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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2021 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Low potassium can cause heart arrhythmias, so that might have been your main problem. Kind of puzzling about your low potassium though. Glad you are out and on the mend! 💕
  2. 2 points
    Call your surgeon and ask would be the best bet. I was taking pills while in the hospital after both my VSG and RNY but I know others aren’t allowed. I think it’s very surgeon dependent.
  3. 1 point
    I had surgery April 27 and I’ve been doing well no complications so far. Anyways I’m feeling hungry a lot more now but of course I still can’t eat very big portions(2-3oz at a time) I’m getting my proteins in and my water. I absolutely HATE the soft food diet and can’t wait to have real food. Anyways is eating 2-3 oz about 5-6x a day ok? I see my team on Wednesday but I’m just curious what everyone else is doing/did.
  4. 1 point
    Thank you lizonaplane! I appreciate the encouragement. You are right - at this point I've got to get my head in the game and focus on eating clean. Just had steamed veggies and grilled chicken for lunch w/ an apple and tracked in MFP. I recently started reading A Pound of Cure by Dr. Weiner and am determined to adopt this style of eating now and after surgery (fingers crossed!). Best of luck to you at your next weigh in! My dr.'s office has consistently shown me 5 lbs higher than my scale at home. I weigh myself before I go w/ the same clothes, etc. to compare. I hope things go well! Looking at your ticker it looks like you've made some amazing progress!Congrats!!! 😃 Do you have a surgery date yet?
  5. 1 point
    I had a similar experience. I started the requirements in feb and had them done mid April. The scheduler called late May. Surgery is June 8. So about 4minths. I ended up calling the office manager bc I kept getting the run around and they called me to schedule that afternoon. After you get scheduled there are even more appts that need done! Mine were pre surgical class, pre op testing, surgeon appt, primary care appt and a covid test. I hope they contact you soon!
  6. 1 point

    7 days out and struggling

    you're down to your original surgery weight because, like most of us, you probably "gained" weight while in the hospital because of all the IV fluids. It can take up to a week for them to work their way out of your system. I've heard of people "gaining" as much as 10 lbs while in the hospital! fluids go through our stomachs really fast since our pyloric valves were bypassed, so I'd be very surprised if you could stretch your stomach from fluids. Maybe you could if you REALLY slammed them, but 40-50 oz over the course of the day isn't "really slamming" them. I've never heard of anyone doing that from drinking fluids, and we were never warned we could stretch our stomachs from that. So...I'm not sure what to say...
  7. 1 point

    Feet shrunk!

