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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2021 in all areas

  1. 7 points

    I Reached My Goal!!!!!

    It has been 7 months, and 2 days since my WLS. I finally hit my GOAL when weighing in this morning. I have never been this small in my adult life. It is such a great feeling, knowing that everything I worked for up to this point has been worth it. My ONLY regret is that I didn't do this 10 years ago. I have lost 81 lbs., went from a size 20 jeans, now in a size 6, (I posted a few days ago that I was a size 8, but my new jeans were actually too big, and I had to get a size 6). I am sooooooo happy!!! 😄😄😄😄😄
  2. 2 points
    As a recent sleeve to bypass patient - specifically to resolve the terrible GERD, Gastritis and Esophagitis caused by chronic acid reflux - I can so relate to your comments. I had acid reflux disease before I even had the sleeve, and my surgeon never told me that GERD could be a complication following sleeve surgery. In all fairness, I think that this has really only come to the surface over the past 5 years. Now surgeons, and GI doctors, seem to be more versed in GERD following sleeve surgery and more prone to advise patients to choose the bypass. On a positive note, I've had ZERO acid reflux since my bypass surgery October 2020. I stopped taking any PPI, and my primary care doctor is thrilled. Long term use of PPI's can also lead to bone loss in women. Best decision I made was choosing the revision surgery.
  3. 1 point

    Seeing some changes

    wowza! That's only a 3 week difference?!? There is definitely a noticeable difference. Congrats on the weight loss ❤️
  4. 1 point

    Seeing some changes

    great work
  5. 1 point

    Hospital Stay

    I only stayed one night. I had my surgery on a Thursday morning and I was discharged from the hospital on Friday afternoon. Keep in mind that it can depend on how you're doing. If you have any complications or problems, they might want to keep you in the hospital for longer.
  6. 1 point
    These are not friends, unfortunately you are finding out the hard way. They must be insecure because they are unable to compliment you for your weight loss and are condemning you to failure. Don’t let them hurt your feelings, they are not worth it. Tell them that just because they aren’t strong enough to stick with something doesn’t mean you are going to be a failure. And let them know you will be happy to pass along the name of your surgeon when they are ready.
  7. 1 point
    This person is NOT a friend. CUT TIES.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    These type of people just make me mad. And I don’t keep my mouth shut so I give it back just as good or better. It just strengthens my resolve when I hear how somebody had the surgery and gained the weight back. I also ask those people why they are not telling me about those folks who were successful and kept the weight off. Grrrrr
  10. 1 point
    MK, I'm a year out and over 120 pounds down. I drink decaf diet coke, about 1 a day, sometimes 2. I also use a straw in my Water cup every day. I eat bread very rarely these days because it makes my sleeve hurt, and I used to LOVE fresh hot bread. I baked it every week for my family pre-op. Now I do well to eat a whole small tortilla...and I'm full for way too long afterwards, so I make that a very rare thing. As for what you can never have, there's not much that you can't ever have again. That's the beauty and frustration of the sleeve. You CAN eat whatever you want once you are past the post-op diet, but you'll find yourself needing to make better choices in order to meet your Protein goals. I eat very few veggies these days and find that I have to deliberately plan them into my diet, but I eat anything I like protein wise. My sleeve doesn't like bread and it doesn't like spicy foods, but I don't miss them either. For me, the sleeve has been a godsend..and I'd do it over again if I had to in order to lose almost 120 pounds in just over a year. What would you give up to weigh 120 pounds less? I think that bread and spicy food was a great trade for me! Good luck, whatever you decide.

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