Just checking in, thought I'd share my experience thus far...
RNY surgery with hiatal hernia repair was May 11 at 1pm. I don't recall waking up until about 8pm... then the next thing I know it's 6am May 12.
I was very tired/sleepy throughout May 12. My foley catheter was removed about 10am May 12 and I was waking and getting up to pee about every hour and a half. Apparently, the fluid drip I was on was quite a lot. I managed to eat a sugar-free popsicle, have a few bites of sugar-free jello, and a few sips of broth that day. My belly felt like I'd done a 1000 sit-ups! I was able to walk the hall about three times. Received dilaudid once and norco three times throughout the day. Also had an upper GI done: drank a little contrast while they took pictures... all good, no leaks. Sleep, sleep, sleep.
May 13 I woke still feeling woozy, tired, and belly was still painful, but not too bad if I didn't move. Felt slightly more awake as the day went on. Had a SF popsicle and some SF jello. Still peeing every hour and a half! Went home about 1pm. Slept through most of the day, waking only for bathroom use and sips of clear protein drink (Protein2O from Costco.) Took total of four doses of norco throughout the whole day and managed a BM in the evening.
Today, May 14, I feel alive again! Sipping Isopure coconut-flavored protein water with Crystal Light lemonade added, not bad. Took a norco this morning but that will likely be my last one. Belly only feels like I did 100 sit-ups now instead of 1000. Been wearing a "binder" since May 12 and have decided to wear it for at least the first week, though I was given no instructions about it.
A few other comments about my journey thus far: have been using infant's simethicone antigas drops every six hours as instructed. Occasionally pass gas, occasionally burp. NO nausea at all during this entire experience, YAY! Was asked by the curious Nurse Practitioner if I drink alcohol much (I don't) because the anesthetic had such a surprisingly long effect on me. Apparently my body just isn't used to depressants and didn't clear it very quickly. And I'm not too worried about getting in an appropriate amount of liquids yet because just one look at my hands shows that I'm still full of the IV fluids they were pumping into me, LOL.
Feeling optimistic!!
(EDIT: Don't know why that QUOTE box is there at the beginning of my post.)