    Like us women need so many excuses to buy new shoes/boots. LOL
  8. 1 point

    Lose, lose, stall

    Thanks for all the feedback. The stall broke today (ish) as I went down 7 ounces. Ha ha. Hoping tomorrow is better. And Ada, I’ve lost 55lbs after surgery and TODAY is my 5 months. So yes, you’re doing great.
  9. 1 point
    I meant to post back in March but been busy with life. I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe. For those who got sick with the virus or lost loved ones, I offer my deepest thoughts and sympathies. I was part of the group who got the by-pass done just before everything went on lockdown last year. It's been quite the journey. I've been fortunate to have been able to work from home all of this time, although I do expect to return to the office sometime later this year. To date, I have lost 92 lbs. since the start of my bariatric journey and 104 lbs. from my highest weight. I had the surgery at 62 years of age and I was pre-diabetic, with high blood pressure and a BMI of over 44 and Stage 2 kidney disease. My highest dress size was 24 and I had severe acid reflux, back, knee and feet problems. At present, I can likely get into a size 18 and my bust size has gone from DDD to DD. I absolutely have no regrets getting the surgery -- it likely saved my life in many ways. Pre surgery I did a lot of reading on here as I wanted to know as much as I could about what to expect and I appreciated those who were 6-12 months out from surgery coming back to talk about their experiences, so I wanted to pay it forward. I will begin by breaking this into 4 sections: How I feel, What I think about myself, What I appreciate about myself now, and My work in progress. How I Feel: Physically I feel great and I consider that a blessing. I still have problems with my feet but that is mainly due my falling arches more than anything (although I did strain my ankle a few weeks ago attempting to do HIIT exercises -- don't ask). I've been most frustrated not being able to go to the gym to workout so my main exercise is walking long distances and doing online sculpturing classes. I do plan to return to the gym soon to step up the weight training. Walking up a flight of stairs without gasping for air is just simply divine! Having blood pressure that avg. 117/75? Lovely! I do still have to sleep somewhat elevated as I do have occasional bouts of reflux but nothing like before the surgery and I can't sleep on my right side for too long. But I can now sleep on my back without having severe back pain (the draw back is that my mouth is always open when I do). My blood work for the most part shows most areas in the normal ranges and my kidneys are functioning well. What I think about myself: When I was still in my 20s, I managed to lose 80 pounds and I gained it all back and then some. What is different about me now vs. then is that I still saw myself as fat, even though at that time, I was 16 pounds away from my goal weight. When I look at the pictures of me then, I couldn't see what I see of myself now. Even if I never lose another pound, I am so very cool with me being at this size right now. We are all different, especially us women, but yet we compare our bodies to an image that is not necessarily natural or realistic for most of us. Now I look in the mirror and I 'see' skinny and that's only because I'm tall and can carry more weight without 'looking' fat. That's also why the bottom line for me will always be the numbers on the scale, the volume of food I eat and the calories I ingest because the numbers don't lie. But poor body imagery can screw your mind up every time. What I appreciate about myself now: I think that it's so important to note the things that most folk who are thinner often take for granted. I try to keep a mental list of the things I can do now vs. before: Crossing my legs! I so love doing this! I can cross my legs without needing to hold my leg in place with my hand. I can keep my legs crossed for long periods of time without leg cramps; I can get a 4.5 mile walk in within 1 hr, 15 min vs. the 1 hr. 45 mins. in the past. I was able to work up to 10 miles in one session last year; Love having a resting heart rate in the 50s-60s; I can actually go to Costcos and buy some clothes! I haven't yet done so, but I will be able to start shopping for clothes in the non plus size section (that will still feel weird though); I like the fact that it can take me 2-3 days to finish a meal that I would normally eat in one meal. Volume control is a major game changer for me. I can't believe that I don't miss ice cream! My Work in Progress: The weight loss is slooooooooooooooooooooow now. I'm so close to that major milestone of onederland that I can taste it! Drinking enough water is still a struggle; Yes, sometimes I do overeat (and yeah, I pay for that!) Some foods that I like I can't really eat that much of anymore. I have to remind myself to make sure I get in enough protein. The protein drinks really helps even now. I still feel somewhat guilty when I have to throw food away because I'm full. I still snack a lot and I will on occasion, have that one sweet item that I want. I don't crave sweets and I'm so very grateful about that. Interesting that I want more savory things now. Being consistent is what I have to constantly work on. So ask me anything and I will check in from time to time to answer your questions. I would love to hear from others who had the surgery just prior to the great shutdown of 2020. Whatever you do, stay true and focus on your journey. It doesn't matter when you get there, only that you do in your time.
  10. 1 point

    Dating after WLS

    This topic gets posted every couple of months, every time a new cycle of post-ops starts hitting their confidence stride in their weightloss, just do a VSG search on "dating". To tell or not to tell, that is the big question apparently. I have not told, but then again, I've never been asked. If I were point blank asked, I would not lie, but who starts off a date by talking about the organ they've had removed? I mean, if you are under 65 that is. ;P I imagine that it is easier for me, as a woman, nobody is going to question my miniscule portions (unfortunately! don't get me started on the psycho-social implications of THAT...) But for men, I imagine it is a bit more difficult, there are certain tricks you can do like anorexics do, cutting the food up strategically, hiding some foods underneath others, but that's probably not healthy and I don't recommend. Instead, just eat as you feel, stop when you must, and answer questions honestly - if asked. Also, dates ARE social occasions, you aren't there to eat really , so it is perfectlyl acceptable to do lots of talking and listening in between (tiny) bites. And if all of that sounds like too much - just eat Japanese! Teensy plates of beautiful sushi are my trick for first dates

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