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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Thank you for letting me know all these Sent from my U693CL using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 1 point
    I read somewhere (but of course, don't remember where) that the participants were required to film at least one bathroom scene. I also wish there were participants who did not have backgrounds with trauma. Can't we just have some run-of-the-mill people with weight issues.
  3. 1 point

    Bad Advice and being honest.

    Me, too. Again, I might be rehashing old injuries. People here seem very live and let live, now...and WOW is that nice. A few years ago when I was starting out there was a huge judgey vibe that I'm surprised and delighted to see doesn't really exist much here now. I fear in trying to retroactively combat it...I've created a whole new version of it. Which was not my intent....and is regretable. If no one gives me **** about my diet soda and eating a good carb heavy diet....I will never, I promise, piss on anyone's enjoyment of children's vitamins. (I still think that's whackadoo personally......but I'm sure that **** I do is totally whackadoo, too. To each, their own) Peace to all paths and best wishes to all of us.
  4. 1 point
    Same here with the fruit chews, but I take Bariatric Advantage...and I LOVE them...they are like a treat...well, will be when they let me take them again! But pre-op, they were great!!
  5. 1 point
    I was a chain-diet-soda drinker until I started preparing for surgery. It was the thing I was most afraid of stopping, but I've had two sodas in the past two months and I really didn't even like them. I drink a ton of water now. But I'm still having a hard time not drinking with meals and sipping it slowly. That bothers me more than giving up soda, honestly. I have completely changed my eating habits to prepare for surgery - more protein, much less sugar. I never was big on pasta, rice, potatoes (except french fries!!), etc. I just have a hard time getting myself to eat enough meat, so mostly right now I'm eating dairy, veggies, and fruit with beans, and some meat and fish. My surgery program won't really tell me anything about what they don't allow after surgery. They just want me to learn the basics of nutrition, which is dumb, because, hello, I've read nutrition textbooks, I know what's healthy, I just can't stick to it! I've lost and regained hundreds of pounds!
  6. 1 point
    Quite possibly more than calories, is what those calories are (what is your average calorie count these days?) Since you are already taking B12, that's not likely it (B12 is more of an RNY thing than a VSG thing, but some can be intrinsically low it irrespective, or just diet is low in it for now, though most multivitamins have enough to do the job.) Overly low carbohydrates are frequently a cause of low energy in the absence of other anemia indicators, as that is where our quick energy comes from. It is what helps us chase down that antelope for dinner, or quickly climb a tree to avoid being a lion's dinner (hoping it's not a leopard chasing us!) We typically burn off our glycogen reserves (basically stored carb, held mostly in the muscle tissues) and the water that keeps it in solution first,, usually in the first couple of weeks or so, and then pause while we start to access our fat reserves to rebuild the glycogen back to a functional level - hence the typical rapid weight loss followed by the "three week stall". You may well still be trying to rebuild your glycogen stores to get you that everyday energy that you are expecting. I have seen some programs that specifically want their patients to do a bit of lightweight "carb loading" after surgery to counter this problem - things like oatmeal, cream of wheat, sloppy mashed potatoes, unsweetened apple sauce, watered down fruit juice, etc. I never had consistent energy problems as you describe, though I did run out of gas more quickly for a while - afternoon naps in the first 2-3 weeks were common and my bedtime shifted an hour or so earlier (my circadian rhythm has stayed shifted by an hour or so ever since - about an hour earlier to bed and hour earlier to get up,) but even within the first week I was outpacing my wife on our walks (granted, not a real high bar, but still....) I was back at the gym within the first 2-3 weeks, mostly to keep my wife in the habit, I basically just walked on the treadmill or did some gentle bike or elliptical work to explore range of motion, but moderate energy was there. I was up into the 900-1000 calorie range within the first couple of weeks, and the doc was adding more veg to the diet as my protein was satisfactory at 90+. I wasn't specifically carb loading, but neither was I avoiding them - just eating as healthy as possible within the limitations. Later, however, after about four months I was running into an energy wall after about an hour in the pool, and after consulting with the RD on it and added some complex carb ahead of my gym time, I found that a simple piece of toast made all the difference in breaking through that wall. So simple things can make a difference.
  7. 1 point

    Wow! Size 6?????

    Someone on the bariatric Facebook page told me we should call the "angel wings". Such a softer, gentler term!
  8. 1 point

    How Much Time Between Bites

    First, I'm not sure, but jello is not usually a culprit for chest pain? Have you contacted your doc with this info? Second, regarding the timing of bites: I got mine down to a science. I'm also pretty anal, so this may be too extra for you, LOL: Take one bite Wait 3 minutes (I used the timer on my watch). Ask myself: Do you want another bite? If yes go to Step 1. If no, go to Step 2. If I have answered no to this question 3 times in a row, I'm done eating. Go to Step 4 Put your food away in the fridge and try again in an hour or 2. Goes without saying, it took me a pretty long time to eat a meal in the early days. And I got used to cold/room temp food pretty quickly. These days (2.5+ years out) I take 2-4 bites at a time and just wait a minute or so without the need for a timer. Sometimes I don't do this as well as other days and l'd pay the price either in uncomfortable chest pressure or barfs.
  9. 1 point

    Bad Advice and being honest.

    I genuinely appreciate you Ms. Sss. 💜
  10. 1 point

    Bad Advice and being honest.

    I don't need to be anyones example and guiding light. Only adults here. People need to recognize that eating is neither a crime nor a sin, that you can cheat on your spouse but not on your sleeve or bypass and that eating something one "shouldn't" (back at "shoulding" again, huh?) is nothing that needs to be blown out of proportion.

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