg, cucumber or chicken helped with any desire for a salty snack. There’s a lot of learning about why you eat, what you eat & why you eat and the weight loss phase is the best time to understand what all that means for you. Now’s the time to break old food habits & start new ones. You’ll be able to work it out. If you’re feeling lost or confused, speak to your dietician, your medical team or bring it up in this forum - lots of people here happy to help. Hope I don’t sound like I’m lecturing. ☹️ We all have our own experiences on this journey. Good luck on yours.

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