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  1. 6 points


    As of today, I am down 120 lbs. from my highest weight. My HW was 374 when I had my first appointment with a new endocrinologist in July 2019. My A1C was creeping up again and I was put on Victoza. I made a conscious effort beginning at that point, to maximize the weight loss side effect of the medication. I lost about 60 lbs. by the end of the year. In January 2020, my insurance began to cover WLS. I had my first appointment that month. The process of classes, doctor visits and supervised weight loss was going to take a minimum of 6 months. The insurance and program mandated everything was done through program providers. There was no option to see my local doctor or dietician. Covid slowed down my progression and I also made the choice not to rush to surgery when it first became available again. By the fall, I was ready to proceed. I managed to not gain a tremendous amount back (about 8-10 lbs.) but wanted to stop the trend. I decided to schedule surgery for right before the holidays so I could minimize the time off from work for recovery. I weighed 325 on the day of surgery on 12/14/20. Today, I am 254. Surgery was relatively easy for me. I had post-op discomfort, but no pain. I was able to tolerate and progress through food stages as expected. I’ve not been hungry or overly full since surgery. I do experience old, bad habits trying to creep in at times. I know that is always going to be the case. Surgery did not eliminate my want for food nor the thought of how nice it would be to eat large quantities again. That will also be an on-going battle. The hardest daily thing for me is not to eat and drink at the same time and then to wait until time has passed before I drink again. Eating slowly and thoroughly chewing has been a challenge (with sometimes painful reminders) but I am gradually getting more mindful. I feel better than I have in years. I don’t remember the last time I weighed 250. I would like to get to 180 but don’t know if that is achievable or realistic to maintain. We’ll see. I’m tall so that weight would put me just slightly over normal weight. I recently had 3 month labs run. Everything was normal and my T2 diabetes is currently in remission. I stopped all diabetes meds the day of surgery. The pressure was lowered on my CPAP but there is still a need for it. I’m not done. Even if I never lost another pound, I’m happy with the changes and the regaining of health. One of my primary motivators was the desire to not lose mobility. I’m fortunate that I’ve never had any issues with mobility but I could see the writing on the wall if I stayed the way I was or continued to gain. I did not want to have to participate in any of the pre-surgery preparation. I just wanted to have surgery and be done. I thought I knew all there was to know. And while I did know a lot going in, I really did learn things and have benefitted from listening and following the plan provided. I did not want to weigh, measure or track my food. But I did (and continue to) and it’s paying off. I’m troubled sometimes by questions that I read on this board and it leads me to wonder about the quality (or lack of) preparation that other programs offer. It makes me grateful that for once, I listened and learned. What I take away from this board is the wisdom and experience of others who are going through the WLS process now and those veterans who share strategies that have helped. I try remember that everyone’s experiences are slightly different but I still look for common themes (same process I use when I read vacation/resort reviews).
  2. 2 points

    Last 10 pounds

    losing the last 5-10-20 lbs or so is always a BEAR. It took me FOREVER. But we're not the only people it happens to. I distinctly remember sitting at Weight Watchers meetings years ago (way before surgery) rolling my eyes at these normal weight or slightly overweight women bitching and screaming about how hard it was to lose 10 lbs. Now I totally get it!!!
  3. 2 points
    I'm only 6 months post revision, so I'm not really sure if there is a honeymoon period like I heard about with the sleeve. I too have gotten below my goal and significantly lower than I ever got after VSG surgery. But I was overweight, not obese, at the time of my revision since the surgery was done for medical reasons, not for weight loss. I really don't know why I've lost so much weight, since I feel like my insides have been healed for months. I try very hard to eat healthy and I walk 5-6 miles a day. But I would be less than honest if I said I never ate sweets, snack foods etc. I haven't been actively losing weight for the past month (only lost 1.2 lbs. in the last 30 days). I think I'm actually in maintenance, which would be great if I can just keep doing what I'm doing and maintain! If it's a honeymoon, I hope it keeps going.
  4. 1 point

    Last 10 pounds

    Hey guys! I had vsg about 9 months ago (June 2, 2020) and I am so happy I did it!! HW 287, SW 261, and CW 158. My goal weight is 150 (so close!!), but I seem to be hitting a stall. I can’t seem to go below 154😩. Any advice? I’m so happy with the results that I just want to do everything I can to stay like this and NEVER go back to that weight! Does anyone else feel nervous about regain so early post op? Any advice from those several years out who have advice as to long-term maintenance? Any advice would be appreciated 😊
  5. 1 point

    6-week update

    I am at almost 5 months post VSG and eggs are a staple in my day. I start out my day with a scrambled egg with a little goat cheese and a spoon of salsa on it (sounds gross but I love it) and I don't miss a day!! I have never been a breakfast person or an egg person but I don't start a day out without one and I have no issues. The one odd thing with me is when I eat a dense meat, like steak, I get the hiccups!! It is the strangest thing but if I eat a dense protein I get the stinking hiccups!!!! Everyones body reacts differently I guess!!! I used to love seafood of all types now just the smell of it and I run the other way! Good luck and don't let the stalls get you down just stick to your program, when your body adjusts it will start to go down again
  6. 1 point

    6-week update

    a lot of people are sensitive to eggs after surgery, but they can eventually eat them again without incident. I never had an issue with them, though, even from the start, so it's not universal.
  7. 1 point

    Denied Again

    That's such a bummer, I'm sorry. I'm worried about this happening to me, too -- my coordinator warned sometimes they won't approve for "non-compliance." Dumb. Hopefully the letter will do the trick, don't lose hope!
  8. 1 point

    Excess Weight- success or not?

    ^^^ what Hop Scotch said. 60% is the average. As with all averages, you'll find people who fall on either side of that. You'll find people who have lost 100% of their excess weight, and people who lost 20%. I originally lost 100%. I'm in the 90's somewhere now (at almost six years out).
  9. 1 point
    I havent been losing much at this point nor do I want to. I lost 25lb more after the revision and have been maintaining it now for a good 6 to 8 months. I have noticed that if I dont eat a normal 3 times or more a day my weight will drop. I had a crown done a week ago and havent been able to eat on that side and dropped 7 lbs in a week!!! CRAZY
  10. 1 point
    I've been scared and embarrassed before. When you talk to your Doc, take responsibility and be honest about what went right and what went wrong. You're not the first to be where you are, and things usually work out. Good luck, Tek

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