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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    7 days Post RNY

    1 full week tomorrow and I feel great. I could probably return to work (at home desk job) tomorrow but I’m going to take another week. I am getting in plenty of fluids, no problem. I can drink 2 Promeir Protein shakes over the day but then I’m done. I’m getting 60 grams in but feel like I could get more but I’m so over the shakes. I have a texture thing… so things that don’t taste how they normally do because they are thinned with milk seem gross to me. Should I just stick it out or should I try to mix it up to get more protein in? I see Dr. on Tuesday.
  2. 1 point

    Loose skin

    you'll have it or you won't. If it's just a little, strength training may build enough muscle to fill it out somewhat. But many of us (like me, for example) end up with a lot of it. If you've been very overweight for awhile, it's likely been stretched beyond the point of being able to "bounce back". But like others have said, I'd take it any day of the week over being super morbidly obese again. Besides, there's always the plastic surgery option if it bothers you.
  3. 1 point

    March surgeries

    I am down 37 pounds overall. 23 since surgery. I am feeling pretty good. Feeling like I have gotten a groove going. I still forget to drink like I should when I am out and about, but I have been setting timers if I know I will be out for a while. it’s a process.
  4. 1 point
    For me it's bread, cake, and similar items. I can't keep that stuff in the house. I will occasionally let myself have an indulgence but I enjoy the treat and then that's it. What I don't eat gets given or thrown away and I get right back on plan. And I don't indulge often. Even keto bread-like products will kick off cravings for me. People can advise but we are each the only one who lives in our particular body. Trying to regularly eat bread "in moderation" would be a fast-track to regaining all the weight I've lost.
  5. 1 point
    I started out with a 49 BMI, and I got the sleeve. I’m six months out and I just hit a BMI of 29. No complications whatsoever, but I also was very healthy prior to surgery. My only comorbidity was being super obese. I love that I feel the “same” for lack of a better description. I still have the cast iron stomach I used to have (just a lot less of it) and basically the only change has been my hunger doesn’t control my life anymore. Part of my reason for picking the sleeve was that I wanted the surgery with fewer long term complications- if something was going to happen I wanted it to happen right away so I wouldn’t worry about it. With that said, complications in either surgery are very low. I don’t think either one is the wrong choice. If I had it to do over again I wouldn’t change a thing.
  6. 1 point

    Potential Gastric Sleeve Poll

    I'm about 8 months out from getting sleeved. Like you I was generally pretty healthy aside from my weight. For me the surgery went smoothly as did recovery. I had almost no complaints or issues. I do occasionally get reflux, but its usually when I choose to eat something too close to bedtime so I generally try to avoid that. The only other issue really is that sometimes vitamins on an empty stomach make me feel nausea. But really that's about it. I don't have any foods that give me problems or anything else really. I've been pretty lucky. Given my experience I would definitely do the sleeve again.
  7. 1 point

    And now the rest of the story...

    UPDATE Well....quit smoking! Passed my nicotine test. Pre op requirements completed. Packet being sent to insurance next week! Now the wait begins.
  8. 1 point
    Oh wow. Mine wasn’t like that at all. Mine asked why I was there, why I thought I needed surgery, what I thought the surgery would do for me, and if I knew the possibility of risks involved. Then there was the 200 yes/no questionnaire I had to fill out afterwards.
  9. 1 point
    Otherwise known as "Skinny People's Disease" or SPD. Never been overweight a minute in their life and have zero frame of reference. Because it's easy for them to stay fit, it therefore is easy for everyone to stay fit, so the obvious answer (to them) is that you're just not trying hard enough. An alternative GP would be my recommendation; their not being "in your corner" moving forward could prove troublesome for the original poster down the line.
  10. 1 point
    I absolutely do not regret it. I am 9 months post op.. I was almost 400 pounds. I've lost 144 pounds.. I still weigh 248, so I have more to lose, but it's a world of difference from where I was before and I feel amazing. As far as eating, there really isn't anything I can't have, except carbonation. I didn't drink soda anyway, but I do miss sparkling water. It's worth it not to have it, but after a year I am allowed it in moderation. I never was a fast food eater, but if I really wanted it I'd have it on occasion and just try to make a good choice. I personally don't like fast food so it's not something I have to worry about. I choose to focus on all the wonderful things I have gained by getting this surgery. I can do so much more, I can fit into so many more places, and I feel so much better. I don't feel like I've lost anything except the weight! Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
