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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2021 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hi Everyone, I’m officially 6 weeks post gastric bypass and I’m feeling great! Starting weight pre-liquid diet was 305lbs. After 3 week liquid diet on day of surgery I weighed in at 277lbs. Today, I’m sitting at 243lbs! I was on the post op liquid diet for 2 weeks then semi-solid for 1 week. 4th week out I started on full solids and have kept everything down. I’ve had pizza, subs, burgers, hotdogs, steak, pork, ribs, wings etc and have never felt nauseous or thrown anything back up. Of course I can only have bites/ounces at a time but it’s great to be back on regular food! With the doctors blessing I golfed 4.5 weeks out and got in 13 holes before it hurt to much to finish, but finished a full round of 18 the next week. Even rode my bike 6km yesterday with the kids....which is who I did this journey in the first place! I’ve had type 2 diabetes for 5 years and have stopped taking meds about 3 weeks ago (doctors suggested) as my resting sugars have not gone over 6.5 in weeks. I’ve read lots of posts on here steering inquiring people the wrong way with horror stories of months/years of not eating regular food and/or not being able to do physical activities months/years post op. My answer is listen to your doctor and your body and do what’s best for you. Everyone is different and the post op experiences are going to be vastly different. Thanks and looking forward to more weight loss and more physical activities with my kids! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. 2 points


    I've never been a big drinker because two of my uncles were/are alcoholics (one died from it), and I'm afraid I might have "the gene". So I never really drank more than once a month or so before surgery, and usually just 1-2 glasses of wine at a pop. I knew transfer addiction is a risk with bariatric surgery, and some patients eventually have issues with alcoholism, so I avoided it for the first three years. Now I drink again, but maybe three or four times a year - and as before, 1-2 glasses of wine. Although it's not a huge deal because I'm in my 60s now, so I'm not really into the bar scene anymore. you'll feel it right away when you drink - it hits RNY patients faster, but it also hits sleeve patients quicker after surgery, too
  3. 1 point
    May 18 4 p.m. MST new release of White Chocolate Birthday cake with sprinkles So yummy! Best tasting birthday cake protein bar on the market! Real white chocolate coating, sweet birthday cake flavored protein bar topped with colorful crunchy sprinkles! Available thru 5/25 or until sold out early Builtbar.com/?baapp=36608 Discount code 36608 for 10% off and always FREE SHIPPING
  4. 1 point

    Post op 3yrs HELP MEEEE

    It can take up to a year following the same diet you did pre-pregnancy in order for the weight to come off. I wouldn’t sweat it too much right now but continue to eat healthy and love yourself. When you go into your appointment in July explain to them that you’ve had a baby in the last year. I’m sure they’ll be understanding especially since it sounds like you developed preeclampsia toward the end of your pregnancy.
  5. 1 point

    The Frustration

    you'll likely hit several stalls along the way. If you're following your plan, then that's what's going on now. Like you did the first time, stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. Your weight loss will start up again.
  6. 1 point

    Hair loss

    hair loss is a potential side effect after major surgeries (and other things, too, like childbirth) because of the stress to the body, but I think we see it more often after bariatric surgery because in addition to the trauma, we're also taking in very few calories those first few months. At any rate, hair loss is a common occurrence after weight loss surgery. there's really not much you can do about it other than let it run its course. It'll eventually stop and the hair will grow back. It usually lasts three or four months. I lost hair from months 5-9. Fortunately, I didn't lose much - I barely noticed it let alone others. Some people lose a lot, some people don't lose any at all, most of us are somewhere in the middle - WE notice it, but others don't. about all you can do is keep on top of your vitamins and protein so it doesn't get any worse than it would otherwise - and know that it'll stop and grow back.
  7. 1 point

    Post op 3yrs HELP MEEEE

    Hi there, I listen to a podcast called Half Size Me, which has changed the way I think about weight loss. One of the things I’d recommend is using the free Happy Scale app, which gives you an average weight, so you can track even small decreases over time. Then focus on losing a pound a month - it will take you 2 years, but 2 years will pass and you’ll either be where you are now cycling the same 5 lbs, or 22 lbs less. It’s just about small, but consistent changes - so not giving up when it seems like the scale isn’t budging, since it might just be inching down. Good luck!
  8. 1 point

    Post op 3yrs HELP MEEEE

    yes. I gained 20 lbs after hitting bottom, and it's almost impossible to get it off. I think when you're at a normal BMI or only slightly over it, it's really tough to lose weight. And it's not just us WLS folks. I remember going to Weight Watchers meetings years ago and rolling my eyes at these normal weight or slightly overweight women b*tching and screaming at how hard it was to lose 10 lbs. Yea right, I'd think - try losing over 100! But now I totally get it. I did lose 5 lbs last summer due to the fact (I think...) that I was biking 1-2 hours at least five days a week, but it came right back on when biking season ended. I honestly don't want to go back down to my lowest weight - I was too thin - but I'd love to lose 10 lbs. I'm starting to feel like one of those women I rolled my eyes at at Weight Watchers...
  9. 1 point
    Otherwise known as "Skinny People's Disease" or SPD. Never been overweight a minute in their life and have zero frame of reference. Because it's easy for them to stay fit, it therefore is easy for everyone to stay fit, so the obvious answer (to them) is that you're just not trying hard enough. An alternative GP would be my recommendation; their not being "in your corner" moving forward could prove troublesome for the original poster down the line.
  10. 1 point

    How often do you weigh in?

    I was weighing & recording every day but since I stabilised I don’t mind if I skip the odd day & I only record highs or lows now. I do this to keep myself accountable. In the past pre surgery, if I thought I had put on weight I wouldn’t weigh myself. If I didn’t see the number on the scale I could convince myself I hadn’t put on weight. Once a day, once a week, once a month, you have to do what works for you.

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